...tired of debate, tired of defending and critiquing.
Maybe it is time to practice a poverty of opinion.
There is always a good chance that I am misinformed, mistaken and in the wrong about most everything.
Mea culpa
Cheer up!
I have no idea what led to your comment, but
The word "wrong" is often a misnomer, for those accusing you of it , stating "they disagree"
The reality is, there can be biblical support for opposite opinions and every shade in between, it depends where you look and how you interpret! which is why christians particularly those who accept no authority outside scripture , disagreeing on pretty much everything!
The question of scripture is always what it means by what it says. The division says it is not at all clear. So the question is what do you think and why?
Not just religion.
In science some things are stated as "fact" for which at best the evidence is circumstantial or flimsy or even non existent! : particularly when the scientific community is controlling the narrative to express belief that something "must" have happened in such a way because they do not like the alternative! Or they are trying to discredit something they simply do not "like" by raising the bar against evidence they do not "like" and lowering the bar for things they do "like". The gatekeepers of science control what they allow in by whether it conforms to their belief system!
Such Scientism is rife. And many statements made in the name of science are actually in the name of scientism.
So in conclusion your opinion is valid too, provided you can make the case.
Do not worry if you are shouted down.
The world shouts down at all Christians, who seem to like to shout down at each other!
Of course motive matters too.
Who are you trying to persuade, them or you? Are you trying to work out if your reasoning stands scrutiny?
You could adopt St Bernadettes reasoning on her mission!
am entrusted with
telling you what I have seen and heard; I
am not entrusted with
making you believe it"