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I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t believe there should be divisions but there are so I can’t know and is unreasonable to tell all priests that they should leave their position when they can not know for sure it is what bible teaches as it was in Jesus day since Jesus showed He was fulfilment both by miracles and scripture they could not prove wrong and if God did not approve He could prove it atleast priests of churches now can not know if right to support divisions they may be convinced is what bible says so I decided to follow Catholic Church and Orthodox Church just to see if it can prove and others can be too if they want that it seems safest to me to accept that if others can not prove it is not wrong God will not judge but if it does not prove I will not support divisions but if any are worried they can follow Catholic Church or Orthodox Church.We should be united to encourage one another to be ready to learn to follow Christ that we may have oil in our lamps to be ready.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I was over worried that I should trust God since I am seeking to confirm the truth for God not to kill a priest or any who seeks to do to know if true that all should accept catholic faith to see if it changes one and if not can follow their faith but they ought to trust in Christ to receive Him as Lord and saviour that He will not kill priest for one seeking to be rebaptised by sprinkling while doing or before which I will trust is sufficient since would be unjust to require full water baptism in Catholic Church as not all are privileged to get chance so I will do that I may be confirmed to prove one does not need it. Others I believe should not trust in church after they follow and don’t see difference I am just going to prove one does not need it. According to the church sacraments are not disqualified by the unworthiness of the priest if they hold wrong beliefs they do such because then no one will trust the church because any priest can change his views to make sacraments bad and to try to make priests return to church teaching so they accept it as they are limited in ability to deceive that God made it that people be free to choose christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I did seek to follow church to prove but I decided
for myself it is better to not to go to church to trust in the Lord though others can go to church if they don’t know to experience as bible says to trust in the Lord and lean not on understanding as I believe the bible teaches that none are good and gospel confines whole world as guilty to receive justification by Christ as bible says we are saved not of works lest any boast but those who are saved will produce works as fruit only if there is time but it is result of true faith that gives salvation as we are His workmanship if there is time but never as though reaching a standard as though there is to be good enough nor will our good deeds make us worthy though we must do for we always fall short so is filthy rags so we must trust in Christ. For we should trust in Christ and leave judgement of other Christian's to Christ to ensure to be saved and not to go through tribulation if there is as others say and pray if Christ shows all Christian's are saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
Though I believe that is gospel and believe we only need Jesus we still must obey what we can but just we will never reach a standard to become worthy and be good enough but we must seek to only do what we can but I do not promote division . A person can go to church if thinks it helps one walk with God but trust in Christ only seeing it is not necessary to believe as they do.A priest won’t die while giving sacrament and can trust in Christ after. I will go to different churches not to accept their beliefs just to show I do not need it but that it may help just to confirm I am following Christ myself fully as I believe.
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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t believe I should support divisions anymore but we should encourage each other to be repenting that we should be rich in good works. Jesus said fear not little flock sell what you have. I don’t think you need to sell all if others want they can but we should be rich in good works and I know others may be offended to require such works to judge others which maybe it is not required but I think it may be that is not right to compromise the word of God that should be left to Christ. If others want they can put their trust only in Christ but I don’t think it is right to support divisions.
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Nov 14, 2004
I changed my mind as could be deception so not safe for as much as I want to support no divisions I believe it is not right to support to potentially mislead as it may be necessary to have trust only in Christ as that is gospel that our trust must be in Christ because it is necessary to believe in what He did as our only hope as we never will be perfect and one sin makes us stand guilty before Him and others warned those not saved also will go through tribulation and our hope must not be in reaching a standard to have sold most things for we may not be able to that our hope should be only in Christ because we may not be able to but accepting Christ requires that one seeks to do what can only. So I believe all should receive Christ as Lord and saviour and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is as others say to escape tribulation.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I must trust the message to preach Christ crucified to trust as bible says we are saved not of works lest any boast as works require that you need to do something to earn the gift of God but repentance is not a work for it is ceasing sin. Works are only to enter kingdom on death for Jesus makes it clear every sin is forgiven but blasphemy of the Spirit and that there are people saved in world to come which I think people will attack as second chance which is not as one only needed to believe or purgatory which is not but just temporal punishment for not having obeyed all to be worthy.

So I will trust the message to preach as living waters preaches for I see I agree now that I believe is right. For Jesus point to rich man was not that he needed to do anything but that it is only because of the work of God that one is saved which is the meaning for He said all things are possible with God which would not be true if a work was needed because you can’t judge if a work such as seeking is enough. We do works to obey the will of Christ to preach and do to enter kingdom on death.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided for myself not to support divisions that I don’t believe they are just that if there is a rapture it will be for all Christian’s who are following Christ but if others are worried they can trust only in Christ. But I will focus on evangelical message to preach with tracts as can be convincing that it is way but otherwise can follow any other church.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe there is no harm to seek to be baptised and have communion by any church you want as they are commands though I think Jesus will understand I don’t think right to take risk that it should be available in all churches that many churches should offer services for all people seeking such as baptism for adults only though I don’t think required and they should accept communion too but otherwise can have baptism by any church.

For I believe it matters only they are believers baptising even if you don’t agree with rest and to have communion in any church but I think is best to go to church which does not try to put burdens to hinder work of gospel such as a good Anglican Church if it is not compromising and there were members of the church such as Matthew Henry who has a bible commentary which really builds up people in their walk with God.

When I preach with tracts I link them to my beliefs that I believe people should seek baptism and communion that I believe since anglican is always available any if you make effort to find one that will baptise one that as long as you are seeking to be you are accepted even if you die before being able to and any effort to seek to is accepted if you tried but is difficult to find but you die before doing so.

I will still go to baptist church if I am welcome for I think should encourage to do but can not force will be going just to know better how to reach with gospel as I will use also sometimes their tracts but also put a note about my beliefs about baptism and communion that I believe not harm to be as Christ does not judge people seeking to obey Him.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is not helpful that it would be wrong to mislead others that judgement should be left to Christ that people should put their trust in Christ alone in His work incase necessary to be saved and incase there is tribulation coming. Also I don’t think I should distract with teaching on baptism or communion but one can be incase he thinks it necessary to seek to do as long as he is trusting in Christ work now that it is only because of what Christ did as all have broken His law and are separated from Him because of falling short and no work one can one do as though he is perfectly obedient to be worthy only that one must seek to do just what one can. So others should trust in Christ to receive Him as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and raptured if there is and can pray to know if all chrsitians can be saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe instead people should seek to go to any church that baptises and has communion such as Anglican even if they don’t believe the same to encourage they should trust in Christ still while doing incase though I believe may not be necessary for baptism and communion but incase. So I believe people should seek baptism and communion that I believe since anglican is always available any if you make effort to find one that will baptise one that as long as you are seeking to be you are accepted even if you die before being able to and any effort to seek to is accepted if you tried but is difficult to find but you die before doing so. I believe though baptism is only necessary for adults who are old enough to have long enough life to consider it’s importance I think but all should do whatever age who have heard of it incase knowing God will do what is just.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided not to go to church as I was told will be contacted later and there is delay to make me think it is not wise to take risk that I believe the gospel of salvation in bible may be as I said before and believe I should not mislead to take risk incase for people to be saved and if there is rapture to escape tribulation for I believe it is enough to trust God and all Christian's should trust only in Christ as their church doctrines are unjust to judge teenagers who die who did not know which church to join for a priest will not die while doing a sacrament if he is not near death and he can get another to and in emergencies any one can baptise and other times can trust only in Christ. For if any want they can join a church and if you don’t feel the witness in yourself it is only truth to trust in Christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is right to trust God that such divisions are unjust but church people are wrong to try to offend others to judge as though they know. They are the ones in danger Jesus said go to hear other teachers but don’t do as they do and only God can judge the sincerity if it comes from place of love or judgement but love also does not behave in ways that harm others. So all should receive Christ truly manifested in fruit of abiding in all His commandments not saved by works as though it is required to do what is not possible now to ensure to be saved and to escape tribulation if there is rapture or another escape. If others want they can trust only in Christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather is not safe to take risk now while there is divisions that I believe the way to be saved is to put trust only in Christ that you are saved the moment you do but faith without works is dead so will produce works that you must seek to do be doing works afterwards to be in Him but if you die before being able to do a work if you had opportunity to repent to seek to you are saved. So we should to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
Really I only wanted to follow that as I worry people think I am deceiving them and making it harder for them to follow Christ to look foolish if they trust in Christ but I believe now it is right to trust Christ not to support divisions as He is just to not make distractions by making enemies to hurt them to make them not serious if seeing others not taking it serious in world because people acting foolish to support divisions so I will not but the word of God does not change so they are all at fault to stumble but I should not make it. If others want they can trust in Christ only.
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Nov 14, 2004
I went to a baptist church and am convinced now I believe it is wrong to take risk that people should put their trust in Christ that we are not saved by a work but faith that produces no works if can is dead but trusting in Christ is what saves receiving Him that those who are good will have helped needy and learning about their faith do it as unto Christ to receive Christ and works will follow if you truly did that you will seek to be doing good but it is not that you seek to earn to think you need to have done all works if it is not possible only that you should try to it if it is incase you die then while not seeking to do more good works but you only need to be doing one good work at time so should incase you don’t have opportunity to repent to seek to repent to try to do any good work you can unless there is one most important to try to do even if just to ask forgiveness if that is all possible that you help those you know need help for not doing what you can now shows dead faith. So I believe all should receive Christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved. I saw this video also to show importance.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I misunderstood Billy Graham to think he taught you need to have been working your way to be saved not after you are saved it is proof of living faith.Actually he taught you can not work your way to heaven which seems right we are saved only by Christ but we should do good works to help spread gospel and if we don’t have works to want to help others though we don’t have to all time as we are not saved by working our way if we don’t want to do that we don’t seek to do sometimes more often but not all the time then person was not really saved and must help those who need your help if you can now otherwise have dead faith. The main work is to believe the gospel and if you really received it you would share to others it only means to do to one the hungry the naked the prisoner that you can help now.

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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to trust God not to support divisions the bible says to call only Christ teacher and I do believe Jesus wills Christian’s to be united to witness to truth of doing His will though He does not force for many preachers water down the gospel and don’t agree with the whole bible not having sound doctrine. We should preach all the bible as Jesus said preach gospel teaching people to observe all things I have said. However as bible says you only need Christ as mediator I believe is right to trust Christ that you only need to believe and not need one to baptise and give communion but such is needed if always available to take away sins but if one is worried one can do. It may be one does not need to sell most of one possesions that you don’t need for proper needs as said before but just to be willing to share only when one can but people should all seek to do so that seeking is enough but if you may not have opportunity to seek to so should do so.So I will go also to other churches to learn from any. If others want they can trust only in Christ. I must seek good tracts that teach the whole gospel or create one myself and would be good if others can help but I will seek to.
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Nov 14, 2004
I’m not too sure anymore it is safe that you can be saved without fully being commited to obeying Christ that you have to be set to leave all your possesions behind that you leave all of them behind and say now to the world I wish for Christian organisation that is accountable to see how money is spent takes my possesions which I am told exist or atleast to salvation army but try to sell now it can otherwise just to say you want them to is enough if can’t and sells it which includes to give proper part to family as can not force as Jesus says to live not worrying about tommorow needs but I will not use them at all to live without trusting Christ to provide my needs from others such as Christian charities food for homeless and shelter and if not provide continually means Jesus wants to work as He promises to provide but continue to receive help from charity until Jesus provides work
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