And your comment reminded me of a great scene from the West Wing about reading the bible. About 1:35 if you want to skip to it. Very well written and acted.
I find it curious that people think reading the bible one time through makes them enough of an expert to discuss their opinions on it, as though they actually get it.
Reading the bible through multiple times makes me aware of these things.
For example, the sabbath day was a day of rest and recuperation from a 6 day work week.
The culture of the day was not a culture of sitting in air-conditioned offices.
It was a culture of working in the vineyards, orchards, cattle ranching, digging, hard physical labor. And doing it outside in the sun.
God created the entire cosmos in 6 days. He rested on the 7th.
Not because he needed it. But as an example for us.... anyone who can think about the magnitude of the scale of the cosmos, and the effort required to develop the entire thing might have a scance of an idea of what is involved.
He gave us a gift. It's an insult, indeed a slap in the face to dismiss it.
Adultery.... we're talking about the family relationship. Marriage is a relationship between a man and woman, which is based on trust, respect and love.
Adultery is a problem because of the impact it has on the human heart. Trust takes time to develop and earn. It's broken in an instant when it's learned about it taking place.
God created the man and woman to be joined by love at the deepest levels of the human being and psyche. It's a bond not easily broken. It's been described in the past as a tearing, a ripping of the heart, at the very core of the human being.
So, as God created the man in his own image and likeness, and the woman to be man's equal, just how do you think he feels when either person commits adultery?
The trust is broken. The children suffer, family members and friends also suffer.
The divorce breaks more than just the husband and wife. Everyone in the family circle is impacted.
It's a violation at the deepest level of the human heart.
Slavery is a rather curious issue.
There is in fact serious consequences for violating the rights of people in God's Law.
Kidnapping, death.
In Israel, people who were in debt due to bad financial practices could essentially sell themselves to their debtors so they could pay their debts. There was no bankruptcy law. You paid your bills.
Every 50 years, people were have their debts wiped out, and family property was returned to the original family to whom it was owned, their descendants.
So, this included people who had sold themselves into slavery.
So, while the acting by Allen Alda was good, the content of his lines were based on lies.
It's important to know the truth regarding the bible.
These are just the 3 he mentioned.
I can go through the rest of the law too.
Something else that is critical that most people have no idea about...
The Law was written to create a just and righteous society.
Anyone who wanted to be a member of that society would have to agree with keeping the law written.
It was a matter of voluntary action.
If you don't want to be a member of their society, you leave their territory.
So.... again... if you're going to use Hollywood to justify your unbelief, you're going to find that I've been at this for a very long time now. A lot longer than Hollywood script writers.