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Is God eventually going to punish evil humans ?

David Lamb

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May 30, 2024
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Let's not overstep our bounds here and claim to know for sure what even Jesus himself didn't know for sure, ok.

Matthew 19:25–26 (NKJV): 25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This answer/response from Jesus reveals three things. A- He didn't know how many, or whether it would be many or few being saved. And B- But that he had a hope that it would wind up being many that would end up being saved. And then C- But that it was ultimately only up to both his and our God the Father as to whether it would be many or few being saved.

We should not be overstepping our bounds in trying to claim we know beyond these things, etc.

We will know, or will find out when Jesus comes back. Or else we will find out at the very end of this whole entire creations age or ending if we don't find out then maybe, etc.

So be careful how you are judging in the meantime, ok.

God Bless.
Sorry, but I don't see where it says in the verses you mentioned that Jesus didn't know how many, or whether it would be many or few being saved, or that He hoped that it would end up being many that would finally be saved. He is answering the question from the disciples, "Who then can be saved?" (The context is the words of Jesus about how difficult it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.) Jesus answers that with men it is impossible, but not with God. Nothing about how few or many would be saved, nothing about Him not knowing how many, or hoping that many would be saved.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Galatians 6:7-8 KJV
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
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Galatians 6:7-8 KJV
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
It's all in God's hands.
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May 22, 2013
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And if so what's the wait for ? God could just snap his mighty fingers and boom all the evil people are erased out of existence I don't know why God simply won't do this.
God's inaction would seem to suggest a number of different possibilities.
  1. There is no God
  2. There are no evil people
  3. There are no non-evil people
  4. Erasing evil people would itself be evil, therefore to avoid hypocrisy God would need to erase Himself
Personally, I'm leaning toward #2, there are no evil people... there's just people.
I can think of other possibilities >
a. God is keeping evil people here while He adopts some number of them to become His children.
b. God is using what evil people do for His purpose, like we see happened in Genesis 37-50. And we see how Jesus on the cross has been used for so much good.
c. Evil people are containers (Romans 9:21) for the spirit of evil > "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience," we have in Ephesians 2:2. Instead of letting Satan's evil and nasty spirit get totally loose all over the place, God has evil in order, with the spirit of evil contained in evil people who are transporting it to the flaming sewer which burns with fire and brimstone.
d. God does not want evil people to perish and to suffer in hell; so He has them here for a while; but evil people can't stand Jesus: they could suffer more in the bright presence of Jesus, than in the fire of hell which is not so intense. Satanic people are so stupidly anti-love and stubborn, that only fire can contain and control them.
e. We are getting a lesson > evil people are getting opportunities to have pleasures, but look at what they are doing with it all, right while every one of them could have enough and not hurt anyone else. This is a demonstration that we might learn from.
f. God is being generous and kind to evil people > "God resists the proud," we have in James 4:6 and in 1 Peter 5:5. God's resistance helps to keep evil people from doing as much horrible stuff as they would. And God is giving them some nice things to help them not feel their own deep horribleness so much. But we see the lesson > enough is never enough, for ones of greedy lusts which can not ever be satisfied > so we are the wiser to get away from that and trust in Jesus who gives us "rest for your souls" (in Matthew 11:29). In His love's rest we have unconditional satisfaction so we are not depending on foolish pleasures for peace and love and happiness. Our preference is for love, not for pleasure!! But evil people are desperate for pleasure so they don't feel their misery of boredom and loneliness and unforgiveness and nasty anger and cruel hatred.
g. Therefore Jesus died on the cross for everyone; everyone needs Jesus. And even though many people refuse Jesus and choose unforgiveness, still Jesus is getting everyone blessed somehow, at least with God's caring resistance and with certain nicer things of this life. But the best way to take advantage of Jesus on the cross is to trust in Him for salvation and so we are adopted by our Father to spend eternity with God and with one another as His family.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Let's not overstep our bounds here and claim to know for sure what even Jesus himself didn't know for sure, ok.

Matthew 19:25–26 (NKJV): 25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This answer/response from Jesus reveals three things. A- He didn't know how many, or whether it would be many or few being saved. And B- But that he had a hope that it would wind up being many that would end up being saved. And then C- But that it was ultimately only up to both his and our God the Father as to whether it would be many or few being saved.

We should not be overstepping our bounds in trying to claim we know beyond these things, etc.

We will know, or will find out when Jesus comes back. Or else we will find out at the very end of this whole entire creations age or ending if we don't find out then maybe, etc.

So be careful how you are judging in the meantime, ok.

God Bless.
This post has also led me to conclude that, well, for one, that neither One of Them fully knew these things for sure fully for one, and then for another, They also didn't fully know or truly understand how God the Father was/is going to judge, or already has judged either, for another, etc, and that neither One of Them ever really truly knew or ever really fully understood true judgement, etc, which was probably why Jesus Christ had to go where he had to go or did, with the promise to return from there one day with God the Father's true judgements in hand, which might turn out to be a very, very different kind of judgement from what any of us ever knew, or were told by the other Two, or were told by any of their followers from before that, previously before that, etc.

But having the revelation now that neither one of these Two ever really knew or ever really fully understand true judgement, on top of everything else they claimed to be, and yet did not fully know, etc, is a now a heavy burden to bear upon me now, etc. It definitely, definitely changes my view or greatly alters my perception about a few things, and I am right now not at all liking my already predetermined course or foreordained destiny in this, etc.

I'm wondering why it was just only me that was meant to come to this and try to tell it to the rest of you, etc.

It was not what I was seeking out, or sought out, or expected to find, and it's kind of making me a little bit angry now discovering this, etc.

How were either one of Them any different from any of us, etc?

It seems that none has been able to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil yet successfully.

And is probably why I have always found verses in the Bible that do speak about judgement, or what is required or not to be "saved", to be contradictory a lot of the time, etc.

God Bless.
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Jun 25, 2018
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And if so what's the wait for ? God could just snap his mighty fingers and boom all the evil people are erased out of existence I don't know why God simply won't do this.

Because we are in tribulation. Being refined in fire.

When God judges people/nations, He leaves them to their own devices so when their destruction comes they can't blame anyone but themselves. That takes quite a few years.

For example If America hits economic collapse, has multiple terrorist attacks and becomes generally unsafe and Christians eventually are persecuted here whose fault is it but the fault of our own?

We can't wring our hands after voting a bunch of Marxist's into office year after year and cry foul because history is replete with examples of why we shouldn't have ever voted for them in the first place. They have historically bad policies that historically kill people, usually in the millions.

For Christians tribulation is what strengthens us, this is how we become truly God's people and get to know Him more as we get to know ourselves and all our weaknesses and how His Strength makes us stronger, strong enough to face each day in Him.

For unbelievers this is judgement. Their own thoughts betraying them.. they will be without excuse.

For 2,000 years God is holding back His actual Wrath with one Hand, while with the Other Hand is inviting all who will come, to come to Him.

This state won't last forever.

When you see it all together intertwined like this, you can see the Romans 8:22-24 groaning of creation awaiting it's redemption..
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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This post has also led me to conclude that, well, for one, that neither One of Them fully knew these things for sure fully for one, and then for another, They also didn't fully know or truly understand how God the Father was/is going to judge, or already has judged either, for another, etc, and that neither One of Them ever really truly knew or ever really fully understood true judgement, etc, which was probably why Jesus Christ had to go where he had to go or did, with the promise to return from there one day with God the Father's true judgements in hand, which might turn out to be a very, very different kind of judgement from what any of us ever knew, or were told by the other Two, or were told by any of their followers from before that, previously before that, etc.

But having the revelation now that neither one of these Two ever really knew or ever really fully understand true judgement, on top of everything else they claimed to be, and yet did not fully know, etc, is a now a heavy burden to bear upon me now, etc. It definitely, definitely changes my view or greatly alters my perception about a few things, and I am right now not at all liking my already predetermined course or foreordained destiny in this, etc.

I'm wondering why it was just only me that was meant to come to this and try to tell it to the rest of you, etc.

It was not what I was seeking out, or sought out, or expected to find, and it's kind of making me a little bit angry now discovering this, etc.

How were either one of Them any different from any of us, etc?

It seems that none has been able to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil yet successfully.

And is probably why I have always found verses in the Bible that do speak about judgement, or what is required or not to be "saved", to be contradictory a lot of the time, etc.

God Bless.
I'm a little bit calmer now. I'm not angry at Them or anything, I just don't like what I've found.

None of Them lied to us about anything, but to call, at least one of Them at least, "innocent" isn't the term I'd prefer to use, but rather "blameless" preferably probably, as I also know neither one of Them ever lied, and didn't ever sin ever either, etc. It probably was not an easy line or road to walk, but at least one of Them did it, and did it well, etc.

I told him/Them I didn't think I could do it, etc. And not just that I couldn't do it, but that I think myself totally incapable of doing it the way that at least one of Them did it, etc. But then I was asked about the people I was studying with right now, and whether I was not right now "learning to do it", etc? And I couldn't give an adequate answer, etc. I'm studying with a group of people right now that I am keeping a lot of things from right now, etc, but it's with the ultimate goal of hopefully one day winning them for Christ, etc, but I can't reveal a lot of what I know to them right now, not right away anyway, because there not anywhere close to being ready for it yet, or of being able to recieve it yet, etc, so maybe I am learning that sometimes absolute full disclosure, right away, may not sometimes always be for the best maybe, etc?

But, the point about neither one of Them (or their followers) fully knowing judgement though? They could spell out what was most of the time either good or bad, or what might be beneficial to our salvation, and what maybe sometimes or most of the time might not be, etc, but neither one of Them (just like the rest of us) could ever point to a specific person or a certain individual, and say "By the Father's judgement for 100% sure this one was most certainly going to Heaven in the afterlife", or to another one and say "By the Father's judgement for 100% certain this one certainly stands for sure forever condemned, and is for sure going to hell in the afterlife", etc, and that upset me a bit, etc. Guess I should just get over it and be grateful though. After all am I not right now doing the very same kind of thing with the people I am studying with right now, etc? People's assumptions are no one else's responsibility or fault but their own after all, right? And maybe we have assumed too much about Them, instead of just listening to what They said or had to say maybe, etc?

Anyway, that's enough for now.

I need to think upon this, etc.

Oh and, don't worry, I already know I might as well be speaking to the wind here, something else They are right now letting me know about full disclosure right away, etc. It does no good to talk to anyone about anything, or things that they are no where even anywhere near ready to try and accept or understand yet, and is why I should focus on other things instead, etc. You know, things like information that might actually save, or do some actual good maybe, and other things like that, etc, so I really don't expect this to go anywhere really, etc, I'm just mainly talking to myself here mainly, or might as well be, etc.

Anyway, I'm still learning, etc.

God Bless.
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