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Forget Jesus!!!! Let's call down the angels!!!!

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Jan 21, 2005
Marital Status
I came across this audio recording awhile ago, and like most believers of our Lord Jesus Christ I shook my head in disbelief and despair to what I was hearing. If you have any doubt that TB isn’t what others say that he is, such as a dangerous false prophet, then have a listen to the audio: http://www.deceptionbytes.com/Bentleys-Strange-World

TB said: “Now for some of you that are here, it doesn't really matter to you ... all that stuff. All you care about is ... God's moving. And you know what, that's all that really matters. So if you're not big on prophetic, supernatural, and angels, I'm sorry. It's my testimony. But if you want to know why God's moving, I have to tell you the whole story. And if you don't believe the story, well......sorry.”

No doubt TB is saying that our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ is moving in his ministry, because of the supernatural and angels?

He said: “You know, I told the Lord, ‘Why can't I just move in healing and forget talking about all that -other stuff?’ He said, ‘Because, Todd you've got to get the people to believe in the angel.’ I said, ‘God, why do I want people to believe in the angel? Isn't it about getting the people to believe in Jesus?’ He said, ‘The people already believe in Jesus, but the Church doesn't believe in the supernatural.’”

This is frightening?

TB is telling us that believing in ANGELS is more important than preaching and teaching our Lord Jesus Christ!

Now the warning lights go on when our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ, tells TB that he has to get people to believe in “THIS, HIS ANGEL”. Why TB’s “special angel”? What angel is TB talking about, because he mentions many angels, such as: Emma; Samael; The Winds of Change Angel; The Financial Angel; The Angel of Liberty; The Healing Revival Angel; and William Branham’s angel?

Now, when we test the TBs spirits and weigh TBs angelogy and teaching up against His Word, we see the demonic and occult, and a teaching that is rife with angels. Who is this “special angel” that his “lord” (Angel of light?) wants him to make the Body of Christ to believe in? We know that from past writings or his early days he made made many references on stage that he attributed the healings to his angel Emma. TB invited people onstage so that his “special angel” could enter them. This same angel is talked about in great length by TB in his teachings on “The Angelic Host”.

Anyway, we can express our concerns as much as we like on the past, but many articles and blogs on the internet that rose our concerns and condemning him as a heretic and false prophet/teachers, particularly the references to Emma, have magically disappeared from his website. As we see “signs and wonders” here, “Now you see them---now you don’t”!

TB continues on:“The Church has no problem believing in Jesus, what we don't believe in is the supernatural. We don't believe in angels. We don't believe in the prophetic. We don't believe in some of what's going on. And I'll tell you what; we need to have an awakening. I said, ‘Well, God, maybe you want to give this ministry to somebody else, because nobody's going to receive it in the package that I come in?’ I said, ‘You gotta give me the most controversial testimony? You gotta visit me with all this supernatural stuff?’ I mean, hey, maybe if I was a little more clean-shaven and polished, people would believe me more. Or maybe, the world is looking for something new... How many of you believe we need something new?”

What is TB saying here? Is he telling our Almighty God that people were not going to receive his ministry because of his outer appearance that he (Bentley) comes in, such as piercings, tattoos and showmanship. Now we all know from videos that he is clean cut and clean shaven, but he tattooed and pierced himself well after he established his ministry. If he is going to complain to our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ, Y’shua that no one one would receive him because of the way he looks, then why did he do it in the first place?

What doesn’t make sense, is that, he is complaining that our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ, Y’shua is visiting him with all this supernatural stuff, yet he is the only one who is actively pursuing it.

Are we the the only ones who thinks that TBs thinking and teaching is completely and utterly insane, and false
I watched that entire service live. And all he said is not in that video. It was started at a certain point and stopped at a certain point only to prove on thing. The heresy hunters that did this chopped it up to prove their point of their religion.
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Jan 21, 2005
Marital Status
The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice

He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
You are so right this is just heresy. How could they be singing something so horrible as this.​
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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
Marital Status
I watched that entire service live. And all he said is not in that video. It was started at a certain point and stopped at a certain point only to prove on thing. The heresy hunters that did this chopped it up to prove their point of their religion.

Mmmm, thanks Renee, it looks as though it was got at as well. One minute it's there, next minute it's gone, all those signs and wonders.

Sorry, to see that you like using the word "heresy hunters", when there is no such word in His Word.

But, if you are referring to those concerned believers of our Lord Jesus Christ who don't chase after angels or as such, then that's between you and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Only concerned believers of our Lord Jesus Christ can warn and leave it to them. I've seen it all before Renee. Take care.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Dec 10, 2005
I try to live in obidence to god some days i fail
Marital Status
I see so those that agree with you and claim things that are not are the only ones concerned and those that say but that is not so. It is Jesus being preached and many are turning to God then those are deceived?

Well ok.

Sister i know i should not joke around but i just tryed to say that three times really fast !! IMPOSSIBLE :p^_^^_^
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I really am tired of repeating myself time and time again. When will these people who have admitted they have never seen Todd Bentley except in Youtube clips or from a few selected reading stop trying to tell the rest of us what he says. If you want some level of respect then please have the decency to actually WATCH A COMPLETE SERVICE. Then you may actually know what you are talking about. Taking random edited clips from Youtube and a selection of writings from your favorite websites does not constitute good research.

Once again please tell me how Christ got it so wrong when he said the following.

“Teacher,” said John, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us.

Mark 9:38-40 NIV

Does TB bring glory to God? YES
Does TB lead people to the cross? YES hundreds
IS Jesus lifted high? YES
Are healings done in Jesus name? YES

God Bless
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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
Marital Status
I see so those that agree with you and claim things that are not are the only ones concerned and those that say but that is not so. It is Jesus being preached and many are turning to God then those are deceived?

Well ok.
My dear sister, Truth is bliss, and deception is destruction.

On all the videos that I have watched over the past, and watched again I have noticed tampering and those things I heard him say one minute, the next time they have vanished, they have been edited out.

Now on most ocasions I have NEVER seen a Bible in his hands from which he preached from, and his preaching has been on angels of all types that are NOT Biblical.

Just because he speaks Jesus, it doesn't mean it's the same Jesus that concerned Christians know.

All concerned Christians from through out the world who are unable to visit Florida view videos, and they discern on what comes out of TB's mouth. Now when they go back to the video and find that those words that TB had stated are edited out, then it makes our Spiritual Antenna blink even more.

So please tell me where in the Scriptures does our Lord Jesus Christ teach angelogy, particularly Emma, Samael, and all those other angels that I have quoted in my posting. I don't see any the mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John or in Matthew 28:20, do you?

Take care.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Now on most ocasions I have NEVER seen a Bible in his hands from which he preached from, and his preaching has been on angels of all types that are NOT Biblical.

On most occasions Never seen? This makes no sense. But again I say try watching a full service. You will see a bible either in his hand or on the podium. Just because it isn't in his hands at all times does not mean that he doesn't preach from it.

Why do you insist on ignoring the teachings that he is doing now and go after only one small area of teaching?

Nowhere in bible does it say that there aren't other angels than Michael or Gabriel etc. Nowhere does it give us the names of every angel, nor does it say that we can not see anymore.

Just because he speaks Jesus, it doesn't mean it's the same Jesus that concerned Christians know.

Nor does it mean that it isn't.

Once again you cannot judge a mans ministry from a few selected video clips from youtube that may or may not have been altered!
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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
Marital Status
I really am tired of repeating myself time and time again. When will these people who have admitted they have never seen Todd Bentley except in Youtube clips or from a few selected reading stop trying to tell the rest of us what he says. If you want some level of respect then please have the decency to actually WATCH A COMPLETE SERVICE. Then you may actually know what you are talking about. Taking random edited clips from Youtube and a selection of writings from your favorite websites does not constitute good research.

Once again please tell me how Christ got it so wrong when he said the following.

“Teacher,” said John, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us.

Mark 9:38-40 NIV

Does TB bring glory to God? YES
Does TB lead people to the cross? YES hundreds
IS Jesus lifted high? YES
Are healings done in Jesus name? YES

God Bless

Hi C,

What can I say. He did visit Australia a few months, and I'll say no more, like Howard Brown and all before him. His visit did leave some frustrated and not too impressed leaders and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now many pastors in Australia have much the same concerns as those who are posting on this forum.

We all know that videos can be doctored up, particularly after the fact.

In fact one of our repsectable pastor has the Christian network directly to his church, and he has spoken out against Mr TB, because of his angelogy and false teaching. Our pastor is very respected in the Healing Ministry.

Now we all know that when a person begins to lose out, they polish up their act, and as sad as it is, many things happen to ensure that their agenda is pushed forward.

“Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’ And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you…Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:3-14)

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matt. 24:24)

Miracles, signs and wonders do not prove that something of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, is behind it, see Matthew 7:21-23; 2 Thessolonians 2:9; and Revelation 13:13-15. The teaching of those who perform “signs and wonders” must be tested agains correct doctrine, see Deuteromony 13:1-5, and 1 John 4:1-3, and by the witness of the Holy Spirit, see John 10:3-5 and 27.

Take care.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Hi C,

What can I say. He did visit Australia a few months, and I'll say no more, like Howard Brown and all before him. His visit did leave some frustrated and not too impressed leaders and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now many pastors in Australia have much the same concerns as those who are posting on this forum.

Unfortunately no matter who you are or what you do for God there will always be SOME who are not happy. They will disagree with your methods, they will "correct" your theology so that it fits with thiers, they will claim that they alone know what is right and they will do it all in the name of "lovingly correcting my brother in Christ".

What it often boils down to is that someone has made them uncomfortable. We are happy, we are content, we can cope with where we are and when someone stirs it up we are no longer in control. God doesn't want us to be comfortable. He wants us to have a holy discontent. This means that occasionally we will be moved out of our "comfort zones" into new areas which sometimes we do not understand.

As I said, unfortunatly sometimes people cannot cope with this and the way they deal with it is to pull apart the person they disagree with.

Now I will not say that this is always the case or that this is the case with these particular ministers as I do not know them personally. However, I do see a trend all over the net that is to pick and choose areas and push them to the forefront of the issue. They never look at the long term fruit of the person they are "correcting". Nor do they look at all the people who have been blessed by this person, instead claiming that these people have all fallen under the deception of Satan. (Which in itself could be very close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit if the move is from God).

We all know that videos can be doctored up, particularly after the fact.

In fact one of our repsectable pastor has the Christian network directly to his church, and he has spoken out against Mr TB, because of his angelogy and false teaching. Our pastor is very respected in the Healing Ministry.

Maybe he is respected in the healing ministry. If he is so respected then he should follow biblical principles, go to the person directly. If they won't answer go to thier leaders. Do NOT just bad mouth them in public. No one has a right to run down a ministry just because they disagree with it.

As has been pointed out earlier, everything Todd does is scrutinized for biblical accuracy by ignited church, and by the other partners involved. Should there be any false teachings be assured it will be picked up.

Now we all know that when a person begins to lose out, they polish up their act, and as sad as it is, many things happen to ensure that their agenda is pushed forward.

In what way is TB losing out? God is being preached, People are being saved. The Gospel is being heard around the globe and God is moving in mirraculous ways!

“Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’ And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you…Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:3-14)

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Matt. 24:24)

Miracles, signs and wonders do not prove that something of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, is behind it, see Matthew 7:21-23; 2 Thessolonians 2:9; and Revelation 13:13-15. The teaching of those who perform “signs and wonders” must be tested agains correct doctrine, see Deuteromony 13:1-5, and 1 John 4:1-3, and by the witness of the Holy Spirit, see John 10:3-5 and 27.

Take care.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.

And I can quote verses supporting Todd aswell, that does not necessarily prove anything. The verses you quote tell us to be on our guard. However what they don't show is that EVERYONE who performs signs and wonders is from Satan. If that were the case then the disciples themselves would be guilty of this.

Signs and wonders are as much a part of the gospel as anything else. Everywhere you look in acts they accompany salvation. The gifts of the spirit include healing and the ability to work in the miraculous (1 Cor 12 v 8-11). Or are you saying that these no longer work in the church? Were they only for the disciples. Not in the least otherwise Paul would not have written about them to the Corinthians. They expected that the churches would follow this pattern.

When the bible is talking about being deceived it is very often talking about someone preaching a different gospel. TB is not doing that. He preaches the only way to God is through Christ Jesus, that you need forgiveness of your sins and then be baptised in the Holy Spirit. He preaches NOTHING that is out of line with that.

Constantly focusing on one small area of teaching about angels that you cannot prove is out of line with the bible is misleading. Please read some of my earlier posts (here and elsewhere). I tried to state that Angels are the messengers and warriors of God. Seeing them and talking to them is totally within scripture. Just because they don't have an "el" in their name doesn't make them demons. Ever thought that the names may change depending on the language of the receiver of the message? Todds ministry certainly does NOT revolve around angels. The services rarely mention them, they certainly don't do a lot of teaching about them.

The teaching of those who perform “signs and wonders” must be tested agains correct doctrine, see Deuteromony 13:1-5, and 1 John 4:1-3, and by the witness of the Holy Spirit, see John 10:3-5 and 27.

Correct. I have and it is fine! In fact because of this teaching and this revival I have drawn closer to God than ever before and he has blessed me increadably! He has even seen fit to use a person like me to heal others. Note it is not me who does the healing, but God through me. I just allow him to use me as he sees fit.

Now I'm not saying that EVERYTHING that goes on around Todd in the meetings is from God. There are always people willing to misuse the gifts. However, Todd has been impecable from the beginning, always giving the glory to God and Jesus. Always preaching that Jesus is the way.

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us.

Mark 9:40 NIV

I'm sure if I looked into the background of any member here I could find areas of their life or doctrine that were contrary to scripture and "dodgy" to say the least. No one is perfect. However I realise that we serve the same God, preach the same Gospel and all make mistakes (no I am not saying that Todds teaching on angels is an mistake). We all interpret scripture according to our training and upbringing. None of us has it completely correct. I have been a christian for xx"cough"xx years now (I don't even want to think about it, it makes me feel old!:D) I still find things to learn that I didn't know about every day. I certainly don't know everything, thank the Lord.

God bless my friends (yes even my friends with whom I disagree! ) ;)

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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
Marital Status
Thanks for you comments Simon, but I can only assess on what I see on his videos and what I hear on audio. I don't live in America, but he did visit my country.

Our pastor didn't badmouth TB, but expressed his concerns on what he said while he was here, and what our pastor had viewed on the Christian TV net that not many have in my country.

Now, I believe some did write to TB and received no answer.

I have expressed my opinons on what I have viewed over the past, what I have heard, and what others have expressed in their concerned views.

I am very pleased that your are now closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, our Almighty God.

And, like most revivals of the past, many more Christians have experienced the same as you, and got closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, after all HE does use everyone.

But, I've seen all the hype before, with all the TV evangelists who visit our country, and I do test the spirits and their teachings.

Could you please explain to me why he tattooed himself with gross figures and signs that have a demonic meaning more so than a glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ, particularly after his ministry began? Why is that so?

You be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Thanks for you comments Simon, but I can only assess on what I see on his videos and what I hear on audio. I don't live in America, but he did visit my country.

You can catch the meetings online at freshfire.ca

Our pastor didn't badmouth TB, but expressed his concerns on what he said while he was here, and what our pastor had viewed on the Christian TV net that not many have in my country.
I did not mean to suggest your pastor had been bad mouthing. Maybe I should have phrased the statement better. Sorry!

Now, I believe some did write to TB and received no answer.

I have expressed my opinons on what I have viewed over the past, what I have heard, and what others have expressed in their concerned views.

Fair enough but you do need to catch up, there are many ways of viewing the meetings God TV show them every day world wide (including in australia). The problem is that many people feel that they have the right to comment on Todd when they won't take the time to accurately research what is going on. Now maybe Todd didn't get it right when in Australia, maybe he did. I am not qualified to answer that as I wasn't there. However that has little bearing on his current ministry without being taken into context with his ministry as a whole.

Yes, we should be wary of people who do damage but we need to look at the whole of what went on. If I was to take your word for it I would assume that there were no pastors who felt his visit was from God. I would be incorrect. So to understand what went on I would have to research into the background, not only of Todds ministry, but also of the ministries of those complaining. Saying someone is well respected in the "healing ministry" means nothing. (I am not picking on your pastor here, just generalising). I need to know all the history of all players, be able to evaluate their biblical stance, talk to them etc. This is an awesome task. Certainly not one I should do based on hearsay and a few video clips as some seem to.

I am very pleased that your are now closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, our Almighty God.

thanks me too!:D:wave::wave::wave::wave:

And, like most revivals of the past, many more Christians have experienced the same as you, and got closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, after all HE does use everyone.

But, I've seen all the hype before, with all the TV evangelists who visit our country, and I do test the spirits and their teachings.

As you should.

Just because we've seen hype before does not mean this cannot be genuine. God also uses people like Todd. However, Satan can also use people within the ministry, attatched to it, attending it or from outside it to attack it. As I said before not every one in that meeting is on Gods team! I earnestly believe that those who are within Todds ministry are, but that some of the people attending are not. However, some of the people commenting on this ministry (and again I am not pointing any fingers, just generalising) are most certainly being used by satan to stir up a fear of what is going on, to keep people away from what could be (and in my opinion is) a genuine move of God.

Could you please explain to me why he tattooed himself with gross figures and signs that have a demonic meaning more so than a glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ, particularly after his ministry began? Why is that so?

You be blessed in Jesus' Name.

What demonic meaning? All far as I can find on the net is a few "dubious" references to japanese symbols which look "similar" (not the same) to some that could refer to a demons name, or a death mask that apparently todd has gone to extreme lengths to put in the face of a "demonic monkey" in the beard. What's this facination, some people seem to have, with looking for the demonic in everything? Sometimes a tattoo is just a tattoo and nothing more!
Now personally I don't agree with tattoos, but that is my opinion. I don't have the right to call out people because of it. I certainly don't have the right to judge them on it. As for peoples suggestion (as I have seen elsewhere on the net) that Todd must have got them all after he was saved. Has anyone ever thought that it is possible to have tattoos elsewhere than the neck and arms before you get saved. As Todd says, he's not taking his skin with him when he dies. It's not that important. By some peoples recconing no one in my youth group or church should take any note of me because I am overweight and obviously under satans influence in that I keep eating too much! Get real! It's not a major point of doctrine. It should not interfere with our relationship as brothers. In fact I know a lot of people who would be prepared to listen to someone like Todd than a clean cut "normal" pastor precisely because of how he looks. They know he would not judge them!

God Bless

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Jan 21, 2005
Marital Status
My dear sister, Truth is bliss, and deception is destruction.

On all the videos that I have watched over the past, and watched again I have noticed tampering and those things I heard him say one minute, the next time they have vanished, they have been edited out.

Now on most ocasions I have NEVER seen a Bible in his hands from which he preached from, and his preaching has been on angels of all types that are NOT Biblical.

Just because he speaks Jesus, it doesn't mean it's the same Jesus that concerned Christians know.

All concerned Christians from through out the world who are unable to visit Florida view videos, and they discern on what comes out of TB's mouth. Now when they go back to the video and find that those words that TB had stated are edited out, then it makes our Spiritual Antenna blink even more.

So please tell me where in the Scriptures does our Lord Jesus Christ teach angelogy, particularly Emma, Samael, and all those other angels that I have quoted in my posting. I don't see any the mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John or in Matthew 28:20, do you?

Take care.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
This is a quote from the pastor of Ignited church

The Rev. Stephen Strader, pastor of Ignited Church, who invited Bentley to Lakeland, is a minister in the Assemblies of God, and his church is part of the Peninsular Florida District of the Assemblies. He said he agreed with Wood and the statement from the Assemblies headquarters.
"We have the exact same concerns. We watch over everything. Everything that happens on the platform is scriptural," he said. Strader and Bentley say there has been very little talk about angels at the Florida Outpouring.
"Emma has never been part of this outpouring. It was an experience Todd had seven years ago, and it's been totally blown out of proportion," Strader said. "The nightly message has been totally 100 percent nothing but Jesus. People looking for a problem or a heresy, they're going to find it."
He''s right they are NOT preaching angels. I have watched whole services I hear Jesus being preached as Lord and saviour. I do see him with a bible. I hear scripture. And to claim that concerned christians are the only one's that view these doctored videos. Wrong if I have a news flash these videos are doctored. As I said I have watched the entire service more times than one. Guess what I can not go I don't have that type of money but they are live on God tv. Try watching an entire service instead of these doctored videos.
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I'm not the same man I was 5 years ago. I'm no where near the same man I was 2 years ago. If you held me accountable for things I said 7 years ago, I'd hang my head in shame. That's the beauty of living a life lead by Holy Spirit, guided in the Truth of the Word - you should daily be changing into that bride He's coming back for. We should all be different today than yesterday.

I've found that this revival does have healings, yes, but what is being taken away is a renewing fire that burns in our bellies to use the gifts that God has given us. That excites us and who we are in Christ. That makes us desire to step out of our comfortable christian lives where we just go week after week and belly up to the table. Where we'll take what we have been given and give those gifts and talents back to God by using them for Kingdom work. By allowing His kingdom to come into our lives, so we may submit to His authority, step off the throne of our lives and kneel before Him as He takes His rightful place there.
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I'm not the same man I was 5 years ago. I'm no where near the same man I was 2 years ago. If you held me accountable for things I said 7 years ago, I'd hang my head in shame. That's the beauty of living a life lead by Holy Spirit, guided in the Truth of the Word - you should daily be changing into that bride He's coming back for. We should all be different today than yesterday.

Exactly. It would be terrifying if we were all held to this level of scrutiny and judgement.

I've found that this revival does have healings, yes, but what is being taken away is a renewing fire that burns in our bellies to use the gifts that God has given us. That excites us and who we are in Christ. That makes us desire to step out of our comfortable christian lives where we just go week after week and belly up to the table. Where we'll take what we have been given and give those gifts and talents back to God by using them for Kingdom work. By allowing His kingdom to come into our lives, so we may submit to His authority, step off the throne of our lives and kneel before Him as He takes His rightful place there.

Unfortunately people don't want to see this, and so only look at the "weird stuff" and "angels". They don't see the fruit in peoples lives because they won't look for it.

What I find so terrifying is that christians are so eager to tear down a ministry that they will go out of their way to make comparisons with satanic imagary where none exists. Take "emma" for instance. Nowhere does Todd ever say her name is "Emma-o" that was an assumption made by someone on the net. This assumption was made purely to help discredit the man and had no bearing on reality. The japanese symbols on his arm were said to be similar to the words for "emma-o" although no proof was given of this on the sites I found they just quoted a random source who looked at "the site". Hmm. I really think that some of these people need to spend a little more time on their relationship with God instead of looking at everyone elses.

God Bless


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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
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Well, I was burnt by Vineyard Ministry led by John Wimber, 15 years ago. For many years I thought I had been touched by the Holy Spirit, and from that day on I suffered. I believed that it was the Holy Spirit, but after viewing the symptoms of the Kudalini, I found that I have been burnt and deceived by false teaching that came from the Toronto Blessings.

That is the reason why I am very wary of so-called Revivals.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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