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Elon Musk to Interview Trump on X

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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And we have a “so call “ journalist encouraging the White House to censor this interview. Is this what liberals are for now?

Which interview? The one in the OP or the one Harris didn't give to Time magazine?

Also, which demographic are they trying to hit with that Time magazine piece? Who is that for?

If you meant the Trump/Musk interview...I don't think the government can censor the interview. This isn't the old Twitter where 90 FBI agents are sitting in Twitter HQ taking down posts of anyone who says the name Bruce Jenner or gives their expert opinion about the Covid-19 Vax that doesn't support the party narrative.

I don't see how they could censor it....though I wouldn't be surprised if a "journalist" has no idea that's not an option anymore.
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Fair enough. But far too many do agree with it especially those in powerful positions.
Maybe so, I guess...but the First Amendment is still a thing (so far), so I still highly doubt the White House will do a thing about it.

Just to be clear if one supports those leaders by extension they have supported the policy.
I don't buy that. It's entirely possible to vote for, and even support an elected official without agreeing with everything they've ever done, or everything the party stands for.

In this case the “so called “ journalist used the buzz words miss and disinformation.
The government has in the past been involved in this unconstitutional activity.
Yup. And still, people vote.

Strange system we got...but it's ours.

-- A2SG, that's why the expression about politics and strange bedfellows exists....
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I heard Kamala is giving Oscar the Grouch her first 1on 1 since Biden dropped....right next to his trashcan on Sesame street.

...she could accept Musk's invitiation...then again, why would she want to sound like Daffy Duck?
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Born-again Christian; Constitutional conservative
Dec 3, 2006
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So did Musk push Trump hard on any challenging issues?
The two of them had a good conversation, but it wasn't really an interview. Will Kamala Harris accept Musk's invitation?
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Aug 28, 2007
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The two of them had a good conversation, but it wasn't really an interview. Will Kamala Harris accept Musk's invitation?
So all that preparation I did was for nothing?

I should have slacked off and just gone with my first instinct of a softball session.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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...she could accept Musk's invitiation...then again, why would she want to sound like Daffy Duck?

I'm not catching the reference.

I was trying to be light hearted about the fact that she has yet to even sit in front of a reporter who is just going to softball some questions she'll have beforehand....

I just checked her campaign website...still no policy, platforms, or positions.

I'm frankly a little shocked they're asking for donations and campaign support without even a bare bones explanation of what she stands for.

I understand she was thrown into this last second...and some places have early voting in September. That means you'd want to get your message out there quickly but be precise...

My best guess is that the D-Party understands that it's going to sound silly to promise to do things she was clearly unable to do for the last 4 years. I expected that to lead in the direction of issues that aren't the economy or border control, crime, education, poverty....etc.

I thought maybe she would run on the abortion issue (not much but it's something, right?) or...something....a made up issue like combating Christian nationalists. I get that there's a problem of losing voters on basically any issue. She can't say she'll support Israel without losing some Hamas fans on the left....she can't say she'll support Palestinians without losing some jews on the left.....

I guess, at the risk of using an overused phrase....every day this goes by without any policy platform or agenda being expressed....it gets a little weirder. This administration had been running on the doom and fear "end of democracy" stuff when Biden was still in. After his sort of wizard of Oz moment....donors froze contributions and he was thrown out by the rest of the party. They pushed Harris up into the spotlight and I know it hasn't been very long but....

Well it's almost a month now. I have no idea what she's running on. Trump could give the worst interview ever...and that's still more respectable than someone giving you nothing.

What is she running on?
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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She’s not Trump. And the media will keep propping her up.

She's not even saying that...she's been not Trump for the past four years...

Are they seriously going to run on absolutely nothing? The people who are claiming to save democracy? With the nominee no one voted for?
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She's not even saying that...she's been not Trump for the past four years...

Are they seriously going to run on absolutely nothing? The people who are claiming to save democracy? With the nominee no one voted for?
I think it’s implied.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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I think it’s implied.

What's implied?

We all know how this works...

She's getting huge donations from corporations and media and big business. They aren't offering it for nothing....they're all getting promises. They'll get what they want.

And the Democratic Party isn't even going to pretend to care about the voters enough to say "hey, we know (insert problem, economy, homelessness, border, education, etc) is bad right now but here is how we intend to fix it"?

They're literally offering nothing.

Think back just to 2016...the Democratic Party at least pretended to care. They at least had issues they ran on. Even in 2020...Biden had a whole list of positions that you could look at...and sure...the vast majority were either outright false or didn't even get attempted....

But it's something. It's not nothing.

I understand that people were put off by people saying she's running on skin color and genitalia...in weeks 1 and 2. The Democratic Party didn't plan for this....so it's going to take awhile to put together a basic agenda. Have her go peruse some jazz records, watch her do a fake southern accent while some rapper twerks on stage...

But at some point you're going to at least give everyone the broad strokes of what you intend to do. I don't even expect her to make it herself, she just has to learn it for the debate and speeches and questions from reporters....

She's literally spitting in the voters' eyes otherwise. This whole thread becomes a sort of bizarre exercise of....the least bright of us making fun of the only candidate who respects them enough to tell them what he stands for. You can disagree with him...and if you do, don't vote for him...

But if Harris doesn't even outline a plan for anything....that's like taking the mic stand, hanging a sign on it that says "Option B", and then we all watch ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and everyone else talk about how vibrant and fun Option B looks. It's like screaming at the voters "we know you know you have nothing between your ears!"
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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What's implied?

We all know how this works...

She's getting huge donations from corporations and media and big business. They aren't offering it for nothing....they're all getting promises. They'll get what they want.

And the Democratic Party isn't even going to pretend to care about the voters enough to say "hey, we know (insert problem, economy, homelessness, border, education, etc) is bad right now but here is how we intend to fix it"?

They're literally offering nothing.

Think back just to 2016...the Democratic Party at least pretended to care. They at least had issues they ran on. Even in 2020...Biden had a whole list of positions that you could look at...and sure...the vast majority were either outright false or didn't even get attempted....

But it's something. It's not nothing.

I understand that people were put off by people saying she's running on skin color and genitalia...in weeks 1 and 2. The Democratic Party didn't plan for this....so it's going to take awhile to put together a basic agenda. Have her go peruse some jazz records, watch her do a fake southern accent while some rapper twerks on stage...

But at some point you're going to at least give everyone the broad strokes of what you intend to do. I don't even expect her to make it herself, she just has to learn it for the debate and speeches and questions from reporters....

She's literally spitting in the voters' eyes otherwise. This whole thread becomes a sort of bizarre exercise of....the least bright of us making fun of the only candidate who respects them enough to tell them what he stands for. You can disagree with him...and if you do, don't vote for him...

But if Harris doesn't even outline a plan for anything....that's like taking the mic stand, hanging a sign on it that says "Option B", and then we all watch ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and everyone else talk about how vibrant and fun Option B looks. It's like screaming at the voters "we know you know you have nothing between your ears!"
I think the implication is that as long as she’s not Trump, she’s good. It’s the only reason she went from a VP with the lowest approval rating in history to the Golden Child. And the legacy media will help her by not demanding interviews or press conferences.

What will sink her is the debates. Trump was smart in getting her to agree with three debates.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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I think it’s implied.

Does that make sense? She may still put out an agenda in the next three weeks but if she doesn't and you vote for her....then any political discussion becomes fundamentally absurd.

What could you possibly complain about if you voted for nothing?

What could you possibly claim to care about if you're satisfied with nothing?
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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Does that make sense? She may still put out an agenda in the next three weeks but if she doesn't and you vote for her....then any political discussion becomes fundamentally absurd.

What could you possibly complain about if you voted for nothing?

What could you possibly claim to care about if you're satisfied with nothing?
I agree.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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I think the implication is that as long as she’s not Trump, she’s good. It’s the only reason she went from a VP with the lowest approval rating in history to the Golden Child.

I don't think the polls are real.

How stupid would this nation have to be to vote for absolutely nothing?

Do you think 50 million people would vote for nothing?

And the legacy media will help her by not demanding interviews or press conferences.

Oh it's worse than that...they're lying about what they said about her for the past 4 years. Even the people going along with it for whatever personal reasons can see it.

What will sink her is the debates. Trump was smart in getting her to agree with three debates.

That's my point...there has to be some sort of agenda to float or what kind of questions will she be answering? Her favorite color?
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