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Maybe? jumping ship?

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Mar 22, 2006
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porterross said:
We must all pray that those allowing the Church to move away from the Scriptures and our Doctrine. :prayer:

These things you have listed as those statements of believe are not of Christ and it is so sad to see the ELCA going in the direction it is, but it seems to be going the way of Liberal society which saddens me deeply.:(

My pastor said even tonight that he feared one day in the near future the Scripture itself may not be spoken freely in this country. What is America coming to? Are we to become the very type of Christian scorning country that we were formed to escape from? As liberals demand more freedom from Christ's presence in our society, we Christians lose more of our rights to express our beliefs. This is indeed worrisome.

The only positive that I can imagine all this is that as the world turns it back on God, the time of His return draws nearer. In this, we Christians can find peace and joy.

I will pray for you and your church and that God leads you to a congregation firmly rooted in the Word of God. Being raised in the Missouri Synod, I cannot empathise with you, but being removed from God for too many years, I can tell you of the joy of being part of a family that delights in the Word again.

Peace in your heart and welcome.
Well we are going to visit a different church this weekend. I think we are going to go back to the LCMS. I just feel drawn in my heart back to the core of my beliefs and that they may represent that the best, certainly better than my current ECLA church. I am sad for them and pray for them. They are being misled (IMO) and I am concerned for them.

Am I wrong to walk out? Should I stay and try to fight the good fight? I don't like to "cut and run" but I know I am not being "fed" there and I truly need that. :pray:
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Smash the Patriarchy!
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mmckeen said:
Am I wrong to walk out? Should I stay and try to fight the good fight? I don't like to "cut and run" but I know I am not being "fed" there and I truly need that. :pray:
I would encourage you to find a congregation that teaches the truth.

I sent my resignation letter to the pastor at my old ELCA church this past Wednesday.

Pastor Tom,

I request to be removed from all Zion membership references. In addition, if there is a process I must follow to be removed from membership in the ELCA, I would appreciate it if you would inform me of what I must do to have this done.

I want to make it clear that leaving is not a decision that comes easily. I have no hard feelings against you or anyone at Zion, or the ELCA, for that matter. My reason for leaving is purely doctrinal in nature. I have known that this was the right decision for me for the past couple of years, yet I have stayed against my conscience, and I regret that it created such stress for me, that I lashed out time and again, hurting you and others. Please forgive me for this sin. I have attached a document further explaining where I stand, and why I cannot continueto be affiliated with the ELCA.

The people of Zion are still in my heart. My prayer for the Church is that we all embrace correct doctrine, so that we may at last be one in faith and united in Christ, here on Earth. As that does not seem to be the direction we are heading, I still expect to see you in Heaven, if I do not see you before then.

God Bless,

I Confess…
Daniel M. Head

Everyone has their own confession of faith. Some don’t know or understand what their confession is, and some keep their confession secret, but do not be fooled, everyone believes something. The Church has always been based upon Christ, and those who are of the Church were... are... of one accord; of one faith. As I declare my confession publicly, I invite correction. If my confession is to be found in error, I pray that God suppress my sinful nature that is so often expressed as pride, so that I may admit my error, repent, and confess only the Truth.

I believe that the Historic, Confessional Doctrines of the Evangelical Lutheran Church to be the truest reflection of Christian Truth, therefore, let the following be my public confession.

Holy Scripture
Holy Scripture is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God; the only norm and source for faith andteaching. All that is taught therein is necessary to a true understanding of doctrine and saving faith. Holy Scripture is to be interpreted literally; as per the literature form (prose as prose, poetry as poetry, apocalyptic as apocalyptic). Either to take allegorically what is written as literal (ex. Genesis/Creation story), or to take literally what is written as allegory (The thousand years of the millennium), is to do violence to Holy Scripture, and cannot be condoned.

Holy Baptism
Through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, we are regenerated through the water by God’s Word and reborn as children of God through the Saving Faith given by the Holy Ghost. Children are to be baptized who, being offered to God through Baptism are received into God's Grace. The teaching that Baptism is other than the very Salvific Grace of God in the water by the Word, and the teaching that children are not to be Baptized until some unscriptural “age of accountability” are false and reprehensible. The True Church cannot be in fellowship with any “church” which teaches falsely concerning the Holy Sacrament.

The Lord's Supper
The true Body and Blood of Christ is present, in, with, and under the bread and wine. In this Holy meal, we are assured of the forgiveness of sin. The reception of Holy Communion is an act of fellowship with the Triune God, wherein we gather with other believers who are one in faith and doctrine. Only those who are one in faith and accept the doctrine of faith as set forth in the Holy Scriptures and the Confessions should commune together (close communion). The practice of open communion is a recent innovation that has no place in the life of the Church, and endangers those who would partake without recognizing the body. The True Church cannot be in fellowship with any “church” or individual who teaches falsly regarding this Holy Sacrament.

Private Confession
As stated in the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, and explained in the Small Catechism, private confession should be retained, and should not be neglected, but greatly and highly esteemed in the church.

Sanctity of Life
Scripture clearly and consistently upholds the sanctity of human life. The taking of human life beyond that which is authorized by God is an act of evil. All human life has intrinsic value, and God calls upon us to protect the helpless. Because abortion results in the death of a helpless unborn person, it is never justified except in those rare and tragic circumstances when the continuation of the pregnancy would clearly threaten the life of the mother. Any other attempt to end the life of another (or of self) is equally evil, such as suicide, euthanasia, or the withholding of primary needs (food, water, basic medical care).

Creeds & Confessions
As an evangelical catholic, orthodox/confessional Lutheran, I accept the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord, because (quia) they are a faithful and accurate summary of Biblical doctrine. These symbols are not a rule of faith beyond or supplementary to Scripture, but a summary of Scripture and the doctrines of the church catholic.

Marks of the Church
The true Church exists where the Holy Gospel is taught and preached in its truth and purity, and where the Holy Sacraments are rightly administered. Where the Sacraments are not, there the church is not. Where the Word of God is corrupted, the church is absent.

The Mass
The Mass should be retained. In its truest form, the Mass is as old as the Church Herself. Indeed, in the words of the Augsburg Confession, “the Mass is retained among us, and celebrated with the highest reverence.”

Knowledge of the Truth
It is possible to both know and to profess the truth of God's Word, and this is exactly what God requires us to do. Taking a confessional stand on the Word in matters of doctrine, after diligent study of Scriptures, is an act not of human pride but of humble submission to God.

Human Sexuality and Marriage
The Divine institution of marriage is described in the Bible as between a man and a woman. The only sexual relationships that are consistent with Scripture occur lovingly within this Holy bond. Anything that falls outside of this order is sinful.

Roles of men and women in the home and in Church
God created man and woman in his own image. In 1 Corinthians 15:28, the Son is said to be subject to the Father, this is not a state of inferiority, but of order. Neither is the order of family life a statement of superiority and inferiority, with the woman submitting to the husband, and the husband loving and serving his wife as Christ loves and serves the Church. The same order is present in God’s plan for the Church, God has stated through His servants, roles of man and woman in His Church. This is not a statement of ability or of superiority/inferiority, but of order. The Church stops being the Church when it discounts God’s Word and implements its own order contrary to that Word.

Only those “traditions” which are in contradiction to Scripture should be eliminated from the Church. All traditions that can be kept should be kept. Those traditions that are adiaphora should always be kept in preference over novel practices, unless doing so would be sinful or extremely burdensome. "Inasmuch, then, as our churches dissent in no article of the faith from the Church Catholic, but only omit some abuses which are new, and which have been erroneously accepted by the corruption of the times, contrary to the intent of the Canons..." - AC, and “...without a reasonable cause nothing in customary rites be changed, but that, in order to cherish harmony, such old customs be observed as can be observed without sin or without great inconvenience.” – Apology

No longer may I, in good conscience, knowingly associate with any church that teaches contrary to correct doctrine, for by doing so I make myself a liar, and bring guilt upon myself. It is neither loving God or neighbor to accommodate the teaching of false doctrine. Let this be my confession in life, and God willing, May I one day stand before the Throne of the Lamb and confess the same. Amen!
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Mar 22, 2006
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DanHead said:
I would encourage you to find a congregation that teaches the truth.

I sent my resignation letter to the pastor at my old ELCA church this past Wednesday.
Dear Dan,

Thank you for sharing this. I appreciate the efforts and "pain" I assume went with leaving your home church but I fully understand the need to be honest with your beliefs.

I will let you know how my search goes if you don't mind. I am blessed to have a forum like this where I can be exposed to people that are willing to provide wisdom, guidance, and support.

God Bless you...
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Heaven Bound
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Nov 28, 2004
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DanHead said:
I would encourage you to find a congregation that teaches the truth.

I sent my resignation letter to the pastor at my old ELCA church this past Wednesday.

Hi Dan

I've been looking for just the right words to say, but I can't find them.

So I will simply say .. Go in peace brother-and God be with you.

I hope more people are given the courage to follow your steps and seek the truth.
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Once again...the Outsyder...
Feb 5, 2005
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I would encourage you to find a congregation that teaches the truth.

I'm going to still try to force the system...I have joined WordAlone and the Lutheran CoRe...I (perhaps naively) still think that the ELCA can be brought back from the brink...There are a lot of us...and the ELCA is starting to figure that out...we'll see...as I have posted previously I am tired of Church hopping...so I'm going to try to fight...GOD bless us all...
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Heaven Bound
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Nov 28, 2004
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Hus1415 said:
I'm going to still try to force the system...I have joined WordAlone and the Lutheran CoRe...I (perhaps naively) still think that the ELCA can be brought back from the brink...There are a lot of us...and the ELCA is starting to figure that out...we'll see...as I have posted previously I am tired of Church hopping...so I'm going to try to fight...GOD bless us all...

MayThe Good Lord be with you Ken. I hope it works. :thumbsup:
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Lifetime friend of Dr. Luther
May 5, 2004
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Leaving a church is never easy, but as Martin Luther said to the diet at Worms,

"Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other—my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe." According to tradition, Luther is then said to have spoken these words: "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen"[8].

I see that what Dan is doing to be close to what Luther did. Dan has gone against his conscience for too long and it has stressed him.

If you are considering leaving your current church for another, be honest with yourself about the reasons you are leaving.
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