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How many Christians believe in the rapture? Is it a common belief?


243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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It is only an inference made by some. The idea of a rapture as it is currently defined is not found in historic Christianity, and is a relatively recent doctrine originating from the 1830s. Most Christian denominations do not subscribe to rapture theology.

I don't believe it.
It is sure in historic c. Enoch, Elijah, Jesus. It says be comforted by these words. Not for no reason. Why do you not be comforted? Those on here warn don’t be disappointed. Will you go if there is a rapture?

even now new things are being found in the Bible, it’s a real thing. We are not appointed to wrath. A real thing. Don’t you not want to go through the great trib? Why must you. The rapture is so near. Before Israel’s gets attacked by Iran and others to wipe it out. So near! Rapture is hope is blessing.
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243 God loves me
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Israel is the time clock. See, I believe that relates to Israel and the church. Simultaneously, God is using the church and Israel to tell the whole world, “I’m about to do something.” Israel is a time clock to the physical departure of the church. You may be here this evening and do not understand. The Scriptures are telling us that God is about to take His church out of here. Amir Tsarfati
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243 God loves me
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Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching
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Dan Perez

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Dec 13, 2018
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Didn't mean to imply a choice.
I do not believe in "pretrib rapture." I think there may be a major disappointment and perhaps a falling away of those who aren't prepared.

Having said that if I could purchase millions of pairs of Dorothy's shoes, I'd supply the little ones and show them how to click the heals together properly.

God has it in control.
Nothing can separate them/us from His love.
So even so Lord, Come.
Many say that there is NO word called RAPTURE and in the Greek text , BUT there are many Greek word That say we will

all be taken up to HEAVEN .

In 2 Thess 2:1 Paul says this Now we ask you , brethren , on account of the COMMING // PAROUSIA of the Lord Jesus Christ ,

even our gathering TOGETHER unto Him /

Verse 2 , reads in order for you NOT // ME is a DISJUNCATIVE PARTICLE NEGATIVE Neverrrrrrrrrrrr TO doubt or be frightened ,

Neither by spirit NOR by word , NOR by Letter as BY as us , as that the DAY of the LORD is close at HAND .

Notice that we have the same thing TODAY , by many write books that many will be LEFT BEHIND and are DEBUNCKING

Paul .

2 Thess 2:3 No one should THORUGHLY DECIEVE you in not one way , because EXCEPT THE DEPARTURE // APOSTASIA

should COME FIRST , and the man of SIN should be REVEALED the SON of DESTRUCTION .

Then in Gal 1:4 there a word , so that HE might REACUE // EXAIREO , which means to PLUCK us out from this present

evil AGE ,

dan p
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Dan Perez

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Dec 13, 2018
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I don't think any here are saying believers will not ascend.
The debate is concerning the timing.
And 2 Thess 2: 3 is the timing .

It reads No one should thoroughly deceive you in NOT // is a DISJUNCATIVE POSSESSIVE NEGATIVE , NOTTTTTTTTTTT EVER

you in one way , EXCEPT the DEPARTURE // APOSTASIA , should come FRST // PROTO , , And the MAN of SIN , should

be revealed , the Son of DESTRUCTION .

In one verse Christ taking up those dead and alive , we have TAKING UP of the dead and alive , in 1 Thess 4:15 and 17

and verse 17 , will be caught away , HARPAZO .

This proves PRE- Mill and TAKENUP to dwell in God's UNIVERE to Judge and Angels ,, 1 Cor 6:1-6 .

dan p
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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I don't think any here are saying believers will not ascend.
The debate is concerning the timing.

It's partly that.

All agree with 1 Thessalonians 4 that when the Lord returns the dead shall be raised, and with them those who alive and remain will be transformed and taken up to meet Christ in the air.

There are two fundamental points of contention:

When does this take place? The Rapturists/Dispensationalists teach that Christ has a Parousia before His Parousia, and thus that Christ returns twice; once in the air to take Christians into heaven, and then Christ returns again as Judge. The historic confession of the Church, and the clear teaching of Scripture, is that the Lord's Parousia is His Parousia--Christ returns, as Judge of the living and the dead, and when He returns all who are in Christ--dead in the body or alive in the body--will be raised, transformed, and meet the coming Christ who shall judge.

The second point of contention is this: When Christ returns, does He just spend some time up in the upper atmosphere before disappearing with the resurrected saints? Or is Christ coming, as Scripture consistently teaches, to judge. The direction is from heaven to earth--the rising of the dead and catching up of the living to meet the returning Christ describes a royal entourage meeting the returning and victorious King, who escort the King back.

When the New Testament uses the word parousia to describe Christ's return, it is a deliberate choice. The word invokes the sense of appearing and coming near. When a city watchman is looking over the horizon and sees something approach from afar, that is parousia. Christ uses the language of virgin-brides awaiting the bridegroom, looking into the distance for his arrival; Christ also speaks of the master returning to His estate where the servants have been left to continue, is the servant faithful or unfaithful, the servant shall be judged when the master returns. When a king returns, he approaches victoriously, the people would go out to greet him, and escort him into the city--we see this exact sort of thing happen when the Lord came on the foal of a donkey into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday, and the people went out to meet Him and laid down palm leaves and sang Hosanna! When the Lord comes, He shall be greeted by His people--the dead and the living--and they shall meet Him in the air, as He comes, in His glory, as Judge and King and Lord and it shall come to pass, as long ago promised and foretold, that God will make new the heavens and the earth, and there shall no longer again be a child who dies, or man who dies of old age. Instead a river shall flow out of the heavenly Zion come-down, carrying leaves which are for the healing of the nations, and the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as waters cover the seas--and all things shall be made new, every tear wiped away, and God shall be their God and they shall be His people--forever and ever.

It is with this hope that we may comfort ourselves, that those who have fallen asleep in the Lord shall not remain as corpses, but there is resurrection--all who have put their faith in Christ shall have His victory over death when He comes. Therefore we do not grieve as those without hope, for our hope is in the Lord, and in Him none shall be put to shame. Death has lost its sting, the Grave has lost its victory, Christ is risen and all who are His shall rise too. And there shall be life everlasting, forever and ever, for God makes all things new.

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Spiritual Jew

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I have been studying this doctrine, there is a lot of debate about pre-tribulation rapture.

But do most Christians even believe in a rapture at all? What was the consensus among believers about this.
It seems that most people who responded didn't read your post very carefully. They answered as if you asked if most Christians believe in a pre-trib rapture, but that's not what you asked. Most Christians do believe in a rapture, but most do not believe in a pre-trib rapture. That belief is more common among Christians in the U.S. than other countries because of the popularity of the Left Behind books and because of popular preachers who teach pre-trib.
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Dan Perez

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Dec 13, 2018
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It is not just the timing but just as important, ascend to where.
Will this help you as to where , we are taken up !!

Rom 6:2 says , For the INVISIBLE things of Him from the creation of the UNIVERSE is being clearly seen , and we can see million miles into the UNIVERSE .

And we will control or judge God's UNIVERSE , in 1 Cor 6:2 and 3 !!

dan p
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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Will this help you as to where , we are taken up !!

Rom 6:2 says , For the INVISIBLE things of Him from the creation of the UNIVERSE is being clearly seen , and we can see million miles into the UNIVERSE .

And we will control or judge God's UNIVERSE , in 1 Cor 6:2 and 3 !!

dan p
I know where we are taken to, so no help needed. But what you posted would not help someone who did not know.
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