To be fair, the four blood moons prophecy hasn't proven false yet, but I wonder why I should put any stock in it ...
He does not claim to be a prophet. He just may interpret scripture inaccurately and lean towards Pre-Trib theology. John MacArthur is a sound Bible teacher but is also Pre-Trib.
Hey, all eschatology buffs on this forum pontificate about this is this and that is that and take opposite views, etc. We are not prophets in the sense that we claim to be a voice of God claiming, "Thus says the Lord ..."
We all get it wrong. Eschatology is confusing because of the sphere-like multi-dimensional end time scenario. It's not chronological and actually should be viewed as different vantage points with overlapping and repeated events.
He does get excited and in his excitement maybe gets carried away. I'm not saying pride and arrogance doesn't get in the way. It get's in our ways does it not. Or haven't you had a disagreement with someone who swears his way is correct and yours trash? I've read many writers on this forum accusing each others of being a false prophets. David Koresh, and Jim Jones were false prophets. A false prophet leads someone away from Jesus and does not love the Lord. He will distort what scripture says or means but anyone so into and anxiously awaiting the Second Coming of Jesus IS NOT A FALSE PROPHET. HE LOVES THE LORD AND IT IS EVIDENT. Be careful about your accusations!
As for the Blood Moons, the scripture referencing it has a solar eclipse attached to it and the last one did not. So we have the third and fourth which both have solar eclipses two weeks prior to the blood moons. The last one is a super blood moon that will be visible in Israel. So do not discount these events yet.