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Kat Kerr - Powerful Testimonies of Heaven

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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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We were talking about whether or not God put "Christmastown" in Heaven to offend people. It was not a slight against you, and God didn't put it there to offend anyone. You chose to become offended by it. It's your choice to receive it or not.

The part I was responding to was what I quoted, you speaking to me, about me, personally.
That's very sad. You know God put a little something in me from the very start about you and that He loves you very much. I'm to pray for you. I know for a fact that He's not at all into the judgments you make in the Spirit Filled section and you often bring judgment into your own life. God will not violate His Word.

Yet He loves you just like He loves everyone else. He does not want to see people He dearly loves bring trouble (serious trouble) onto themselves. I hope He gets your attention. It's not a requirement to read anyone elses book to go to Heaven. It is a requirement to reserve your own judgment as one who pronounces from the gavel.​
I just wanted to let you know that whatever you think told you I'm having many even serious troubles, and many of my own making, wasn't accurate.

I'm not offended. It's ok, I'm a big boy. Her work doesn't offend me anymore than any other work of fiction.

I felt you should know whatever you thought you felt concerning bringing troubles on myself wasn't true. I've been quite blessed lately and He's caused me to be able to be a blessing to others around me as well. If He's had a problem with what I've said in SF/C, He's been quite merciful about it. If you think I ever make the "judgments", as you called them, without prior prayer, study, and contemplation, then you don't understand anything about it at all.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
If He's had a problem with what I've said in SF/C, He's been quite merciful about it. If you think I ever make the "judgments", as you called them, without prior prayer, study, and contemplation, then you don't understand anything about it at all.
I'm glad. But yes, if one speaks against a myriad of ministers (attaching the same accusations of deception you described in the post I quoted, it brings trouble into your life (whether or not you're aware of it). He won't violate His Word. The whole "false teacher" kind of thing with anointed ministers is what I was referring to.

You didn't hesitate to "thank me" for all of the demonic deception you judged (contrary to this congregations SOF) and contrary to the Word (with prayer, study, and contemplation). I have been patient about this in the hope that you'll consider what the Word says about the very things you criticize.

The admonition not to judge in this way is a good one (addressed specifically to you, since you hammered in here in the manner you did). Although you seem to be somewhat taken aback that this is even objectionable, you already know it's out of order. I have no wish to "muddy" this thread with any further discussion about it. I hope you can read and consider what is presented here without any more accusations pointing toward demonic deception.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

AA - I wanted to share part of Henry Gruver's testimony.
I just included the Heaven bit. He was involved in a major car crash and died at the scene. His family prayed for him to come back. He had an amazing view of the galaxy before he came back. He still made it to the wedding he was on the way to see!

Later he was praying in a church with some older folks and his wife and he left his body on the floor (saying "Holy, holy, holy! throughout). Here's what he said...

Henry Gruver's Heaven Visit pt 1

"Everything here is so degenerate compared to what is in Heaven. Heaven is so pure and perfect. There's nothing in Heaven that is imperfect or impure. So it is difficult to adequately explain this to you. I want to go on to explain the robe, and my eyes fell on the robe, the white garment that this person was wearing in front of me. I call it a robe because it was one continual flow, like a gown. I couldn't tell you if the person in front of me was a man or a woman. That didn't catch any of my attention. It didn't even catch my thoughts because what caught my thoughts was the white raiment that that person was wearing. as I looked at that, number one, I had never seen raiment so white. It glistened. It was alive! It was radiant! It was white. It was radiant with purity.

It was radiating something from it. It was speaking a message straight to my innermost being. And as I walked and tried to get a little closer, I forgot about the entire environment of Heaven. Watching that garment, because that garment was speaking to me. And all of a sudden, I begin to realize in looking at the weaving's of that garment; what it was saying. That white raiment was giving me a complete testimony of every work of righteousness that person had done in their life. I could literally read every good deed they did unto the Lord Jesus Christ in their life. Their entire garment gave a whole entire account of the works of righteousness that they had done from the day they became born again.

And I feel inadequate again to explain this portion to you to help you, but I must help you in some way to understand that it feels so feeble about it, because it's difficult for me to talk about this part because I want to choke up. It's hard. But I'm gonna do the best I can to understand that garment, as it was speaking the works of righteousness to me. It made me so in love with Jesus. It just filled my heart with such gratitude that everything in me wanted to run into the arms of Jesus, and just get lost; tell Him I loved Him; the works of righteousness so emanated His character; His love; His equipping; His gentleness; His longsuffering; all of His virtues, and all of His traits came through in testimony of that person's works of righteousness. In a way that made me want to live my life pure, holier and more righteous than I ever have before. It challenged me to want every second of my life to serve Jesus."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
"And as I was walking and following, and looking on this garment, my heart and my whole being was swelling with praise. All of a sudden in my peripheral vision, a long golden pavement, I looked and I saw these beautiful colors, and I looked down, they were flowers. I have never on the earth, and believe me, I've loved flowers since I was a little boy..."

"Well, I love flowers, and if you have a love for something, here on the earth, when you get into Heaven, you will be drawn to the perfection of beauty of what that is. Do you believe that? It really will."

"And so I was drawn to these flowers. And I'm looking at them, and I'm saying (I didn't say it with my mouth. I didn't have to speak anything.), I said it in my mind. No verbalization was needed. In my thoughts I said, "You are so beautiful! I have never seen such colors and such beautiful flowers in perfect in all of the fragrance; as sweet can be. And I no more than thought that, and all of the stems of these flowers, where the leaves come out, all of a sudden, the leaves started doing "this" on the stems (clapping) all over on those flowers, the leaves were clapping their hands."

"The faces of those flowers turned away from me and turned another direction. And I heard the sweetest singing coming out of those flowers. They burst forth, but I wanted to burst forth in gratitude in watching the white raiment. they literally broke loose into the sweetest singing. And I can tell you the words they sang. I'll never forget them..."

"But they were singing this song, "All praise, all glory, and all honor and thanksgiving to the Father for creating us and counting us worthy to serve the redeemed."

"And as they sang this song, their words turned into like "prismatic light". A prismatic light, I followed it with my eyes. I could watch the light moving. And the light was moving and I watched it with my eyes and followed it and it went up to this hill. And then as I looked over this hill was coming the most beautiful glow. All of Heaven where I was had a glow, but that had an extra glow! Instantly when I saw that glow, I knew that it was the throne that I was looking at. I didn't see the throne. It was on the other side. but I was seeing the radiation from the throne, and the light that emanated from those flowers, as they sang, went to the throne."

"And I was made to understand that all of God's creation, that all of life when it gives honor and glory and thanksgiving and praise back to the Father for creating it; it's reciprocating from the cycle of life. And it is regenerated in that matter. Because as the river of life flows from beneath the throne, so does the essence of all life flow from the throne. So when you give thanks, you are literally being regenerated. You're being recharged. And everything in heaven is being regenerated continually in the presence of His glory."

So you see, the perfection of beauty. You see no degeneration. In the Word of God it says, that we are being changed into His likeness, from glory to glory. Here a little, there a little. Line on line, precept upon precept."

"I know to us, it seems like it's just way too long. It's not happening fast enough. As you know the reason for that. Please understand. I've asked the reason for that. He said "because I would that not one would perish. I am longsuffering with mankind. for they have chosen the ways of darkness, and the ways of the world. But I have chosen to redeem who soever. And I will plead with them, until I see that the table is overturned, and there would be too many would be lost if I allowed it to go any farther. And I will have to step in, and I will have to intervene; purge the land of the corruption, lest everyone is corrupted through it."

"This is what I meant a while ago when I asked you if you understood. what the scriptures means, when Samuel the prophet told Saul, "Utterly slay all; men, women, and children, and everything that breathes and moves." The reason he had to do that is because they had become so vile and so corrupt as I mentioned to you, the measure of corruption that is now in our land is degenerating our nation rapidly..."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
"Let's go back to Heaven! I again, was so filled. I couldn't hold it anymore! It's like I was filled to the brim with thanksgiving to the Father, and gratitude for all of the work that He had done in this persons life, and for all of His attributes being portrayed in the testimonies of that fine linen."

"I was filled enough then,I thought I was ready to boiling over, and then when I saw these flowers doing this, that did it! And I couldn't help it. I turned toward the throne, and all of this began to come out of me in a song. and I too joined in. But I sang this song of the redeemed. And I could sing the song of the redeemed from the deep, the song literally came from down deep in the inner recesses of my being. None of the song came from between my ears, or the top of my head. I came down from my innermost being. My ears heard it. In my ears, it's like they said to me. Yes! Yes! Yes! That's right! Keep it up! You know what i mean? That's what He's worth of (Yes!). My faculties that could understand was in total agreement with what was coming forth from me. It was in perfect harmony with what I had seen in the fine linen, and that I'd seen in the flowers."

"I was caught up in doing this, when all of a sudden, out of my left ear, I heard more singing. so I turned and I looked to see what was happening. the person that I had been following had stepped off of the pavement of gold, and I looked and I could see kind of footprints, lke he was heading into the third and fourth step. The blades of grass that he had his feet, had stepped on, were singing the same song as the flowers. Every step, the song was louder, but yet it was so sweet and it was so soft. Never once was anything overbearing in Heaven. It stayed in perfect unison and perfect harmony, yet the grass had a different tone from the flowers, and it's blending in, only blended in the more beautiful harmony, or to a more beautiful harmony..."

"But now I'm looking, and it's getting louder and louder. In a sense, I can't say "louder and louder". It's becoming more significant that more voices are joining in. And it is joining in. The flowers are singing and still clapping their leaves. Now the grass is singing. It wasn't clapping its blades together. It was just the sweetest tone coming out of the grass. And I'm watching, and the same emanation of light is in the song going toward the throne; I saw it going and it went right toward the throne. Every blade of grass is joining in, in this prismatic light that goes toward the throne in worship. And it's just joining more and more."

"And I'm just rippling with joy, but I have to keep watching, because I'm watching this person. And I see that they are going toward the tree, such as I have never seen in my life. this tree, but I didn't take time to count the number of different kinds of fruit on it. But it had numerous types of fruit on it that I had never seen the likes of in my life."

"It was the healthiest leaves, most beautiful healthy leaves on the tree. Loaded with fruit from top to bottom. and the person walked up to this tree, reached their hand out just like"that"; right about three to four inches underneath one of these fruits, and the moment the person just opened their hand like "that", the fruit very gently dropped into their hand."

"The tree "knew the thoughts" of the person and freely gave of its fruit. then, every leaf on that tree began to clap together. Out of that tree was like a massive choir that filled Heaven with music of the flowers and the grass. and it was like a massive choir, in perfect harmony, worshiping the Lord. "

"And that tree just swayed like it was in a dance. Singing unto the Lord. and you know in the Word of God, it says that "the mountains and hills shall break forth into singing before You; and the trees of the field shall clap their hands". What are their hands? the leaves. All of creation rejoices in the Father."

"And as I stood doing that again, I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and I had to worship the Lord! And I continued to worship the Lord, and then all of a sudden, I was back down on the floor; feeling my nose on the floor. My body was wet with perspiration from worshiping the Lord with all of my might. They said, that I never stopped crying, "Holy, holy, holy! all of the time. In fact, my wife started singing it just a minute or two after 10:00. when I got back up and sat down, saying, "I can't begin to tell you what I just experienced." I looked up at the clock on the wall, then I looked at my watch, and I said, "It can't be!". "It's not 4:15 is it?" And others began to look at their watches, and they said, "Why, it sure is!" How could six hours have gone that quickly? Not one person in that room realized six hours had gone. Not one elderly person wearied of being on their face on the floor. the presence of God was so real and so precious. that's the reason I call it "Six Hours in Heaven"...
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

AA - Here's some of Keith Moore's testimony of the comfort he received from God following his father's death while he was piloting with his parents, on the way to a meeting.
He couldn't really do anything as he was flying the plane, and it took a while to get on the ground where anybody could see to him. But it was too late.

His Dad had a fear of flying, but was going to kind of bite the bullet and go to this meeting. Keith was very troubled that he had missed God by them flying to the meeting. He was deeply saddened by the events. But God took him to Heaven to see his Dad! -- Here is a transcript of his experience from one of the services at his church.

"Back in 2005, I believe it was May 21 or so, my father, my Dad went home to be with the Lord. And the way it happened... It troubled me when it happened. Those of you that have been in the church since then; you know. You heard me talk about it, and how the Lord ministered to me. I was real close to my Dad. Man, he was a buddy to us boys; me and my brother. He taught me how to fight; taught me how to eat ice cream; taught me how to get rubber in second gear in a Mustang; how to pop a wheelie; how to shoot firearms; you know, the important stuff! And we were... Our family had a great time, me and my brother, him and Mom. My Mother's here today. Would you stand Mom and wave to the crowd? Thank you Mom!"

"Anyway, Mom and Dad's very supportive of us in the ministry from the very beginning. Thank God, I didn't have some of the struggles a lot of people have. Even though other folks might have thought I lost it! They didn't, even if they didn't understand. They stayed hooked(?); believed in us; prayed for us. And so, they saw... He saw with Mom, the start of this church here, and other things."

"And we were able to take them with us to a meeting that we were gonna have down in Florida. And they were gonna come and be with us for that week, and be in the meetings with us. So he and Mom were in the plane with me; we're going down there. Now he had had a real fear of flying, and he didn't like it; And so I didn't push it for years. Even though it was a big deal to me, but he didn't want to do it. But he's not the kind of guy that just lets something whip him. He said, you know, this thing's not gonna beat him. And he wasn't gonna miss out on things like that because of the fear. And so he told me he was gonna go. And I thought, 'Well, ok'. And so we went; and on the way down there; as we were flying over; actually very close to where the new church is; in the air; several thousand feet; he died. And I'm flying, and he's in the back' and it seemed like it took a half a day to get that plane down on the ground and landed and meet the ambulance. But I had to fly the plane, and he's gone."

"And the next three weeks... Actually it troubled me; it bothered me. He wasn't that old. And I thought, 'God, you know, there were things that I wanted to do, and we wanted to do, and we had plans, and we didn't have to do that flight. Did I miss you? Should I have said no? Don't do it. Don't go.'

"And you know, that kind of thing. I cried. I prayed. I was troubled. I was vexed, and I was confident he was in Heaven, but I don't like missing it. I don't like being robbed of anything down here."

"And if you were around then, you'd know that I mentioned it. At one point, God ministered to me wonderfully. And that grief left me. What I didn't tell you, is that the way He ministered to me, is He let me go see my Dad. And I didn't know if I would ever tell that. But while we were in this series now, the Lord prompted me a number of weeks ago to tell it. It was so precious to me, I didn't tell it. I didn't really want to. But I'm telling you this morning. And I didn't realize until 2:00 in the morning; this morning; that it was exactly to the day, seven years ago that this experience happened. It was the tenth of June, 2005. It was three weeks after my Dad went home."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
"In the morning, I was waking up, and I left here. Glory to God! And they said, 'Did your body go?' I don't know. I wouldn't say that. But I know I left here, and I went somewhere. And the next thing I knew, I wasn't here any longer."

"I was in this HUGE (some of these words I'm using are not adequate)... It reminded me of a mall. Like a shopping mall, but I don't think there was any shopping going on. But it reminded me of that. but it had no top. It was 'open air'. But the reason it reminded me. You know, like in a mall, there's activity. There's something going on here, there's something different going on in this spot; something different going on in this spot. That's how it was. And there were people all over the place doing things. There's activity there. Lots of it."

"And I almost didn't want to tell this part, but the Lord prompted me to tell it, so I'm telling it. I had some kind of a 'cycle'. Maybe I shouldn't call it... It was 'cycle-like'. It was bigger than a big bicycle; like a big Schwinn or something. It was bigger than that. But it was smaller than like, a big Harley motorcycle. And it was "sleek'! Never saw anything like it... ever. I hesitate to use the comparison, but it's the only thing I've ever seen that looked like it. Did you see the Terminator 2? And the "new and improved" Terminator? That was like that liquid chrome? That's what it looked like. It looked like it was made out of liquid chrome; very, very, sleek. And I rode that, whatever it was down this big throughway. And there were these pockets of activity, mall-like. That may not be the best word, all over, and I knew my Daddy was there."

AA - This sounds a lot like the bikes Kat Kerr has seen.

"I just knew it. And so I turned this way, and I went this way and went on down here, and I saw him. Words can't describe seeing a loved one that you know is 'gone'. I hollered "Daddy!" And we ran, and embraced. And the comfort is tangible. It's like a liquid that you can feel. I mean the moment I grabbed him and hugged him, there was no grief in me anymore. None! I left me."

"After the experience, I went into the kitchen and sat down. I looked for some grief. I couldn't find any! None. There was none, because it was so supernatural. And when I turned him loose, and I backed up and I looked at him. I've never saw him like this. His hair was jet black; shiny; jet black. And of course, you know, for the past decades, a lot of his hair... a lot of it was gone, and what was left was real white and gray. His hair was jet black. You talk about looking like a million bucks! That's not a high enough figure! He looked like maybe he was in his twenties. He looked to me, I never saw him down him, where he looked like, and Dave get up again, he'd help me with this."

"And we're in this throughway. This big wide, almost like a road that went down the middle of this huge mall-like area. And so at that point he and I, he and I were like "this". We were like "this". We stayed this way the whole time. And we walked down through there. And I said, 'Daddy, it's so wonderful to see you!". He said, 'It's so wonderful to see you!'. And I can't describe it, but I wanted to tell him about all of the things that had happened in the ministry; in the work of God. He wanted to know. I didn't think about it until later, we didn't talk about one natural thing. Nothing about a house or a car. Not one thing."

"All we were interested in was just what had happened and, here's something that I don't understand, but time was so different. I was telling him about things that haven't happened yet as of this day. A lot of stuff. And it was like I was visiting him, not from where I was that day, but from the future! Don't ask me to explain. I'm still pondering it. It was an interesting sensation. It's like you were more than in one place time-wise. You were there, but you also had been there. and we were just ecstatic."

"Have you got loved ones up there? Huh? They're there, they're in good shape! You should not be concerned about them. We kept going down through this throughway, and there were people doing things. And we came by these two guys that were here. And one of them said, "Brother Keith!" Huh? And the other guy said, "There's Brother Keith!". I said, "Hey!' They said, 'Hey!' 'It's good to see you man!' And so me and Dad turned over there and they were so nice, and they were so respectful. And one of them said, (he just started quoting things I had preached). He looked at the other guy and kind of twinkled his eye and said, 'If it's not quiet, it's not right!' (laughter). Some things I had preached before. And the other guy said, 'Man, that helped me so much when I was on the earth.' And he started naming things, and he said, 'Man, that encouraged me. That helped me. That helped me get through this. That helped me deal with that.' How believe that what we do down here affects things? And we'll remembered. Well don't you think you'll remember things that helped you? You think you'll forget it? No, you'll remember it. And people that God used to help you. I was so happy. They knew me, and they remembered that. It blessed me so much!"

"And so, Dad and I were all hugged up, and we kept going down through that throughway. And we were talking. Just talking as fast as we can about, this had happened, and that had happened. ... Things in the work of God; and the Kingdom of God. and finally, I began to tell, we were getting to a place where I couldn't go any further. Boy, I didn't really want to get there, but.... I looked at him one last time. Just like that, I was gone..."

"The next thing I know, I was back at my house. But the comfort that's in me right now. I never left me. It's tangible. And I believe one of the reasons the Lord would have me talk about it, is that He would minister that comfort to you and to anybody else that will hear and receive this..."
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Jul 2, 2013
Norwich, UK
Word of Faith
Marital Status
I used to be into all this, peoples personal trips to heaven etc. Unfortunately there is no way of telling whether it actually happened or is a work of fiction in her own head. Quite possibly the latter. I notice how so many people appear to have trips to Heaven and Hell and none of the accounts appear to be the same as others[ie all relative and subjective] and therefore may come from an over active imagination and so called Pizza dreams. They then suddenly have important merchandise they must sell in order to spread their subjective message. The best teaching on heaven and hell I have heard in a while came from Benny Hinn. He included absolutely nothing experiential but taught from the bible. It was the most intriguing teaching I have heard for some time and was all scripture. I must admit I am drawn to anything that embraces "Gap Theory":)
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
We DO have a way of knowing truth. It's by the witness of the Holy Spirit. Get filled and bring it into the light with someone you know is also filled. Look inside for a lamp as you share. Don't bring it up critically or condescendingly. I believe God's looking for someone who wants to walk in light. That means they'll do what they identify as truth.

One thing I've noticed about some testimonies. People will interject their understanding of what they see. Some make conclusions and think it's always going to be as they saw it, or how they saw it. Kat's been many times. After reading what she says and what others say, you can spot when they make a generalization.

The "gap theory". It's the way science and the Bible meet. People who are sure the Word is true and hold to 6,000 years earth age find themselves at odds. God is i,n the details and the archaeology. The earth in Genesis 1:1 makes perfect sense. The earth is lit by the glory of God. I don't know of one person who offered that as a "theory". It's because you'd have to have seen it or be told by God to know.

Kat offers a straight message of Blood salvation, a holy walk, no religion only relationship, a walk in radical love, has known lack and abundance, etc. She's seen the body parts warehouse (as have numerous others). She preaches a modern day hope that shouts victory (not the end with the devil doing his thing without God's big entry). She's seen parts of the tribulation and it's a time of great victory for those "in Christ". It doesn't oppose those who have seen the mayhem, but it just is not for this time.

She preaches how God is going to show up in the White House (with them asking for help). Believers are going to walk in a powerful anointing (if they choose) and it will demonstrate the wonders the spirit of wisdom offers as a testimony to the world. The greatest testimony if the unity and love God is going to work (the Biblical sign of a believer). It defies "reason", but it is supposed to!

God's given her comforting messages to those who have lost children (even through abortion), believer suicides and their grieving families, demonstrates how women will be mightily used as well as men and children.

Many have had a dream in their heart of a level of a walk they only seem to hear about and it does something in them, but leaves them short of realizing it. This i a period of training and even all of those books you've read that established precepts within you (foundation) that will enable walls, a ceiling, and the precious riches of revelation to come. It will all be used. It's all for a purpose and end the mindset that we're leaving, because we're just getting started.

Go ahead and test all things, but bring what you consider in the light with those who are not negatively critical (defiling) and be open for a revelation on the revelation!

God bless.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Assuming you go to a "Spirit filled" church, the next time after service, go talk about it with someone you know loves the Lord (they don't just seem spiritual), but they exhibit love and joy. Talk to them about it right after service. Don't serve it up in doubt or criticism. Share some of what you've read that you liked. Look on the inside at your fruit. Check out the fruit of the one you're sharing with.

I know that everything must be built on a preceding precept, so some things may seem foreign for now. She recommends reading her first book for starters (somebody put it online if you search for it). She talks about how God used her to bless people who had just lost people close to them. It really demonstrates the compassion of God to do that.

Anyway, these people are real people she ministered to and they (at God's direction) gave their names and they attest to the truth. She couldn't possibly have known what she heard their loved one say in Heaven.

Anyway, just hold it up before the Lord. How shocked would you be if everything she bore witness that she saw in Heaven was true? How wonderful would that be?

God does not anoint deception. Her services (try and go to one when it comes around). They are powerful! You can't fake that. When you leave you know you got something!

Last thing, this is all for a purpose and it is to prepare you for what is coming up. It's not doom and gloom and it's something you can look forward to and prepare yourself for.
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Lightmaker For Christ
Jan 3, 2014
United States
Marital Status
I love Kat Kerr and her amazing testimonies lol at first I was unsure about her, but after listening to her for many hours, and by conviction of the Holy Spirit, I have discovered that her message is true. AA thank you so much for posting this thread, and her posts especially the part where we can take demons to the court of God! I did that, and it worked I had breakthroughs in my life.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Awesome testimony that will no doubt go into your praise gallery. It seems that a lot of people read it, but few comment on it.

I've been meaning to put some more in there and hope to do it soon.

If all anybody got was how to receive grace for today, their life would change. They need to meditate on it and get a revelation on it in your spirit first.

Of course if it is not something you can actually walk in, then it's just a fantasy, but if you read it with the idea of putting into practice the message, you'll bear fruit.
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New Member
May 8, 2015
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For all your hard work in posting all these Kat Kerr posts!!!!:clap: I teach a small group on end times and to be perfectly honest I was becoming overwhelmed. :doh:

After a hiatus as the hostess has recently had a baby,
I came across an interview with Kat and Wendy Alec on GOD TV. This information has sooooooo encouraged me and I am sharing it with many.

After hearing that interview, I searched the web for Kat's websites. While doing spring cleaning I have been listening to all of her sermons and teachings.:preach: Then I came across this! Again thank you; this is a daunting task to take on!!!! I will read all that u have posted and keep my eye out for any new posts. Keep the faith. :wave:
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Well, read it quickly. Kat recently changed her mind regarding the free sharing of her CDs.

I was reluctant at first (way back when) to post her material because I knew some would trample on it. I understand that not everybody receives everything (no condemnation). It's definitely a change from the "we're about to leave" mentality. I know there is a lot of stuff I don't readily get into that is pretty obviously of God. Everyone is supposed to get into the stuff they're led to. I had heard some wonderful things from Kat for over a year and had never posted them.

I was sitting one day thinking about it and kind of saw myself sharing it and I just wanted to really spread the word without any stops. Kat had a message that talked about others posting her entire book online and others even using a mechanical voice reader(!).

Anyway, she clearly said "Share it!" at one of her meetings. I loved springing a CD or two on people and would LOVE to hear their reaction. It's led to some very lively discussions.

I went ahead and started to post some of the information. I was so blessed and was really at peace during the whole process.

I know that the forum has a no more than 20% of the original work policy, and I have endeavored to only post portions of her messages. She talks really fast, so even though some messages have a lot of content, it is still a small portion of the original message. At first I was using Winamp and it is awkward to rewind what I didn't catch, but I did it. I've probably rewound over a thousand times. I'd hear it a line at a time, and it knocked my socks off.

I even sprained my hand after the first week or so and was typing one-handed for several days and I just couldn't stop! My wrist turned around very quickly and I was able to resume typing.

For whatever reason, Kat is now objecting to people posting from her books or CDs. I originally posted only a few paragraphs from her book, just to entice folks to actually get it and read it. I went ahead an removed the part from her book. It is my intent to honor her request (removing content from her discs), even though originally when I started, she clearly said to "share it". She says now that people are actually making money selling her material (ghastly). I have never made a dime from any of this. My intentions have only been honorable. I had actually captured a hundred pages or so more, but I was clearly "checked" when I came near to the point of sharing it.

I plan on removing all material from any CDs or books that she has that I have transcribed. I heartily encourage everyone to actually buy the CDs (they're cheap). The entire revelation is WONDERFUL. I actually posted from them with the intent of drawing others to get them and then pass them around to their friends. I have included links to her website and I want to pass any traffic her way.

Anyway, I'm going to visit the thread very soon and remove allt of the stuff from her CDs. There is still a lot from other meetings that church's have captured and posted online. I have some notes from those meetings. She doesn't have them available for sale, so there is no copyright on it. Everyone can easily search the Web for these messages and get blessed hearing (and doing them).

I'm still considering how to handle this. I'm very happy that it has been a popular thread. Many people on the forum have been touched by them and each person should prayerfully consider what they are saying. I'm sure there are scripts that run when you scroll down a page and some kind of mathematical process that goes into the view counts (stats). I truly doubt that there have been 60,000+ views of this thread. I'm guessing that it's easily one of the most popular threads here (ever), and why wouldn't it be? Where else have we heard these kinds of things?

I truly believe that millions will be touched by her messages as she continues to go forth, and for the ministry's sake, I hope they get her wonderful CDs. Her books and discs are the most anointed gifts I could think of giving someone who is ripe for some serious good news. I hope everyone here who reads this and has been blessed by this thread, considers sowing into her ministry financially. I'm sure God will bless you for it.

She has recently posted an incredible message where she mentions some incredible technologies coming our way very soon from the Idea Zone.

God bless you all.
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citizen of heaven
Jul 8, 2011
Roswell NM
Word of Faith
Marital Status
I have read many of the latter posts and I just simply cannot accept any portion of what anyone reports re: heaven or hell as the Word of God is silent on so much of what is reported. I personally believe an individual can receive revelation from God that is valid for them. It should not be used for doctrine as the Word is the only source of doctrine to be shared with others.

A decade ago, I read Mary Kathryn Baxter's books on heaven and hell and at the time I was excited about heaven, as she described it and I shared it with my pastor. He gave me a dose of reality about it lacking scriptural backup.

Consider these stories reported by people on what they experience when visiting heaven or hell. If it exactly lined up with the Word of God, they would refer to the chapter and verse of the bible. They never do that because there are invariably new, extra-biblical details to report. To add these details to the narrative is to add to the bible and there are penalties for doing this.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I have read many of the latter posts and I just simply cannot accept any portion of what anyone reports re: heaven or hell as the Word of God is silent on so much of what is reported.
It's not the Bible, it's a testimony. Consider that all along the history of the people of God (Old or New), believers have had to deal with new individuals who received revelation from God, literally a message for God's people in that day. Any of those people might have said that it didn't hash with their understanding of God's revealed Word. But that didn't make it any less true.

No one is saying that it is scripture. I remember the Lord told Kenneth Hagin that we don't have any more foundational apostles. But we do have "revelators". Of course the prophetic voice is still active here on earth. If God speaks today, does that make it any less relevant to our lives because it isn't scripture? Believers are supposed to discern and follow.

Walking with God is supposed to be a living, ongoing thing with God speaking. The Holy Spirit as in every other time continues to reveal truth. It's not confined to principles in a book (even though we do revere God's written Word).

Really the only thing "new" that is being said is that which is built on what has already been revealed (on the foundation of truth already given by the foundational apostles and prophets).

Here's a short review, or highlights of what she has said...

1) We're in a new age now, one that God spoke about long ago
2) The fruits of this age will be obvious. The spirit realm will be more obvious
3) God wants to process His people to do the greater works in this age.
4) That means getting your soul prospering and not being ignorant of what happens when we do things.
5) God wants His people to know Him intimately.
6) It's not time to pull up stakes; it's time for God to show off.
7) It's time let loose of the many distractions the world's media offers (as a lifestyle)
8) It's time to clean up our households
9) It's time to learn to work with the angels (as directed by God's Spirit).
10) It's time to start loosing the anointing into all of the world (your world)
11) It's time to picture yourself actually living in Heaven and walking with God AND Heaven and bring God's kingdom on earth.
12) It's time to start using your authority and stop tolerating a lot of what happens in our world and use your weapons.

I personally believe an individual can receive revelation from God that is valid for them.
This clearly has been promoted as God's prophetic Word for the entire Body of Christ. It's time to get ready. Understand the "processing" or reordering of our lives that is taking place and know that it is for a purpose.

A decade ago, I read Mary Kathryn Baxter's books on heaven and hell and at the time I was excited about heaven, as she described it and I shared it with my pastor. He gave me a dose of reality about it lacking scriptural backup.
It's sad that many pastors' reality isn't reality at all. These are well-meaning people, but they're not hearing the trumpet call given by many servants who are experiencing second or third heaven experiences. Without question, there are people who are being deceived by the enemy to bring confusion.

Consider these stories reported by people on what they experience when visiting heaven or hell. If it exactly lined up with the Word of God, they would refer to the chapter and verse of the bible.
There are many things she has said that had scripture provided. Since what we're getting is in abundance, naturally a lot comes under the heading of "eye has not seen" and "God's doing a new thing", etc. When John the Baptist came, do you think that what he said was already in the book? It was, but in a general way. It was "veiled".

What Daniel saw was kept for another time, and we are in that time.

Ultimately, it has to come down to you discerning it as being from God. It doesn't matter what your pastor says. Of course you do want to discuss it with people you know walk with God. But ultimately, you have a right to KNOW if God is doing something. The message is for the entire Body, so that included you.

It's important to be open to being convinced by "evidence" brought to you by God. You hear and you test what you've heard. Start to walk it out and watch the fruit inside of you. Understand that there will be warfare.

I truly hope you and others get it because what is being said is important. I'm not condemning anyone, just be an open seeker and not speak against it. A good judge is one who reviews what is presented. You have a right to know and understand.
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citizen of heaven
Jul 8, 2011
Roswell NM
Word of Faith
Marital Status
It's not the Bible, it's a testimony. Consider that all along the history of the people of God (Old or New), believers have had to deal with new individuals who received revelation from God, literally a message for God's people in that day. Any of those people might have said that it didn't hash with their understanding of God's revealed Word. But that didn't make it any less true.

No one is saying that it is scripture. I remember the Lord told Kenneth Hagin that we don't have any more foundational apostles. But we do have "revelators". Of course the prophetic voice is still active here on earth. If God speaks today, does that make it any less relevant to our lives because it isn't scripture? Believers are supposed to discern and follow.

Walking with God is supposed to be a living, ongoing thing with God speaking. The Holy Spirit as in every other time continues to reveal truth. It's not confined to principles in a book (even though we do revere God's written Word).

Really the only thing "new" that is being said is that which is built on what has already been revealed (on the foundation of truth already given by the foundational apostles and prophets).

Here's a short review, or highlights of what she has said...

1) We're in a new age now, one that God spoke about long ago
2) The fruits of this age will be obvious. The spirit realm will be more obvious
3) God wants to process His people to do the greater works in this age.
4) That means getting your soul prospering and not being ignorant of what happens when we do things.
5) God wants His people to know Him intimately.
6) It's not time to pull up stakes; it's time for God to show off.
7) It's time let loose of the many distractions the world's media offers (as a lifestyle)
8) It's time to clean up our households
9) It's time to learn to work with the angels (as directed by God's Spirit).
10) It's time to start loosing the anointing into all of the world (your world)
11) It's time to picture yourself actually living in Heaven and walking with God AND Heaven and bring God's kingdom on earth.
12) It's time to start using your authority and stop tolerating a lot of what happens in our world and use your weapons.

This clearly has been promoted as God's prophetic Word for the entire Body of Christ. It's time to get ready. Understand the "processing" or reordering of our lives that is taking place and know that it is for a purpose.

It's sad that many pastors' reality isn't reality at all. These are well-meaning people, but they're not hearing the trumpet call given by many servants who are experiencing second or third heaven experiences. Without question, there are people who are being deceived by the enemy to bring confusion.

There are many things she has said that had scripture provided. Since what we're getting is in abundance, naturally a lot comes under the heading of "eye has not seen" and "God's doing a new thing", etc. When John the Baptist came, do you think that what he said was already in the book? It was, but in a general way. It was "veiled".

What Daniel saw was kept for another time, and we are in that time.

Ultimately, it has to come down to you discerning it as being from God. It doesn't matter what your pastor says. Of course you do want to discuss it with people you know walk with God. But ultimately, you have a right to KNOW if God is doing something. The message is for the entire Body, so that included you.

It's important to be open to being convinced by "evidence" brought to you by God. You hear and you test what you've heard. Start to walk it out and watch the fruit inside of you. Understand that there will be warfare.

I truly hope you and others get it because what is being said is important. I'm not condemning anyone, just be an open seeker and not speak against it. A good judge is one who reviews what is presented. You have a right to know and understand.

I acknowledge your passion on this subject. I agree that this material is testimony; the parts of it that are not mentioned in the Word, we cannot call truth right now. Some of it may turnout to be true but is it not verifiable today on this earth.

You mention prophesy. Prophesy is to be tested thoroughly before being accepted into a hearer's life as truth. It would be irresponsible to do anything less than a thorough test of a prophesy, given the millions of junk prophesies coming forth these days.

I have seen computer animations depicting heaven with flower beds of 'singing pansies' and huge, 'breathing buildings' moving in what seems like a breathing process. I have heard my teacher tell of 'heavenly stables' housing the white horses the saints ride back to earth. When I think of even this little bit, I personally get excited thinking about heaven.

I really believe that some people will read these testimonies/stories and take them to be doctrine no matter how many disclaimers are given. If that happens, the people are believing a false gospel because that gospel has been added to. That is the reason I will stay away from freely sharing even the little I mentioned above.
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