Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven


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Feb 24, 2018
Akron, Ohio
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Hi all, feel free toremove if in the wrong spot.

Four years ago on the 14th, my grandmother, whom I loved very much, passed away. She also died in a time when I was away from God and I lament not being a better witness to her while she was alive. My mother's best friend, who has been my mom's friend since they were very young and who knew my grandmother all her life and is herself a professing Christian seems to believe that she was, and I know some things about my grandmother that give me hope that she might be....

When my mom was a little girl, their family attended a Lutheran Church near where they lived every single Sunday until my grandfather was moved to working night shift. They stopped going after that because with the number of children in the family, it was too difficult for my grandmother to get herself and all of the kids ready for church without my grandfather being able to help, and I also know that while they were going there, my grandmother taught Sunday school and was baptized, though it was through sprinkling as opposed to immersion. My mother's friend also states that she became "disillusioned" with church as she and my mom got older, but what she meant by that, I don't know. But, from my own experience, I also know that going to church and doing all of those things doesn't necessarily mean a person is saved, especially since my grandmother didn't really show much of it as I got older...I do however, have things that tell me God was definitely drawing her to Himself...

My grandma at times would watch sermons on TV (yes, I do understand that some of them teach ilk) and at one point in time, a cousin of my mother's who is a very devout believer sent my grandmother a letter concerning faith based things, which my grandmother said "really affected her" in a way that I could tell was positive and joyful. My own beginnings as a Believer were difficult and very traumatic (I was sucked into a cult that spiritually and psychologically abused and manipulated me for two years and drove me nearly committing suicide) and after my grandmother passed away, I also found a notebook where she'd written things down about what I was going through during that time, things I'd been dealing with that she'd been looking into out of love and concern for me (one note she'd made was about "religious trauma syndrome"). Additionally, the way she died gives me some degree of hope that God gave her one last chance to repent before she passed...

My grandmother died in the hospital in a way that was very traumatic...she'd coded due to a medical error and after an hour of having resuscitation methods applied to her, was revived and lived for several hours afterward. Each of us in my family had a chance to say goodbye to her individually and when it was my turn, I stood at her bedside, told her how much I loved her, that I was sorry for anything I'd done that may have hurt her in my life and that ididnt want to get to Heaven and have her not be there with me, begging her that if she didn't know Jesus, to call on Him then and there..

The doctors had given her medication to make her comfortable which also made her thrash around a little bit....but when I was speaking to her, it was like her body went still and even though I'm not sure if she knew what was going on as I did, it was almost like she "sat up" in bed and looked at me....the corner of her mouth went up a little as if she was trying to smile at me and she was like that the entire time I was talking to her. I held her hand as she passed from this life into eternity and prayed the whole time that God would save her and take her home to be with Him...

It's foyr years later and I've recently started a journey back to God after being away from Him since about 2016-ish, and I wonder about where my grandma went all the time. I know the Bible says not everyone goes to Heaven and many more will be in hell than with Jesus, and I hate the thought of my grandmother being one who didn't make it. I also hurt because I feel like if I'd been a better witness to her, then she would have professed faith in a way that I could be sure of...I pray to God a lot to tell me whether or not she's with Him, but can't get a straight answer...sometimes I believe and have peace that she is, but I know it could also just be me telling myself what I want to hear...also, I have had God "speak" to me about whether or not she could be and about my witness to her, once impressing the idea on my heart that "how did I know that something I said or did when I was really walking closely with God (after I left the cult and got into a good, Bible believing church) didn't reach her heart somehow?" I know it's not much, but it's comforting.

Anyway, thanks for allowing me to at least vent this. If it's too much, feel free to remove...
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Feb 24, 2018
Akron, Ohio
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If she ever believed in Jesus for God's free gift of Eternal Life, then she is in heaven.
Thank you, this comforts me a's just, how do I know she really did? My own experiences tell me about Matthew 7:21-23, which also causes me distress, because not all faith is genuine, saving faith....I just don't know...
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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Thank you, this comforts me a's just, how do I know she really did? My own experiences tell me about Matthew 7:21-23, which also causes me distress, because not all faith is genuine, saving faith....I just don't know...
Well it is not like she had to live her whole life exhibiting faith. What gives a person Eternal Life is a one time belief in Jesus. If she ever read The Gospel of John and understood what the book was saying and believed its message then she did believe in Jesus.

Because that is the purpose of The Gospel of John to tell people how to have life (eternal life) by belief/faith in Jesus.

Did she believe Jesus is the resurrection and the life, The promised Messiah/The only begotten Son of God. Believing this a person becomes a born again child of God.

Note on The promised Messiah/The only begotten Son. These two names titles are saying the same thing. Which is Jesus is The Messiah, another way to say this is Jesus in the Son of God, these two names are interchangeable.
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Feb 24, 2018
Akron, Ohio
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Well it is not like she had to live her whole life exhibiting faith. What gives a person Eternal Life is a one time belief in Jesus. If she ever read The Gospel of John and understood what the book was saying and believed its message then she did believe in Jesus.

Because that is the purpose of The Gospel of John to tell people how to have life (eternal life) by belief/faith in Jesus.

Did she believe Jesus is the resurrection and the life, The promised Messiah/The only begotten Son of God. Believing this a person becomes a born again child of God.

Note on The promised Messiah/The only begotten Son. These two names titles are saying the same thing. Which is Jesus is The Messiah, another way to say this is Jesus in the Son of God, these two names are interchangeable.
I don't know, honestly...she may have in her younger days, but I don't know...kind of hoping that if she didn't, she had a deathbed conversion...after all, God did allow her to be revived after being dead for an hour, and she did live long enough for me to tell her about Jesus one last time...I know they happen even if it's a rare occurrence.
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Feb 24, 2018
Akron, Ohio
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How can you know her destiny for sure? I don't think you can, not in this life. Her destiny is set, wherever it may be. For now, just make sure your destiny is secure.
I've been praying about this for awhile, but just now getting close enough to God to where I think I can hear Him. This morning, I did, and when I got close enough, I felt the deepest, most aching, searing agony in my heart that one could imagine just come over me....she's not there...I'm pretty certain...and this makes everything about my life and the mistakes I've made so much worse....
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Hi all, feel free toremove if in the wrong spot.

Four years ago on the 14th, my grandmother, whom I loved very much, passed away. She also died in a time when I was away from God and I lament not being a better witness to her while she was alive. My mother's best friend, who has been my mom's friend since they were very young and who knew my grandmother all her life and is herself a professing Christian seems to believe that she was, and I know some things about my grandmother that give me hope that she might be....

When my mom was a little girl, their family attended a Lutheran Church near where they lived every single Sunday until my grandfather was moved to working night shift. They stopped going after that because with the number of children in the family, it was too difficult for my grandmother to get herself and all of the kids ready for church without my grandfather being able to help, and I also know that while they were going there, my grandmother taught Sunday school and was baptized, though it was through sprinkling as opposed to immersion. My mother's friend also states that she became "disillusioned" with church as she and my mom got older, but what she meant by that, I don't know. But, from my own experience, I also know that going to church and doing all of those things doesn't necessarily mean a person is saved, especially since my grandmother didn't really show much of it as I got older...I do however, have things that tell me God was definitely drawing her to Himself...

My grandma at times would watch sermons on TV (yes, I do understand that some of them teach ilk) and at one point in time, a cousin of my mother's who is a very devout believer sent my grandmother a letter concerning faith based things, which my grandmother said "really affected her" in a way that I could tell was positive and joyful. My own beginnings as a Believer were difficult and very traumatic (I was sucked into a cult that spiritually and psychologically abused and manipulated me for two years and drove me nearly committing suicide) and after my grandmother passed away, I also found a notebook where she'd written things down about what I was going through during that time, things I'd been dealing with that she'd been looking into out of love and concern for me (one note she'd made was about "religious trauma syndrome"). Additionally, the way she died gives me some degree of hope that God gave her one last chance to repent before she passed...

My grandmother died in the hospital in a way that was very traumatic...she'd coded due to a medical error and after an hour of having resuscitation methods applied to her, was revived and lived for several hours afterward. Each of us in my family had a chance to say goodbye to her individually and when it was my turn, I stood at her bedside, told her how much I loved her, that I was sorry for anything I'd done that may have hurt her in my life and that ididnt want to get to Heaven and have her not be there with me, begging her that if she didn't know Jesus, to call on Him then and there..

The doctors had given her medication to make her comfortable which also made her thrash around a little bit....but when I was speaking to her, it was like her body went still and even though I'm not sure if she knew what was going on as I did, it was almost like she "sat up" in bed and looked at me....the corner of her mouth went up a little as if she was trying to smile at me and she was like that the entire time I was talking to her. I held her hand as she passed from this life into eternity and prayed the whole time that God would save her and take her home to be with Him...

It's foyr years later and I've recently started a journey back to God after being away from Him since about 2016-ish, and I wonder about where my grandma went all the time. I know the Bible says not everyone goes to Heaven and many more will be in hell than with Jesus, and I hate the thought of my grandmother being one who didn't make it. I also hurt because I feel like if I'd been a better witness to her, then she would have professed faith in a way that I could be sure of...I pray to God a lot to tell me whether or not she's with Him, but can't get a straight answer...sometimes I believe and have peace that she is, but I know it could also just be me telling myself what I want to hear...also, I have had God "speak" to me about whether or not she could be and about my witness to her, once impressing the idea on my heart that "how did I know that something I said or did when I was really walking closely with God (after I left the cult and got into a good, Bible believing church) didn't reach her heart somehow?" I know it's not much, but it's comforting.

Anyway, thanks for allowing me to at least vent this. If it's too much, feel free to remove...
Your grandma is resting peacefully in the grave awaiting resurrection ... when she is awakened she will meet the Lord in the air.

None of us know who is or isn't saved ... we won't know until He returns .... regardless His judgement is righteous and we can trust it.

It is futile to worry about it ... everything is up to Jesus and we can trust Him.

Jesus does the saving ... not us.
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Jun 11, 2021
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My grandmother died in the hospital in a way that was very traumatic...she'd coded due to a medical error and after an hour of having resuscitation methods applied to her, was revived and lived for several hours afterward. Each of us in my family had a chance to say goodbye to her individually and when it was my turn, I stood at her bedside, told her how much I loved her, that I was sorry for anything I'd done that may have hurt her in my life and that ididnt want to get to Heaven and have her not be there with me, begging her that if she didn't know Jesus, to call on Him then and there..

The doctors had given her medication to make her comfortable which also made her thrash around a little bit....but when I was speaking to her, it was like her body went still and even though I'm not sure if she knew what was going on as I did, it was almost like she "sat up" in bed and looked at me....the corner of her mouth went up a little as if she was trying to smile at me and she was like that the entire time I was talking to her. I held her hand as she passed from this life into eternity and prayed the whole time that God would save her and take her home to be with Him...
Your situation sounds similar to mine. My father was dying and on a respirator when I got to the hospital. I needed to tell him I forgave him for something he did when I was a child. I wasn’t sure if he could hear me, but the nurse said the last thing that goes while on a respirator is the hearing. Miraculously as I was telling him I loved him and that I forgave him, and as I asked him to believe on Jesus, with a tube down his throat, he opened his mouth as wide as he could. I was a little shocked that he was able to open his mouth - like he was trying to say something, but the tube prevented him from speaking. That was confirmation that he heard me.

I believe the scriptures below not only applies to marriages, but to family members also:

1 Corinthians 7:16 KJV
For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?

1 Corinthians 7:14 KJV
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

Although I need more study on this, but I believe our parents are sanctified by the believing children also when the children pray for their salvation.

You did what was in your heart for your grandmother at her bedside, so now let go of the worry and leave it in God’s hands.

God bless!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
College Park
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I've been praying about this for awhile, but just now getting close enough to God to where I think I can hear Him. This morning, I did, and when I got close enough, I felt the deepest, most aching, searing agony in my heart that one could imagine just come over me....she's not there...I'm pretty certain...and this makes everything about my life and the mistakes I've made so much worse....
I just responded to another of your post regarding your needing to know if your grandmother is saved. I want to offer a word of caution. I don’t want to offend you, but I will speak the truth and hope you recognize what you are doing.

What you are doing is practicing witchcraft without knowing it. Because after a person dies, we are not to go to God on their behalf; such practices can fall into one of these categories:
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 KJV
10 There shall not be found among you any one… or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

Of course while people are alive, we pray with them and for them, but once a person dies, we do not have the right to delve into the dead. It’s a sin to pray for the dead, and we are not to pray to God about the dead - it’s unscriptural.

Luke 16:19-31 KJV

Your pastor or preacher should be able to guide you and explain what the Bible tells us about such practices.
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