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Hamas-Israel News Thread

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May 22, 2015
Jews are not God and Palestinians are not devil. Please stop this dangerous fanatical talk. Exactly this mindset leads to genocides, terrorism and other atrocities.
Whites vs black, Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Jews, Jews vs Arabs, West vs whatever, Russia vs "fascist" West etc. Has not history taught us anything?

You are the one that claimed that there wasn't black and white in Christianity. There obviously is back and white.

I never said Jews were God and Palestinians were the devil. It's not right for you to put words in my mouth and it's equally wrong for people to like and winner such actions.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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"This image is almost certainly AI-generated," said Hany Farid, professor at the University of California, Berkeley and expert in digital forensics, misinformation and image analysis, on October 30. "In addition to our models classifying it as AI, there are telltale signs in the image like the misshapen arm of the adult," the professor noted.
According to the director of the Media Forensic Lab at the University of Buffalo, Siwei Lyu, the image classifies "as AI generated by recent detection algorithms."
Yep. It's interesting. Back in the 70s, there was a science fiction television show called "The Invaders" in which aliens impersonated humans...but they couldn't get the hands right. That was the only way to detect them.

And now, AI can't get the hands right.
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Oct 10, 2020
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Since Israel bombed it they need to have and show the evidence.
Israel was just the victim of a horrific terrorist attack where over a thousand were killed, children, babies. They don't need to show anything. When the NY Times and others fell for the hoax about the hospital "bombing," Israel revealed some of their intelligence in order to demonstrate it was a Hamas hoax. Israel is not going to do that every time Hamas or their supporters put out a story about Israeli operations. Hamas are proven liars.
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May 22, 2015
Well, what do you call LGBTQ support to Hamas? They either are aware they kill LGBTQ people, or they are ignorant of it. It is hypocrisy for the very same crowd that harassed others in support of Lgbtq, which are now supporting those that would kill them, against a people (Israel) that do not. This shows insincerity (evil), or ignorance. Like Tlib, having both LGBTQ flag and Palestinian flag hanging in her office. You think she does so out of ignorance? No! She knows full well they would be dead in Palestine.
It's all about the destruction of the west and tradition western values. Anything or anyone that I tends to harm it destroy anything resembling the west, mostly referencing the US and her allies becimes a friend to these people. Even if they would traditionally be an enemy. In this case the Palestinians are an enemy of LGBTQ and would kill one in a heartbeat. But because Israel is an ally with the US then they must be destroyed as the US must be destroyed and torn down.
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Oct 16, 2023
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Amos 1 6 Thus says the Lord:

“For three transgressions of Gaza,
and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they carried into exile a whole people to deliver them up to Edom. 7 So I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour her strongholds. 8 I will cut off the inhabitants from Ashdod, and him who holds the scepter from Ashkelon;
I will turn my hand against Ekron,
and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish,” says the Lord God.

That time was long ago according to this commentary

But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza,.... An enemy that shall pull down and destroy the walls of it: this was fulfilled in the times of Uzziah, under whom Amos prophesied; and very likely in a very short time after this prophecy, who went out and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gaza, 2 Chronicles 26:6; or else in the times of Hezekiah, who smote the Philistines unto Gaza, and the borders thereof, 2 Kings 18:8; or however in the times of Nebuchadnezzar, according to the prophecy of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 25:20; as also in the times of Alexander the great, who, after he had taken Tyre, besieged Gaza, and after two months' siege took it, as Diodorus Siculus relates p; the wall being undermined and thrown down, he entered in at the ruins of it, as Curtius q says; in the times of the Maccabees the suburbs of it were burnt by Jonathan, and the place taken:

"61 From whence he went to Gaza, but they of Gaza shut him out; wherefore he laid siege unto it, and burned the suburbs thereof with fire, and spoiled them. 62 Afterward, when they of Gaza made supplication unto Jonathan, he made peace with them, and took the sons of their chief men for hostages, and sent them to Jerusalem, and passed through the country unto Damascus.'' (1 Maccabees 11)"
Zephaniah 2 4For Gaza shall be deserted,
Likewise this is listed as history in commentaries
Zechariah 9 5 Ashkelon shall see it, and be afraid;
Gaza too, and shall writhe in anguish;
History also, according to commentaries. I do see this though

Zechariah 9:16
And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.
That is future
I see no relation to Gaza today in any verse you posted
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Landon Caeli

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That time was long ago according to this commentary

But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza,.... An enemy that shall pull down and destroy the walls of it: this was fulfilled in the times of Uzziah, under whom Amos prophesied; and very likely in a very short time after this prophecy, who went out and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gaza, 2 Chronicles 26:6; or else in the times of Hezekiah, who smote the Philistines unto Gaza, and the borders thereof, 2 Kings 18:8; or however in the times of Nebuchadnezzar, according to the prophecy of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 25:20; as also in the times of Alexander the great, who, after he had taken Tyre, besieged Gaza, and after two months' siege took it, as Diodorus Siculus relates p; the wall being undermined and thrown down, he entered in at the ruins of it, as Curtius q says; in the times of the Maccabees the suburbs of it were burnt by Jonathan, and the place taken:

"61 From whence he went to Gaza, but they of Gaza shut him out; wherefore he laid siege unto it, and burned the suburbs thereof with fire, and spoiled them. 62 Afterward, when they of Gaza made supplication unto Jonathan, he made peace with them, and took the sons of their chief men for hostages, and sent them to Jerusalem, and passed through the country unto Damascus.'' (1 Maccabees 11)"

Likewise this is listed as history in commentaries

History also, according to commentaries. I do see this though

Zechariah 9:16
And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.
That is future
I see no relation to Gaza today in any verse you posted
So when God says: "I will not revoke the punishment", he only means for the kidnappings that occured during that time (ie: because they carried into exile a whole people), and not the current kidnappings, right?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2023
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So when God says: "I will not revoke the punishment", he only means for the kidnappings that occured during that time (ie: because they carried into exile a whole people), and not the current kidnappings, right?
He means things done against His people that represent and believe in Him. The time He will destroy their enemies is after they get saved. Right now they are not eligible for promises for believers. They will not see God again till they say Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord (Jesus) Period
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Dec 27, 2009
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Re tunnels;


Would like to add, not having radio, tv or newspapers I learned about this just a while ago,
reading this thread someone said Hamas had hundreds of miles of tunnels under Gaza.

Well thought it strange that the earth has not opened and swallowed Gaza.
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Sep 15, 2014
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Israel was just the victim of a horrific terrorist attack where over a thousand were killed, children, babies. They don't need to show anything. When the NY Times and others fell for the hoax about the hospital "bombing," Israel revealed some of their intelligence in order to demonstrate it was a Hamas hoax. Israel is not going to do that every time Hamas or their supporters put out a story about Israeli operations. Hamas are proven liars.
Israel is supposed to be a beacon of democracy and the Oct 7 attack does not remove the need for Israel to obey international law.
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2023
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Well, what do you call LGBTQ support to Hamas? They either are aware they kill LGBTQ people, or they are ignorant of it. It is hypocrisy for the very same crowd that harassed others in support of Lgbtq, which are now supporting those that would kill them, against a people (Israel) that do not. This shows insincerity (evil), or ignorance. Like Tlib, having both LGBTQ flag and Palestinian flag hanging in her office. You think she does so out of ignorance? No! She knows full well they would be dead in Palestine.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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Well-Known Member
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May 28, 2015
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Israel is supposed to be a beacon of democracy and the Oct 7 attack does not remove the need for Israel to obey international law.
Does the October 7th attack 'excuse' the need for Gaza (as being "opressed") to obey international law? They, after all, have observer status (same as the Vatican) in the U.N.
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2023
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And therein lies the challenge for Israel. To destroy Hamas, Gaza will have to be destroyed as well....as we are already witnessing daily.

Yep. And to destroy Gaza means the end of Israel. Everyone knows it. Without God, that is.
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Sep 15, 2014
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Not to you. They don't need to show any such thing. You don't show military intelligence to your enemy.
They've blown the camp up. Any Hamas who may have been there are either dead or have gone somewhere else. They weren't shy about showing their "evidence" about the alleged misfiring Hamas rocket. Killing all those people and then relying on the fog of war to cover it up is wrong.
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Sep 15, 2014
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Does the October 7th attack 'excuse' the need for Gaza (as being "opressed") to obey international law? They, after all, have observer status (same as the Vatican) in the U.N.
No - you need to get away from this idea that criticism of Israel means support for Hamas. This is not a western with black hats and white hats. In real life they can all be wearing black hats.
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