I enjoyed reading your post. The world has lied to us regarding marriage, even some churches have bought into worldly lies. To overcome that I go back to what God has commandedFor me, it did not work and would never work because it was cravings for physical touch that drove me into relationship. A literal simple desire for hugs and back rubs. Why put a bunch of emotional effort into a guy on the internet when I don’t even know whether he will ever hold me? The speculation was emotional and physical torture.
Many people, especially women, are more invested in the emotional and spiritual elements of relationship, the more “words of affirmation” love language. They want encouragement and spiritual elevation, cute gifts, small deeds, sappy cards. For those types, the long distance works because they need that. They open their computer, someone says they are the greatest, they feel better and hopeful about their lives.
But men seem to be more physically oriented, looking at women, ranking them on number scales, etc. I mean, why go through a whole bunch of emotional effort for a woman you can’t even see and you don’t know whether she’s 10 or a 2? I’m not quite wired that way (I value kindness, willingness to solve problems, thoughtfulness, and other character qualities in my boyfriend) but I have an obnoxious visual side to me that really cannot be denied, in spite of the obvious female language proficiency that I also possess. No hugs? No relationship. Lack of physicality is actually a deal breaker for me, I have discovered. Pawn to e4, purity culture physicality paranoia. Your move! I have the right king and the right bishops on this board and you are going down!
So I think it has less to do with money and more to do with physicality, at least in my particular case. I do think that you should pursue what you want in a realm where it is actually possible though. Otherwise you’re just chasing a dream, not a real relationship, and thus opening the doors to lust.
Money I’m not really sure about. Part of the money thing is practical, as it is hard to a feed a baby and work at the same time, and the other half is laziness and greed on the part of women, I think. My experience so far has been that if you’re willing to do the work of solving problems and taking care of another person, the money will take care of itself. It’s less about the numbers in your accounts and whether you’re willing to move boxes, cook meals, do laundry, or fix a backyard for an elderly couple. On the internet, that isn’t visible. What good is being married to a 250K guy if you have to wait on him like a slave and he never takes care of you? 0$
Generally speaking, the world is dumb. You’re never looking for the rule, you’re looking for the exception to the world that gives you what you want.
As a man, I am commanded to love my wife and give myself for her. How can I love without showing affection, emotional and physical?
My giving myself for her is that she has a right to my labor. I go out and make a living to relieve her of that burden.
She is commanded to be subject to me, but I cannot demand it of her. Unless it is voluntary, subjection is slavery, and I don’t want a slave, I want a wife. God created her to be a helpmate, not a competitor.
In marriage we are to join together as one flesh to build something bigger than ourselves. That is our house, our home and our family
Give into lust? That can all be destroyed. No one is ever able to satisfy all of our desire for pleasure. If that is what we concentrate on, we will fail. So much more to learn or unlearn about marriage in the modern world. I’ll stick to obedience to God rather than getting jollies off the internet