Absolutely true. It will die. Something has to be alive in order to die.
You’re putting the cart before the horse. Practice doesn’t determine principle. What people are doing with fertilized eggs doesn’t determine whether or not fertilized eggs are alive.
This is scientifically false. New life occurs prior to implantation. As you said earlier, the new human may die prior to implantation.
Again, scientifically false. Contraceptive would be anything that prevents a new human being from being created. And as science has demonstrated that a new human being comes into existence at fertilization, anything we do to intentionally prevent the new human being from developing would be immoral.
A tumor is alive too, and a tumor may have distinct DNA from your own, that doesn't make it a person. Identical twins have the same DNA, yet they are distinct individual human beings. A unique set of DNA is NOT the qualifier for what is and what is not a person. Is a blastocyst in the image of God? a ball of undifferentiated stem cells? With no heart, no brain, no appendages, no eyes? Cause that's the state before implantation, and without implantation it will never progress further than that.
as I said earlier, it's the same hormones used in contraceptives in morning after pills in higher doses. The hormones don't always block ovulation, especially if the woman has not been taking them habitually for a period of time, but often they work by preventing implantation. A married woman that is using contraceptives for family planning purposes can have fertilized eggs passing out of her body before implanting as one of the means that she does not get pregnant.
A fertilized blastocyst is alive in the same way the sperm and the egg, or a tumor were alive, but none of those components is a human being by itself. Actually, are you aware that each individual sperm and egg do not contain exact copies of your DNA, but rather 23 chromosomes that have been cut and pasted semi randomly together (during meosis "crossing over") from your 46 chromosomes? It's not even a clean split down the middle, they mix and match to generate a new unique sequence for basically every single gamete. By your definition each sperm is a human being. It's alive, has human DNA and is a unique set of instructions.
This is analogous to having blueprints to build a house (the DNA) and the starting construction materials to build a house (the undifferentiated stem cells), but you can't call that a house, because the foundation hasn't been laid yet (implantation). Once you lay the foundation and start putting up structures you can call it a building at least. But the blueprints and cement and lumber by themselves is not a building. If the land deal falls through and they don't let you lay the foundation.. that building does not come to pass, even though you have the blueprints, concrete, and lumber.
What defines a human being? It's not our DNA, it's not our cells, it's our soul and mind, our brains. Those have not developed yet before implantation. We kill cells all day, but unless you kill a person's brain, they exist as a human being. A person's heart may stop, a person's lungs may stop, but if their brain lives, they're still there on this earth. When the brain dies, even if the heart beats and lungs breathe, the person you knew is no longer in that body. You can transplant virtually every organ in the body from one person to another and what wakes up from the surgery? The person who's brain remains alive. You can even transplant hearts. I know that "heart" is the popular euphemism, but the reality is the heart is just a muscle that creates a flow of blood to the brain and rest of the body. If you transplant a person's heart into another person's body, it is the recipient that wakes up, not the donor. You cannot transplant brains though, you also can't replace the brain with a machine (like you can a heart). If there is a physical structure in which can be said to be the seat of consciousness and the house of the soul, it is the brain.
That doesn't exist before implantation and rather takes some weeks after to get even started running. But because every embryo develops at different rates, you can't really gauge when they begin to have a nervous system that might be housing a consciousness or soul, so it's risky to say at any point after implantation you'd still not be terminating a human consciousness at any level.
But I can guarantee before implantation, that you are not.
We will see the souls of aborted fetuses in heaven and the new earth, maybe even in the millennium, I have heard that that could be what the saints "rule over" during the millennial kingdom, it'd make sense (although it is just speculation), as to why a Millennial Kingdom would even be necessary, if all the wicked were killed at Christ's return on the mount of olives at Armageddon. You'd have a bunch of miscarriages, abortions, infant deaths, children who died at young ages, and people who through the curse, were born with such mental handicaps that they could not consciously know right and wrong. They still deserve a chance to be tested on whether they choose Christ, or choose Gog and Magog. But I do not think we will see hundreds of billions who never even implanted