Despite the current events going on right now (which for the record I see them as bad things), I hope this is not the end times because I am only 30 and I want to grow to be at least as old as my parent's generation is right now and have the current bad conditions recede instead. I also a lot of times hated when I was born. I want to have a long material existence, I want to do things like marry or find a girlfriend, have sex, perhaps kids, job, etc. those kind of milestones. My parents got to do these, but if the end times happens, I won't. Why can't God change or do certain favors for his people at least once in a while? Why must he be never-changing?
Jesus said that the time would come when we least expect it, and it would come as a snare to all those who dwell on the face of the earth.
We further read that our lives are like a vapor, or a blade of grass. Vapors are wisps, that vanish with the rising sun that brings the heat, and the grass that is cut, and dries quickly.
As such, many of us who follow Jesus began to follow him in our younger days when we too had a future ahead of us and wanted a better life for ourselves.
In learning the gospel, we have seen that Jesus warned that life is short, and there are no guarantees of wealth, health or success.
We are guaranteed only the breath and heartbeat we have in this moment.
We will however live forever, in one place or the other.
Jesus died to pay the penalty for all sin. To cleanse us from our sin.
Jesus said,
What will it benefit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?
What is the price you're willing to give in exchange for your soul?
Come follow Jesus. He said that he has come to give you life, and that more abundantly.