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I wanted to discuss patriarchy's resurgence and where Christians fit into the conversation. Should Christians be involved? If you agree, how should we address the subject? What would you say? If you disagree, how would you respond to the topic as a believer?

I'm bringing this to your attention in light of a post I saw earlier. It's an accurate representation of the dominant voices you'll encounter from both ends of the spectrum. Christian or otherwise.



the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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The problem with that picture is that it is assuming the mother is always going to be dumber than the son.

Perhaps true during the Roman Empire, among the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Dark Ages, because women were given so little opportunity to get educated.

I remember reading one daily (?) prayer made by Pharisees and one of the lines of that prayer say they are thankful to be born men, not women. They got huge problem with misogyny back in the days. Jesus didn't and even broke few cultural/religious taboos with women that aroused concern among His disciples and earned fury from His enemies.

It's not the same today. Jesus never talked about it. While Paul talked about it, Paul also left us some sort of disclaimer (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) that he adapted his teachings to different cultures. What Paul is saying that some of his teachings that worked for one culture may not work with another and may not be applicable at all to another, entirely.

It's really devastating that only few Christians out of so many are aware of it.
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I honestly believe we're going off the rails in our attempt to correct societal wrongs. The pendulum is swinging and Christians have entered the fray and instead of being beacons of light we're part of the problem.

I'm not personally bothered by those who prefer traditional roles within their relationships or marriage. It's not for me to decide. But when we co-sign untruths under the guise of biblical masculinity and biblical womanhood I draw the line. Don't put the Lord in that mess.

The delight in subjugation is alarming. Christ doesn't have His foot on our neck. As time passes the discourse gets cruder and more degenerate. And Christians are right in the middle. Detractors exist but they're the minority.

This is one of the reasons I don't support content that pokes the bear. How many videos do you need to watch to understand gender wars? How many times do you have to hear someone's struggling. After a while it's no longer informative.

People often ask themselves how did I get to this place? You get there through tiny steps and small compromises. And little offenses we won't relinquish. The more we feed them the more we crave validation. We want to know we're not alone and that's when we fall into his trap.

On our own we're bad enough but in a group we're worse. There's always someone further along. Someone who crossed a line we've never imagined. Someone who gives voice to things we're too afraid and ashamed to admit. And through their influence we're emboldened and before we know it we're just like them.

It may surprise you to learn there are people implementing that image. Mothers who defer to their sons. Children who usurp their parent's position because they're male. This is satan's order not God's and it won't be thwarted until men speak up.

This isn't where it ends. I've heard this before and the delivery was more extreme. But the end result is the same. The cessation of rights and autonomy. That's what I'm hearing now.

Women shouldn't work.
They should only be educated in things pertaining to the home.
They should hold no positions of authority.
Own no property.
All resources are transferred to the spouse (including inheritance).
They're less than men (valuable, important, etc.).
They exist for four reasons (breeding, childrearing, domesticity and sexual duty).

This isn't the blueprint we received in the garden. This isn't the way God wants us to behave. This isn't loving and doesn't right the wrongs we've endured. Only Jesus can.

Guard your mind and heart. The message was meant for you -- men -- and you are the target. He has several options for your demise. Be mindful of the snares and don't get caught.

Male supremacy

These are your landmines. They're designed to ensnare and feed your ego at the cost of your divine rulership. Don't give in. Stand your ground.

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Apr 19, 2013
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The bible says that wife should submit to the husband, but also says that the husband should love the wife as Christ loved the church.
Problem is this world is messed up today, people can't stand each other it would seem.
The bible still says that though.

All those things you mentioned shouldn't be part of a christian life, feminism either imo.
The world is going to go worse not better, 'in the last days love will grow cold'
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Dec 20, 2020
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I get tired of patriarchy vs feminism discussions, but one thing I see is this desire to go back to the patriarch resurgence is brought on by the "trads". They have a poor attitude. They think they're living more Biblical b/c they got married b/c the Bible says marriage is good, can talk about sex all they want b/c the Bible says sex in marriage is good, & are having children b/c the Bible says having children in marriage relationship is good. Anyone not married, not having sex in marriage, & not having children in that marriage relationship, there's gotta be something wrong w/ them. Maybe they don't have that desire & they should. Maybe they're just doing it wrong. Maybe they're living secular.

Traditional is not the same as Biblical. You want Biblical.

Traditional sounds good. They talk about the Bible. They talk about Jesus. Having a family united under a marriage is good & something God likes. But there's some attitudes that are based on some sort of superiority complex or something. I think they got married in their late teens early 20s & have no concept of hard getting married really can be. They had things simple so think it s/b simple for everyone. Whatever difficulty they had, they got over it in a year or so. That's a blink. How this relates to patriarchy is being married & being able to quote a Bible verse isn't the same thing. Do they want a return to the patriarchy, or do they want a return to living Biblically. May not be mutually exclusive but one doesn't mean you're doing the other either.

Like one thing I saw is 'raising a family is God's highest calling'. It's like, no, whatever God wants you do as an individual is your highest calling.

Sorry, a lot of this sounds kind of rambly! Not as cohesive as I usually am.
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May 20, 2015
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I think if we honestly evaluate things, mothers have by far the greatest impact on raising and instilling values in children. Mothers tend to be the ones who spend more time with little children. The instilling of values begins at a very young age. Why not rephrase this to parents lead/ guide children ? I don't wish to diminish fatherhood by any means. The dad obviously is important in the development of Christian character. Even Solomon extols his own mother and the wisdom she imparted to him. Proverbs admonishes us to forsake not the wisdom and counsel of both our father and mother. Children need to be led by both parents.

Secondly, I disagree that sons lead their mothers. In any Christian family, an adult child could at times correct or instruct their parent (in an attitude of respect and deference) as all Christians can at times admonish another Christian. However it is not a biblical role for children, whether sons or daughters to lead their parents. In fact, the opposite is true. That children are to honor their father and mother. So sons leading their mothers as a role (apart from specific instances or situations) is just silly and unbiblical. That's not taught anywhere in Scripture.

Thirdly, I have three brothers and a sister. I was never lead by my brothers That is not the job of siblings. That is what parents are for. If anything that just fosters sibling rivalry. Now, siblings do and should encourage each other to remain steadfast in the faith. It doesn't advise us in Scripture to be led by our biological bothers. Rather, we are to listen to all our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There no is Biblical command for submission to our actual brothers.

The only part of this I don't disagree with is that a husband leads his wife (Biblically). However, I take that to be more nuanced that what we often see presented to us as submission.

Overall, I think people would do far better in their spiritual lives if they focused more on being led by Christ. Too much emphasis gets placed by those who are dogmatic for preserving "roles" on following other fallible humans than on following Christ himself. I've seen it so often that it becomes a form of virtue signaling and self-rightousness when women focus so much on being the perfect wife. They use this to elevate themselves and put down other women who they deem to be less "traditional." I really dislike it.

It's almost never left at trying to follow scripture. They essentially make their husband the mediator of their own salvation. Not really all that different from having patron saints.

If anything Scripture would show us that the most spiritually mature person is the one who should lead. Eli listened to young Samuel. Deborah guided the nation of Israel. Barak was actually taking spiritual orders from her. God is far less concerned with maintaining rigid orders and roles than he is with the hearts of men. He can at any time reverse his own orders to suit his purposes. So it's silly really to fixate so much on roles.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I get tired of patriarchy vs feminism discussions, but one thing I see is this desire to go back to the patriarch resurgence is brought on by the "trads". They have a poor attitude. They think they're living more Biblical b/c they got married b/c the Bible says marriage is good, can talk about sex all they want b/c the Bible says sex in marriage is good, & are having children b/c the Bible says having children in marriage relationship is good.

This thread is wholly related to patriarchy. We've covered feminism in the past. But I understand the reason for the comment and wanted to acknowledge it. I know it wasn't directed at me. The bulk of the discussions online are as you've described.

I've been around the subject long enough to notice the shift and raised the question for a reason. While I intended to address it from a different angle what came out was apropos and the Lord's doing. I didn't plan to warn but the reasons are understandable.

Once upon a time there were two camps. There was a Christian message rooted in a desire to love the Lord, spouse and family as He instructs. Social influences were recognized as were the challenges to learn the things they weren't taught at home and unlearn philosophies and behaviors which undermine their walk and marriage.

Uncomfortable admissions were common. I'm spending too much time online; I needed to be more attentive to the kids or give my husband more quality time. Date nights were a positive result from that period. Dr. Laura challenged us and sometimes the message was firm but necessary.

I was listening to Dr. Laura before I settled on marriage. I wasn't in church or a feminist. But I knew she was right. Her advice mirrored my experiences and the unions were sound. They ended in death not divorce. Although I wasn't married I was part of the demographic that needed to hear it.

I could have been a stay-at-home wife and would have flourished. Not because it's trendy. It wasn't. Not because I believed it was a woman's place. I loved my work. I excel at home management and explored it on a scale that's no longer the norm. I wasn't trying to be a 1950s housewife. I went to an earlier age for inspiration.

Anyone not married, not having sex in marriage, & not having children in that marriage relationship, there's gotta be something wrong w/ them. Maybe they don't have that desire & they should. Maybe they're just doing it wrong. Maybe they're living secular.

I remember a conversation in my bible study on physical intimacy. There are things people won't admit when alone that they'll say in a group because others will agree. This was a conservative church and the woman beside me was commenting on frequency and I looked at her and said. There's two people in this relationship. You have to pick and choose your battles. That isn't a hill I'm willing to die on.

There's too much generalization and that's part of the problem. Men and women should endeavor to understand one another and our differences. That isn't the end position it's the starting point. When you understand the how the next step is why. Why do we need things the other doesn't? That's the step they miss.

Differences are maligned. They never reach the why or what follows. Once you understand the how and the why you can apply what you've learned to your circumstances. What's appropriate for your marriage may not be applicable for someone else. We keep forgetting that. We allow outsiders to have too much influence on our behavior and relationships.

Just because you're married doesn't make you an expert.
Just because you're married doesn't mean you have a healthy relationship.
Just because you're married doesn't mean you possess character worth emulating.

I prefer to build relationships with couples. I can see their dynamic and the feedback isn't one-sided. It's easy to paint a picture when you're the only one talking. I like to see their advice in action in their relationship. When it comes to confidants I broach it with him before we speak. I tell them about the person and our level of acquaintance and ask if they're comfortable with me sharing.

I don't undress my partner to the world. That includes forums, groups, email, etc. There's one person and we handle it in prayer. If the situation requires more support I'll submit a prayer request. I'm not saying it's wrong to use those channels. Sometimes that's all you have. But it's more important for me to be trustworthy and respect his privacy.

Traditional is not the same as Biblical. You want Biblical.

Like one thing I saw is 'raising a family is God's highest calling'. It's like, no, whatever God wants you do as an individual is your highest calling.

Men and women have different wants and needs. There may be overlap in some areas. But where they're lacking isn't a source of contention. That's where understanding and support come in. There's always things we don't want to do or enjoy in human connections.

The more I talk to God about my circumstances the less I discuss them. We settle a lot in prayer. Oftentimes the best response is none. Be still and let Him work. I'm exploring that on a deeper level and I'll touch on it eventually.

I have my quiet time around midnight. The period between 12AM to 3AM has the most activity in the spirit realm and that's my target. I was under the weather earlier and The Holy Spirit said, "you can pray later" because I fast on Saturday and would have another session.

I roused myself a little later and grabbed my prayer scarf and glass of water and met Him on the altar. Before I began I said quietly, "if I don't pray for him who will?" That's my conviction. I cover the people He's entrusted to me in prayer. It's the greatest service I can render and I do it every day.

If we spent more time communing with the Father we'd have less complaints and arguments. We'd be less deceived by wrong teachings and temptations. That's how the wolves and leaven get in. We don't have enough of Him to recognize the source.

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Jan 16, 2019
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Spiritual Roots of Patriarchy

Patriarchy is rooted in a spirit of control as are the landmines I referenced earlier with some overlap with a spirit of perversion. Here's an excerpt from Pigs in a Parlor on the subject.

Control spirits are found in such cases:
  • Husband or wife domineering over the other.
  • A parent showing unnatural control over a grown child.
  • A pastor being a dictator rather than a shepherd.
  • A member of a prayer group controlling the group or others in the group.
The methods of control may involve false visions, revelations; prophecies and the like. Such control amounts to witchcraft -- seeking to control another person (getting them to do what you want him to do) by knowingly or unknowingly employing the power of evil spirits.

I'm including the excerpt pertaining to feminism for evenhandedness. It falls under a spirit of rebellion.

Rebellion is the spirit of antichrist -- of disobedience and disrespect for authority. God has established authority in the home, church and civil government. God Himself is our supreme authority. To asset self-will above any level of authority of God's divine order is to entertain demons of rebellion. To remain delivered in this area requires complete submission to all God constituted authority.


The best way to understand this principle is to imagine a grocery store. Every spirit is its own supermarket so to speak. Each aisle is filled with products and teachings related to specific topics. Much like in the natural, you have one devoted to this and another to that. In respect to control, we'd have an aisle for patriarchy and another for p*ography and so on.

We don't magically appear at the grocery store. We make a conscious decision to go. The same holds true in the spiritual. You've heard where the mind goes the body follows. It's a popular saying for a reason. Most actions are the result of the things we entertain. The more we think about it the more appealing it becomes.

Control doesn't knock on your door uninvited. You have to make him welcome and you do that through your thoughts and actions. That's the green light in the spirit realm that says come hither. But we're given a remedy. When we cast down wrong thoughts and imaginations we nullify the signal. We do the same through confession and repentance.

Thoughts are magnets. Like little antennas they broadcast to the heavenlies. If you get that in your spirit you'll change your life. That's what Philippians 4:8 is referencing.

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].

Mature believers should address this from three positions.
  1. We should do as the bible states. Center our thoughts as instructed.
  2. We should repel wrong thoughts as they arrive by casting them down (disagreeing with them).
  3. We should confess the errant thoughts we've entertained and repent.
Some ideas are externally motivated. We saw something, heard something, read something, or the devil put something in our mind. The difference between external thoughts and internal ones is intent. We may stumble on something inappropriate. We didn't intend to find it.

Whereas internal thoughts are different. We've nurtured them and we're consciously aware if they're right or wrong. This is where susceptibility comes in and why I've mentioned it in the past. We're more openminded and less guarded in these areas. And may be in rebellion. They're the likeliest places for temptations to arise.

If we're thinking, doing, or consuming material that emphasizes control it'll show up eventually if we don't repent. But much like the example the guise isn't random. You won't be tempted with patriarchy if that isn't your bend. That doesn't mean he won't try to get you to that point. But easy wins come first.

We must be aware of our attractions and address them spiritually. Don't badger yourself. Just agree with God and confess it. The more you agree the less power it has. You can like it and know its wrong and still agree with God. Agreement is the linchpin. It will lose its hold in time if you persist.

But when you compromise and say it's okay and God understands you're headed for the store. It's easier to enter than it is to leave. Remember that.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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The bible says that wife should submit to the husband, but also says that the husband should love the wife as Christ loved the church.
Problem is this world is messed up today, people can't stand each other it would seem.
The bible still says that though.

All those things you mentioned shouldn't be part of a christian life, feminism either imo.
The world is going to go worse not better, 'in the last days love will grow cold'

The reality of this setup I saw among most Christian couples, even those serving in the church, preachers, missionaries, etc is they end up leading the family or leading each other in equal terms. "Co-parenting".

The difference between Christians and non-Christians/non-religious is that the Christians won't admit that's their setup because they're afraid they might be acting in defiance of Ephesians 5 teachings.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing but saying you have to read deeper into what Paul is saying in Ephesians 5 according to 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.

In fact, all of Paul's teachings should be understood based on 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. He adapted his teachings according to the culture of his present audience. Paul's teachings are not a "one-size fits all" shirt. Many of Paul's teachings we hold dear probably don't apply to us. They were letters to a particular church with their own unique set of problems.

I'm just saying many Christian couples ends up co-parenting and they don't even know it. They think the wife is submitting to the husband when they're both submitting to each other equally.

The setup works so well. Many happily married Christian couples for life have this setup (co-parenting), yet unaware of it. It's a good thing. It works because modern Christians living in western nations don't have the same problems 2000 years ago and in modern cultures that are still extremely patriarchal.
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Apr 19, 2013
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I get tired of patriarchy vs feminism discussions, but one thing I see is this desire to go back to the patriarch resurgence is brought on by the "trads". They have a poor attitude. They think they're living more Biblical b/c they got married b/c the Bible says marriage is good, can talk about sex all they want b/c the Bible says sex in marriage is good, & are having children b/c the Bible says having children in marriage relationship is good. Anyone not married, not having sex in marriage, & not having children in that marriage relationship, there's gotta be something wrong w/ them. Maybe they don't have that desire & they should. Maybe they're just doing it wrong. Maybe they're living secular.

Traditional is not the same as Biblical. You want Biblical.

Traditional sounds good. They talk about the Bible. They talk about Jesus. Having a family united under a marriage is good & something God likes. But there's some attitudes that are based on some sort of superiority complex or something. I think they got married in their late teens early 20s & have no concept of hard getting married really can be. They had things simple so think it s/b simple for everyone. Whatever difficulty they had, they got over it in a year or so. That's a blink. How this relates to patriarchy is being married & being able to quote a Bible verse isn't the same thing. Do they want a return to the patriarchy, or do they want a return to living Biblically. May not be mutually exclusive but one doesn't mean you're doing the other either.

Like one thing I saw is 'raising a family is God's highest calling'. It's like, no, whatever God wants you do as an individual is your highest calling.

Sorry, a lot of this sounds kind of rambly! Not as cohesive as I usually am.

Today the pastor (a woman) said, that the devil attacks the church, the second thing he attacks is the family, he wants all of us hating and fighting. Those 2 things the family and church, were put in place by God, and the devil wants to distort and attack that.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Today the pastor (a woman) said, that the devil attacks the church, the second thing he attacks is the family, he wants all of us hating and fighting. Those 2 things the family and church, were put in place by God, and the devil wants to distort and attack that.
Feminism/MGTOW is the result of deteriorating family values, what best thing the devil wants that the 2 genders hating each other, if not hate then less tolerant..

Extremism is never good.

The popular/trending make up / cosmetic surgery styles of women today makes them look mean and angry all the time. Like they want to be in control of everything. I don't know if that is just a coincidence or intentional and designed to look that way.
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May 20, 2015
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Today the pastor (a woman) said, that the devil attacks the church, the second thing he attacks is the family, he wants all of us hating and fighting. Those 2 things the family and church, were put in place by God, and the devil wants to distort and attack that.
I agree. A functional family unit is so important. It's more than just marriages that fail. It seems like the norm now for most is to have strained relationships with parents, siblings, and extended family members. The dysfunction within the family permeates into society. It's really sad.

Though I don't support the idea of a patriarchy the way it is presented today, I do see the pattern in the OT of families remaining closely connected and essentially being spiritually guided by their elders. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob being the prime examples. I think one of the biggest downfalls of our individualist society is that many are in such a rush to start their own lives and break away from their parents. A lot of foolish decisions are made that could be avoided if we focused more on being answerable to our family and community of believers. I'm in no way advocating for remaining in situations where parents are controlling or suffocating. Some may have to leave their family behind to follow Christ. What I see though as a theme throughout the OT and NT is the value of families. In some cases, the believers in our lives may replace our biological family members. Essentially though, we need that close knit family unit. We need to focus less on being an individual and more on being part of Christ's family. I think many of our problems arise from prioritizing our individuality more than our responsibility to others. This then results in strife within marriages, families, and other relationships.
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Overall, I think people would do far better in their spiritual lives if they focused more on being led by Christ. Too much emphasis gets placed by those who are dogmatic for preserving "roles" on following other fallible humans than on following Christ himself.

I've never understood the preoccupation of turning to others for answers. Shortcuts don't always yield good results. If we have the Spirit of God within us that should be our starting point. The bible specifically suggests wise counsel where advisement's concerned which should be our guide.

I've seen it so often that it becomes a form of virtue signaling and self-rightousness when women focus so much on being the perfect wife. They use this to elevate themselves and put down other women who they deem to be less "traditional." I really dislike it.

It's important to remember that women don't marry themselves. Many things we observe as outsiders may be co-signed or encouraged behind closed doors. 'Perfect wife syndrome' has a counterpart. Unless you're privy to the nuances of their relationship it may be appear one-sided.

I think women spend too much time comparing themselves to one another and focusing on one another as whole. You'll never see your life reflected in someone else. At best you'll see similarities. If they kept that in mind they'd experience less jealousy, insecurity and discontent.

Nevertheless, there are men who prefer very feminine and traditional women. They value a certain look, attitude and deportment. They don't want a feminist or someone with tattoos and piercings. If you have that it doesn't mean something's wrong with you. It means that man wants someone else.

There are men who want their women in dresses and skirts. They don't want them in slacks and yoga pants. Some apply the same to shoes and have similar preferences regarding hair, makeup and accessories. I know this because I've dated them as have the women I've befriended.

That isn't the norm in today's culture. When you live differently you look for likeminded people. That's how these communities came to be. They wanted a place to share their experiences without condemnation. I understand that. You don't always want to explain or feel like arguing. It's wearying.

Some men are more hands-on about their home. They value order and routines. They don't want to wonder what's for dinner or come home to chaos. They'll put a structure in place or tell her what they're seeking and allow her to find/devise a system to make it work.

That's where the 1950s influences come from. That's the closest example they can draw from that gives them something to emulate. I like the dresses but they took a lot shortcuts I don't agree with. I had a specific ideal in mind and designed a life that complemented my purpose and provided the life I sought.

To some degree it's a question of priorities and intention. We can learn from one another and appreciate the differences. But we can't mimic everything we see and that's difficult for some to accept. It doesn't mean you're lacking because you aren't the same. It doesn't mean your spouse is unloving because they have different requirements.

Many people on the Internet are trying to mimic the things they see or live vicariously through one another. And you can't. You can only be you.

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I agree. A functional family unit is so important. It's more than just marriages that fail. It seems like the norm now for most is to have strained relationships with parents, siblings, and extended family members. The dysfunction within the family permeates into society. It's really sad.

You'll find the same in churches too. The increasing rates of loneliness and isolation among Christians is problematic. I don't know if togetherness is ignored or isn't enforced in a manner that's more inclusive. That was the first thing I noticed when I returned to church. The lack of oneness. It was a source of grief for quite awhile. I always felt at home at the synagogue. They made sure of it.

I think one of the biggest downfalls of our individualist society is that many are in such a rush to start their own lives and break away from their parents. A lot of foolish decisions are made that could be avoided if we focused more on being answerable to our family and community of believers.

The principle is established by the parent not the child and begins at a young age. You have to impress the value of family and why togetherness serves them all. You don't grasp it because you're related. It's a conviction that's reinforced.

If you want your children to value your advice you need to have wisdom and your life should bear witness to the same. They see behind the facade and know when you practice what you preach. A lot of parents want to be admired but they're not admirable.

I'm in no way advocating for remaining in situations where parents are controlling or suffocating. Some may have to leave their family behind to follow Christ. What I see though as a theme throughout the OT and NT is the value of families. In some cases, the believers in our lives may replace our biological family members. Essentially though, we need that close knit family unit. We need to focus less on being an individual and more on being part of Christ's family. I think many of our problems arise from prioritizing our individuality more than our responsibility to others. This then results in strife within marriages, families, and other relationships.

Close knit families are forged. They don't happen naturally because you share the same DNA. It begins with an ethos. A familial pledge that attests to the bond and its continuance. You need vision to craft it and will to see it through. It's usually undertaken by legacy minded people who want to insure future generations.

They lay a groundwork of faith, values, support, etc. that others uphold. The most important components are the founder and heir. The first generation is usually the strongest and gets weaker the further they are from the founder. Instilling the principle in the heir is foremost and helping to do the same with their children.

When that's the goal you marry a matriarch or patriarch in the biblical sense and build on that foundation. You're looking for strength and deep convictions and someone who believes in you. It has to be someone others will follow and respect. They aren't difficult to find once you've determined that's your course.

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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
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The principle is established by the parent not the child and begins at a young age. You have to impress the value of family and why togetherness serves them all. You don't grasp it because you're related. It's a conviction that's reinforced.

If you want your children to value your advice you need to have wisdom and your life should bear witness to the same. They see behind the facade and know when you practice what you preach. A lot of parents want to be admired but they're not admirable.

Close knit families are forged. They don't happen naturally because you share the same DNA. It begins with an ethos. A familial pledge that attests to the bond and its continuance. You need vision to craft it and will to see it through. It's usually undertaken by legacy minded people who want to insure future generations.
I'm sorry but this is just not true. Children grow up into adults that have their own thoughts, motivations and desires. Sometimes it doesn't matter how well you instruct someone in the way they need to follow, they still may end up preferring and valuing their own desires above those of what they were raised with. In essence holding their own interests above those of that of their own family and sometimes at the cost of their own family or any potential damage that may be caused to them. Proverbs 22:6 as a Biblical truth & principle still holds true but there's a requisite nuance that needs to be applied, as competing influences might strangle out said instruction like seed falling amongst the thorns; especially during this current age where there are distractions left, right and centre designed to pull you away from Christ and what is good.

Also said children through the individualism that's inbuilt within our shared Western Society become exposed to the ethos of the world and all other influences that are outside of the control of the parent or any other family member. You could end up pleading in tears for your family member to see reason or appeal to their upbringing until you are blue in the face, but they may not even budge an inch in their behaviour or feelings because of the influence of the world.

LoveDivine is right, this comes down to individualism versus a Biblical worldview of loving self-sacrifice and submission. Submission to and honouring your parents is often (though not always) reflective of your submission to God. Notwithstanding circumstances where parents are walking in overt, harmful & unrepentant sin or unrepentant apostasy.
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I'm sorry but this is just not true. Children grow up into adults that have their own thoughts, motivations and desires. Sometimes it doesn't matter how well you instruct someone in the way they need to follow, they still may end up preferring and valuing their own desires above those of what they were raised with.

I'm not speaking theoretically. I'm acknowledging what I've done and what worked for us and continues to bloom. As with most things there are factors that weren't addressed. While others may struggle to do the same that wasn't my experience. Nor was I beset with a rebellious or wayward child. But I wasn't that way either.

LoveDivine is right, this comes down to individualism versus a Biblical worldview of loving self-sacrifice and submission. Submission to and honouring your parents is often (though not always) reflective of your submission to God. Notwithstanding circumstances where parents are walking in overt, harmful & unrepentant sin or unrepentant apostasy.

Children learn what they live and parents should exemplify the qualities they want them to have. I was intentional from the start and continue to share feedback as appropriate. I was hands-on and didn't rely on others to do the work. Her instruction was my responsibility. God entrusted her to me and I did a great job.

The relationship she has with Him is the result of my efforts. I didn't put her in Sunday school, the youth program or vacation bible school. We went through the bible together. I taught her how to pray, fast, study the word and worship.

That's how we do things over here. We have a family ethos and vision. We know our calling and we're purpose driven. We have a God centered reality that supports our assignment and its fulfillment. That's our priority.

I can only speak from my perspective. I'm not trying to fit every situation in my response. Bad parenting and the like are not our reality. But that doesn't make my answer wrong. Others with similar circumstances have done the same.

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I think you both are right. I agree with @Bella that parents need to lead by example. If you don't instill in your child the importance of family time when they are young, along with sacrificing for their welfare (many parents are selfish and don't make decisions that benefit the family spiritually) you can't be surprised or disappointed when the adult children follow suit and then pursue their own dreams and lives with little concern for remaining connected to the family. You also can't be a hypocrite and tell your children to follow Christ and not live it in truth yourself. Children see through fakeness and double standards.

That being said @TranquilBondservant is also correct that children have a free will. As they mature into adults they have to make the choice to follow Christ for themselves. Sadly, not all children who were raised in Godly homes respond to Christ. Some are wayward and do rebel. It's sad.
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Sorry, a lot of this sounds kind of rambly! Not as cohesive as I usually am.

Actually I think you've said it pretty well in your post, Dragon.
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That being said @TranquilBondservant is also correct that children have a free will. As they mature into adults they have to make the choice to follow Christ for themselves. Sadly, not all children who were raised in Godly homes respond to Christ. Some are wayward and do rebel. It's sad.

'Godly home' can mean many things to many people. There isn't a defined standard and our interpretation of what it entails may not have occurred. Which results in inconsistencies.

Every home is different and that has a significant impact on how free will is interpreted and expressed. Some have a greater sense of duty to familial principles than others. It can be the result of positive experiences, expectations, personal code or a combination of all three.

When I look at nature I observe a principle I try to emulate.

Good soil + Good Seed + Good Care = Good Outcome

I can't account for the unexpected. But I have a say in the soil. I can improve its condition. I have a say in the seed. I can choose with my flesh or let the Lord guide me. I have a say in the care. I can water it with prayer or neglect it. The outcome is a combination of those decisions.

I focus on the things I can control. I don't worry about the rest. If I get that right I'll improve my circumstances as a result of putting my faith in action. I don't dwell on obstacles. I focus on solutions.

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Well, I don’t really ever concern myself with what the world is up to. Not really seeing much evidence of this ‘patriarchy’ people talk about either. That term has devolved into an agenda-driven media buzzword, it’s intent being to make women resentful of men. It was an effective maneuver of satan.

No offense if anyone does enjoy this stuff, it’s just my preference..whatever Internet influencer people talk about, be they ‘christian’ or not I can’t be concerned with. If they are on the internet grandstanding about how great their ‘traditional’ life is, I have to question how ‘christian’ they really are anyway. Besides, things on the internet aren’t always what they seem, can’t believe everything ya see or hear (John 7:24). Think about it, if they really were hardcore ‘traditional’ they wouldn’t be on social media boasting about how traditional they are.

Never saw any of this stuff in the Bible about sons leading mothers and today I am so grateful to God I didn’t lead my sister LOL. But God did put it on the men to lead spiritually, and within marriage.

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
—1 Timothy 2:11-14

Also 1 Corinthians 14:34, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:22, Titus 2:5.

Even in mixed marriages where the husband is pagan or atheist, the Christian wife is to be submissive, so that the husband may be won over to God by her godliness. 1 Peter 3:1.

Unfortunately, false teachers crept in and took those verses (and many, many other unrelated verses) out of context, to present their own false ways as spiritual truths. You want to see ‘patriarchy’ as it is defined by the angry socialists, or observe ‘male superiority’, feast your eyes on this ‘sage’ ‘wisdom’:

Martin Luther:
“For woman seems to be a creature somewhat different from man, in that she has dissimilar members, a varied form and a mind weaker than man. Although Eve was a most excellent and beautiful creature, like unto Adam in reference to the image of God, that is with respect to righteousness, wisdom and salvation, yet she was a woman. For as the sun is more glorious than the moon, though the moon is a most glorious body, so woman, though she was a most beautiful work of God, yet she did not equal the glory of the male creature.”
Commentary on Genesis, Chapter 2, Part V, 27b.

That is just too interesting there..how he makes those sun and moon references. It also sounds sort of gay LOL

John Calvin
“On this account, all women are born that they may acknowledge themselves as inferior in consequence to the superiority of the male sex.”
Commentary on 1 Corinthians

“Since, therefore, God did not create two chiefs of equal power, but added to the man an inferior aid, the apostle [Paul] justly reminds us of that order of creation in which the eternal and inviolable appointment of God is strikingly displayed.”
Commentary on Timothy, Titus and Philemon

John Knox
“Woman in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man …”
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.

“Nature I say, paints [women] further to be weak, frail, impatient, feeble and foolish: and experience has declared them to be inconstant, variable, cruel and lacking the spirit of counsel and regiment [or, leadership].”
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women

Truth is, if some random dude said things far less harsh he would be referred to as an ‘incel’ or something. But unfortunately these deceivers are uplifted within the religious system. Same for the church fathers (so-called) who also had unkind things to say about women. Such as Tertullian, who referred to women as the devil’s gateway. And this ‘gem’ of ‘wisdom’ from Augustine:

“I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with, if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in bearing children, for what help could she be?”

I don’t recall Christ or any of His disciples talking about women that way. The tone is controlling, degrading. Submission in a biblical marriage is voluntary, and the husband respectful, honoring of the wife. That’s easy to see by reading 1 Peter 3 and Ephesians 5 in their entirety.

So, I am not for this internet influencer trend of ‘traditional’, or the slave-master relationship endorsed by the gurus of the religious system. God’s Word has the answers.

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
—Psalm 119:2
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