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Does going to an institutionalized chirch actually hinder our relationship with Christ?


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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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So, that is all why one might see a Bible-only fellowship rather than various named sects, will bless seekers after conformity to what God is telling us ---rather than preachers. Noting 1 Peter 2:5 & 9 is helpful to see our calling together for study and sharing of what God is telling us, as shown in the several Holy Bible Epistles. Many Bible scholars share in a non-denom. gathering. I can speak privately to all of this understanding of the Church universal, rather than possibly offend one here. Write me personally if one would like to chat further.
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Mar 9, 2020
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What I mean is, we go to this gathering that is Pastor-centric and run completely on the dictations of a Pastor (who may or may not believe in the Holy Spirit's leading). We are spoon fed sermons and teachings that may sound good and appeal to our senses, but thats not discipleship. Such places, a normal parishioner would be lucky to get 10 seconds of the pastors pastors time. Sure, there will be others who can "be in training" or pastors of something or another, made up positions that bring manmade structure into Gods body. So people can fall into this trap of I dont need to read or pray because Im going to get a sermon on Sunday and Ill have prayer time in church, or even worse "unless Im in church I cant pray". These are all things Ive heard before no joke.

So thus my question, do institutionalized churches actually hinder our walk with Christ? Because no real discipleship can happen and people look to the pastor for leadership and guidance instead of the Holy Spirit.

For me it felt like wrong going into church which doesn't feel good to me. If I feel in church like being in a funeral, it's not for me. I want church to be completely biblical and also warm and happy place. I don't care if I'm asking too much, but I rather not go at all. I can serve Jesus in so many ways and worship and praise the Lord anywhere. But that's just me.
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Jan 7, 2025
North Carolina
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What I mean is, we go to this gathering that is Pastor-centric and run completely on the dictations of a Pastor (who may or may not believe in the Holy Spirit's leading). We are spoon fed sermons and teachings that may sound good and appeal to our senses, but thats not discipleship. Such places, a normal parishioner would be lucky to get 10 seconds of the pastors pastors time. Sure, there will be others who can "be in training" or pastors of something or another, made up positions that bring manmade structure into Gods body. So people can fall into this trap of I dont need to read or pray because Im going to get a sermon on Sunday and Ill have prayer time in church, or even worse "unless Im in church I cant pray". These are all things Ive heard before no joke.

So thus my question, do institutionalized churches actually hinder our walk with Christ? Because no real discipleship can happen and people look to the pastor for leadership and guidance instead of the Holy Spirit.
What I mean is, we go to this gathering that is Pastor-centric and run completely on the dictations of a Pastor (who may or may not believe in the Holy Spirit's leading). We are spoon fed sermons and teachings that may sound good and appeal to our senses, but thats not discipleship. Such places, a normal parishioner would be lucky to get 10 seconds of the pastors pastors time. Sure, there will be others who can "be in training" or pastors of something or another, made up positions that bring manmade structure into Gods body. So people can fall into this trap of I dont need to read or pray because Im going to get a sermon on Sunday and Ill have prayer time in church, or even worse "unless Im in church I cant pray". These are all things Ive heard before no joke.

So thus my question, do institutionalized churches actually hinder our walk with Christ? Because no real discipleship can happen and people look to the pastor for leadership and guidance instead of the Holy Spirit.
Yes, what you are saying is correct because we need to be Bereans and search the scriptures to see if the things they are preaching/teaching are true, but our human nature tends to be lazy, so we rely on the "leaders" to do it. If we are willing to just step back from the organized church, pray, live a separated life from the world, (Jn. 17:16, 1 Jn. 2:15-17), and seek Him with our whole heart and soul, (Jer. 29:13 & Deut. 4:29-31), then we will find Him in a much deeper way and He will then begin to reveal many of the Bible passages that are either taught incorrectly or just plain out and out omitted from their preaching/teaching, Acts. 17:11.

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Jan 7, 2025
North Carolina
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For me it felt like wrong going into church which doesn't feel good to me. If I feel in church like being in a funeral, it's not for me. I want church to be completely biblical and also warm and happy place. I don't care if I'm asking too much, but I rather not go at all. I can serve Jesus in so many ways and worship and praise the Lord anywhere. But that's just me.
Yes, I can relate to you that it can be very discouraging, but God does tell us not to forsake the assembling of the saints, (Heb. 10:25), so try to find a Bible study that is trying to teach the truth, where you are allowed to study and ask questions about what you studied. Studying by comparing scripture to scripture within its context not by using man-made study guides is a safer road. Doing word studies and using context-related cross references.
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Jan 7, 2025
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A good church/pastor edifies and protects the flock. He doesn't sacrifice them on the altar of the problems of the secular world.
Yes, for sure, protection and edification by the church/pastor would be phenomenal!
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