See Matthew 15:24.
You know you are not the little flock in Luke 12:32, otherwise, you will have to follow what Jesus commanded them to do in the very next verse, Luke 12:33, which you don't.
I'll have to address Matthew 15:24 in another post.
But to seize upon rather specific instructions to the twelve disciples there, which I happy to acknowledge, is not
sufficient to exclude followers of Jesus through the centuries as part of His flock.
1.) Followers of Jesus have often made such sacrifices in order to serve the Lord.
Those sacrifces may not have been identical in the specifics instructed there. But in nature
such sacrifices have been made for the sake of serving the indwelling Lord Jesus.
2.) Many instances of details instructed by Jesus to the twelve or some audience can be found.
In every case the same details may not apply to a Christian in exactly the same way.
For example - Jesus instructing them to go find the place for His last supper;
Jesus instructing them to cast the net on the other side of the fishing boat;
Jesus instructing them to fill six pots with water that was to be turned into wine.
You cannot say "Because you didn't exactly perform these instructions you are not of His sheep."
There are colloquial like circumstances of the audiences of Jesus which are not exactly the same for
every believers in every age who desires to follow Jesus. Sometimes the line needs to be discerned logically.
"What things here were only meant for the twelve disciples and what things here apply universally down through the age?"
The important key is that this Jesus is alive now and mysteriously
available to all people as He became
"a life giving Spirit" that can
supply us with Himself from within to abide in Him in all things.
[T]he last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. (1 Cor. 15:45b)
All who receive Christ in His resurrection form as
"a life giving Spirit" are of His one flock and members of His mystical Body.
These members consist of Jews, Greeks, Barbarians, Scythians, and any ethnic or nationals stratifications as divisions in the
"one new man".
And have put on the new man, which is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,
Where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all and in all.
(Col. 3:10,11)
This is the truth we should stand upon, live out through His empowering grace and be ready to die for in this church age.
In the Body of Christ we must realize that there "CANNOT BE" the walls, partitions, schisms, and divisions of the "old man".
It is not a liberal like magnanimous attitude that "there should not be". I mean as in "Now we OUGHT not behave that way."
There is no possibility in the Body of Christ as in "there cannot be".
The two matters are mutually disqualifying. If we want to prevailing and victorious church there is no possibility of retaining
divisions of Jews on one side of a wall and Gentile on the other side holding hands over the fence.
We must choose if we want to experience of Christ's Body and of normal new testament church life.
In the healthy expression of the Body of Christ His church Christ as the
life giving Spirit must fill, saturate, make home,
and permeate every part of our psychological and spiritual heart. Christ must be all in all. Christ must be in everyone and be
everyone. This process of Christ filling up the lives and living of all the members is powerful and must be allowed to proceed for it
is our victory over the world, Satan, the flesh, and sin.