I agree.
But, it's HOW she directed him. Her statements can be interpreted differently by different people.
The fact that some take her statements as important, at the cost of, for example, the many many crimes of those that ICE is actually removing, should tell us something.
Further, those who illegally enter the country, or commit other crimes, whether migrant in nature or not, SHOULD be afraid concerning their future here. Worse, I hate that those who encouraged the millions who came across illegally, at the cost the liberals go out of their way to ignore, child sex, human trafficking, drugs, fentanyl, violent gangs, criminals turned loose repeatedly by liberal policy, illegal voting, organized and disorganized crime, jobs taken, taxpayer money supporting illegal immigrants who are not an asset to the US, and on and on and on.
I personally met a not-so-very-young-anymore Venezuelan man, (and he is far from the only one in similar circumstances): legally come to the US, sponsored by capable American friends, a solid man who has held the same job about 4 years now; who has not seen his children or wife in as many years, except in video calls, because the State Department has consigned their immigration to the Green Card lottery system. He sends his earnings to his family still in Venezuela --they have no other source of income-- and he can't get ahead in life as a result. He may never see them again, though the same State Department had no intention of stemming the flow of illegals coming across the southern border. Really??? We are going to cry because the liberal representation of the facts, full of guilt-throwing and theoretical weeping, is emotional, and opposes the conservatives??
If the tear-jerking talking-points of that liberal bishop had any substance, she would have been honest about the proportion of immoral policy going on here, not to mention the illegality and immorality of the liberal policies concerning the attempted absorption of millions unvetted and unopposed.
There was a time, when a major concern in the matter of immigration, was whether or not the "immigrant" intended the USA harm. Now, some (many) who we already KNOW intend the USA harm, are welcomed in by liberal policy, by those who swore to uphold the constitution and to prosecute the law and defend our borders, all in the name of mercy and love, and are even turned loose upon conviction of heinous crimes, to do it again, and again. It's time for a some common sense, for a change.
How can she begin to compare the fear and hypothetical suffering of the illegal migrants that is actually a result of liberal policies --don't blame this on Trump, when he is only trying to reverse the madness-- with the suffering of the 350,000 missing unaccompanied minors, and the victims of the criminals who were invited here?
I'm very much into mercy and kindness. But what the liberals in this country espouse is not mercy and kindness, no matter how heartfelt the delivery of their 'symbolism over substance'.