Don't Fall For the Easy


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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"It is most dishonoring to the holiness and government of God to talk of His pardoning sins before they are owned before Him." - AW Pink, 1 John Part One 1:1-2:11, An Exposition of the First Epistle of John, pg 111

In reading this it brought to mind how several times over the past 2 or 3 years I've heard statements like this: "Jesus paid the price for all sins we ever committed and all the sins we ever will commit." and, "God has forgiven us for all the sins we ever will commit."

I find this to be presumptuous and dangerous. It's making an assumption and presumption based on something those who teach this apparently know little of.
While God inhabits eternity, and perceives all from an eternal perspective, we can see on a judicial level all sins is covered, but then there is the duty of man to come under conviction, confess and repent of their sin.

I have seen this most dangerous when people have taught once you say that sinners prayer you're good and nothing else must be done: you're saved and that's it - don't matter what you do. yet so many passages in scripture refute this highly erroneous doctrine, which is a doctrine of devils: For it would be the devil that convinces someone that they can keep on living for self and sin totally contrary to the ways and will of God, and be OK.

In Pinks same book, page 6 we find this:
"As students of ecclesiastical history are aware, those known as "The Libertines" had attained unto considerable prominence by the end of the first century. Their very name is sufficient to indicate their character. Peter, in his second Epistle, described their forerunners as "false prophets" who, 'while they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption." (2:1, 19), and Jude had spoken of them as "ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, " in this way, "denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ" (verse 4.) John denounces them as "Antichrists."

These are basically like the liberals of today who preach an easy believism type gospel, with an almost magical formula in the form of a sinners prayer. There is a lot more that goes into becoming a child of God than they proclaim, and we must be diligent to speak the truth on these matters, showing that a true born again believer is one who overcomes, perseveres in the faith, has repented, has an aversion to sin so that they shun sin and flee from it: one who crucifies his or her own flesh daily, and lifts up praises to Almighty God for Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross, which alone can atone for our sins.

Remember, the Easy way is the wide path that leadeth unto destruction, whereas the way to eternal life is narrow, and is an ongoing battle against sin, the flesh, and the devil through the power of Christ and His Word.