Moving Back to a Stronghold


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Asking for prayer here as I seek God's will on this matter. I already posted this elsewhere which goes along with what I'm posting here.

Fri May 3, 2024

Strange that today walking to town I spotted upon a rear window of a vehicle these words "Life is Better In the Woods"

Screenshot 2024-05-05 6.09.34 PM.png

Then tonight at service we watched "War Room" about fighting through prayer.
Find out what your enemy is doing and make a plan.
Take back that mountain, that 'suicide hill" for Jesus. Count the cost. I did. I saw an open door. I made a plan. God changed my plan.

Prayer strategy. Seek, Trust, and stand on His Word: Plead with God for what He can do, then get out of the way and let Him work and do it.

Fearful. I been fearful. "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Rev 21:8
Fearful of Going back? Well God's ways are not my ways. Am I looking for an easy way? Everything right here where I am now at my fingertips with everything set up?
What was I afraid of? The old community? Afraid of demons, magic, spells, Lucifer?
"It's time for you to FIGHT!" the old lady prayer warrior on the movie said immediately as I wrote that!
Take back my house, it's Yeshua's house, it don't belong to Satan, and for far too long Satan has ruled that hill, and he's stolen, and killed and destroyed.

I'm not kidding when I say that. The neighborhood has had between 15 - 20 people population at any given time between 2004 and 2019. There have been 8 deaths: 3 murders, 3 suicides, 2 natural.

The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, therefore Satan cannot have that hill, and death must release its grip. Take back my house, for it does not belong to the devil no more: cleanse out all the blasphemy, cursing, sex, the alcohol, drugs, any spirits of insanity from the 5 insane girls who lived there, for every single one of those 5 had serious mental problems: bipolar, schizophrenic, severe anxiety, histrionic personality disorder, schizoaffective, delusional, Multiple personality disorder. Besides that, all those relationships were either fornication or adultery, and the one I was married to started off as adultery while she was still married.

Even though I've long since repented of this wicked evil, I know spirits can attach to things, and I know I'd have a lot of housecleaning to do, including photographs, books, occult I wrote here,
I ask the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood shed to cleanse the mess I made by accepting all this as Solomon with his strange wives, for adultery, and sin, and any evil spirits this brought about. Break down the pagan stones and destroy any occult books and objects, I shall do this upon return and burn them in Jesus name as they burned the 50,000 pieces of silver worth of curious arts paraphernalia in Acts!

Exodus 14:14 "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace."
Hannah gave me that verse in 2020.

Sunday, May 5th
Pastor was preaching this morning and quoted Romans 8:26, "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."

He helpeth our infirmities, not helps us smooth the path and get rid of the infirmities. Don't be afraid of that mountain, don't be afraid of that HILL, don't be afraid of that valley. That's what he said. That HILL.
What was once used primarily for darkness should now be used for light, to bring light to that little community.
All that on the left of the road and below that open area is mine. And people who go there say they feel negative energy, heaviness, and dark. This needs to be done with. I cannot be fearful. It don't matter what was done there by me or anyone else. JESUS is stronger than all that and He resurrects the dead, and destroyed the devil who has power over death, and He sets free from bondage!
And I want a little chapel in the lower part across from where that curve in the road is, that's where I began a stone structure years ago....

Screenshot 2024-05-05 6.23.55 PM.png


CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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Asking for prayer here as I seek God's will on this matter. I already posted this elsewhere which goes along with what I'm posting here.

Fri May 3, 2024

Strange that today walking to town I spotted upon a rear window of a vehicle these words "Life is Better In the Woods"

View attachment 347237

Then tonight at service we watched "War Room" about fighting through prayer.
Find out what your enemy is doing and make a plan.
Take back that mountain, that 'suicide hill" for Jesus. Count the cost. I did. I saw an open door. I made a plan. God changed my plan.

Prayer strategy. Seek, Trust, and stand on His Word: Plead with God for what He can do, then get out of the way and let Him work and do it.

Fearful. I been fearful. "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Rev 21:8
Fearful of Going back? Well God's ways are not my ways. Am I looking for an easy way? Everything right here where I am now at my fingertips with everything set up?
What was I afraid of? The old community? Afraid of demons, magic, spells, Lucifer?
"It's time for you to FIGHT!" the old lady prayer warrior on the movie said immediately as I wrote that!
Take back my house, it's Yeshua's house, it don't belong to Satan, and for far too long Satan has ruled that hill, and he's stolen, and killed and destroyed.

I'm not kidding when I say that. The neighborhood has had between 15 - 20 people population at any given time between 2004 and 2019. There have been 8 deaths: 3 murders, 3 suicides, 2 natural.

The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, therefore Satan cannot have that hill, and death must release its grip. Take back my house, for it does not belong to the devil no more: cleanse out all the blasphemy, cursing, sex, the alcohol, drugs, any spirits of insanity from the 5 insane girls who lived there, for every single one of those 5 had serious mental problems: bipolar, schizophrenic, severe anxiety, histrionic personality disorder, schizoaffective, delusional, Multiple personality disorder. Besides that, all those relationships were either fornication or adultery, and the one I was married to started off as adultery while she was still married.

Even though I've long since repented of this wicked evil, I know spirits can attach to things, and I know I'd have a lot of housecleaning to do, including photographs, books, occult I wrote here,
I ask the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood shed to cleanse the mess I made by accepting all this as Solomon with his strange wives, for adultery, and sin, and any evil spirits this brought about. Break down the pagan stones and destroy any occult books and objects, I shall do this upon return and burn them in Jesus name as they burned the 50,000 pieces of silver worth of curious arts paraphernalia in Acts!

Exodus 14:14 "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace."
Hannah gave me that verse in 2020.

Sunday, May 5th
Pastor was preaching this morning and quoted Romans 8:26, "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."

He helpeth our infirmities, not helps us smooth the path and get rid of the infirmities. Don't be afraid of that mountain, don't be afraid of that HILL, don't be afraid of that valley. That's what he said. That HILL.
What was once used primarily for darkness should now be used for light, to bring light to that little community.
All that on the left of the road and below that open area is mine. And people who go there say they feel negative energy, heaviness, and dark. This needs to be done with. I cannot be fearful. It don't matter what was done there by me or anyone else. JESUS is stronger than all that and He resurrects the dead, and destroyed the devil who has power over death, and He sets free from bondage!
And I want a little chapel in the lower part across from where that curve in the road is, that's where I began a stone structure years ago....

View attachment 347238
I will pray that there will be no more premature deaths in the neighborhood of 15-20 individuals, and that the stone chapel could be built, to help Christians in the rural community.

As an aside, do you have the blueprints of the chapel ready and materials required to build it?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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I will pray that there will be no more premature deaths in the neighborhood of 15-20 individuals, and that the stone chapel could be built, to help Christians in the rural community.

As an aside, do you have the blueprints of the chapel ready and materials required to build it?

I've got sketches. The materials are on site, (The stone) except for the concrete and the lumber I'll need for the top wall and roof, and a metal roof. Windows & door I can purchase. It's only going to be like 14 X 24 or 16 X 24. Still that could hold 25 - 30 people comfortably.
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I've got sketches. The materials are on site, (The stone) except for the concrete and the lumber I'll need for the top wall and roof, and a metal roof. Windows & door I can purchase. It's only going to be like 14 X 24 or 16 X 24. Still that could hold 25 - 30 people comfortably.
If you need concrete, there are probably local builders in your area that could supply it for a discount, if you ask nicely. :)
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@Kokavkrystallos , so your profile says that you are from Farmington? Is that Farmington Utah? There are a few concrete companies there, some with nearly 5 stars. If you want, you or I could ask the companies about a discount to help build your chapel.

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Electric Nightfall
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Dear Lord, I pray that you would bless this worthy endeavor, for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the dark powers in the heavenly places. In Christ's Name, Amen.

In addition to what Alex has suggested, OfferUp might have some free or heavily discounted concrete.
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