Prayer request..
I'm under mind control by the one who claims to be the Messiah. They use Brain hacking and V2K

The Microwave Auditory Effect) technology as a means of attack.
Multiple voices (human voices can be heard occasionally, but most of them are AI-like electronic mechanical sounds and speak fluently in complete sentences) talk to me throughout the day. They first came to me as false Messiahs, and they even referred to themselves as the Holy Spirit. And They went out as a teacher to teach the Bible to me who trying to get out of this situation with faith. They constantly ask me questions about the verses of the Bible, and even teach me the original hebrew meaning of biblical terms. Basically, they know the Bible very well, and they blatantly criticize my human weaknesses based on Bible verses, leading me to consider myself worthless before God. This is done in stimulation with brainwave manipulations (This causes intentionally induced physical states such as anxiety), which made me very tired and very sensitive to all my senses. When I was most sensitive, I would hear the old woman on the other side of the avenue outside the window in my room folding the box.
This voices give me some new information or hints about every Bible verse, never giving me a complete explanation. They ask all possible questions about the verses of the Bible and induce me to verify it with my own logic. The continuing questions of these voices eventually led me to the point where questioning about God who works by His Word.
What God made me realize was that the goal of the attackers is to create the belief that Jesus Christ is a lie, and the Bible is a pun of man and man is God. They kept clouding the boundaries of God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. They did not deny the existence of God, but they have made His size and work very worthless. And by interfering with all my words and thoughts, they have been working to brainwash me the idea that every life issue that happens to me is just the result of the human thoughts.
I ask for your prayers.
Please, pray that by the authority of only God, Jesus speaks His living word to me so that all my tribulations turn into God’s testimony.
And Jesus himself, by the Spirit of God, cast out demons from me and my family members, so that their spoils be taken back to the kingdom of heaven.
And pray in the name of Jesus that the verses below become God's commands to me and each of my family members (Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak), and that our lives be God's testimonies about His only begotten Son.
“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.””
Matthew 9:38
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10
“Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness. May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to Your word;”
Psalms 119:40-41
“One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord And to meditate in His temple.”
Psalms 27:4
Thank you, thank you..