I believe that more than 50% of us are pro-life. But politicians have lied to us so many times and changed the subject so often we have given up in defeat. They will have to answer to God.
I think it all depends on how you define "pro-life" in many ways. People like to broaden or sharpen the definition to suit the point they are trying to make.
My basic view is that abortions shouldn't happen except when the life of the mother is at risk. That is in line with my own religious beliefs and, to be honest, the life of mother is an extreme circumstance that does not come up often. I don't have statistics, but I imagine that 1% of abortions happen for that reason. Now, by Mike's standards I am not pro-life. By some other standards, I'm extreme pro-life because rape and incest aren't mentioned by my position.
That said, I'd have an extremely hard time looking a rape victim in the eyes and telling her that she has to carry a baby to term. It's a situation that's very difficult to think about. It probably should be difficult to think about it. I can't think of very many other instances where the crime of one person can force the victim into a situation where they must allow what's happening to their body to happen for nearly a year.