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Do you believe in the continuation of speaking in tongues and the manifestation of spiritual gifts?

Paradise Haven

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Jul 18, 2024
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The question of whether speaking in tongues and the manifestation of spiritual gifts continue today is not merely a theological inquiry but a reflection on the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. It beckons us to explore how these gifts, as described in Scripture, are perceived and experienced in modern Christian communities. Some view these gifts as integral to the vibrant expression of faith, citing biblical examples and personal testimonies of their transformative impact. Others approach these manifestations with caution, seeking discernment and biblical grounding amidst differing interpretations and practices across denominational lines. Engaging in this discussion invites us to reflect on the nature of spiritual empowerment, the role of tradition versus contemporary experience, and ultimately, how these gifts contribute to the edification of believers and the proclamation of the Gospel in our time.

Grafted In

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I have prayed for and been prayed over for this many, many times since salvation nearly 45 years ago.
More specificly, I desire what others refer to as a prayer language.
However, in God's Wisdom, I have not recieved.

Perhaps the majority of believers I know personally tell me I already recieved the Baptism of The Holy Ghost at Salvation. Doubt has often crept in and it concerns me.

I have become torn between the 2 sides of what I see as a very deep division in the Church.

I am open to and desire both deeper understanding and suggestions from all believers.

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Grafted In

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My understanding is that prayer language is strictly for the edifying of that believer and for use in private, not when around others.
But, my understanding is very limited since I have not recieved this. It is based only on what I find in Scripture and from the 2nd hand accounts from those claiming to have recieved this language, which I am told is not understood by anyone, including the one who speaks it, accept for God Himself.

I understand there are tongues for speaking in the congregation to either speak directly to one who speaks that language from birth or if there is another believer in the gathering who is given interpretation specifically at that time from God.
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Paradise Haven

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Jul 18, 2024
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I have prayed for and been prayed over for this many, many times since salvation nearly 45 years ago.
More specificly, I desire what others refer to as a prayer language.
However, in God's Wisdom, I have not recieved.

Perhaps the majority of believers I know personally tell me I already recieved the Baptism of The Holy Ghost at Salvation. Doubt has often crept in and it concerns me.

I have become torn between the 2 sides of what I see as a very deep division in the Church.

I am open to and desire both deeper understanding and suggestions from all believers.

I understand your heartfelt concern and desire for a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit, particularly regarding what is often referred to as a prayer language. It can be deeply challenging when you’ve earnestly sought this gift for many years and feel uncertain about its presence in your life. It’s important to remember that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as described in Scripture, can manifest in various ways, and the presence of spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues, can differ from person to person.

In Acts 2:4 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, we see that the Holy Spirit distributes gifts according to His will and for the edification of the church. The experience of speaking in tongues is one of many gifts, and its presence or absence does not necessarily determine the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. Your heartfelt prayers and openness are significant, and they reflect a sincere desire to grow in your faith.

It’s also important to acknowledge that the journey of faith can involve periods of uncertainty and growth. Doubts and questions are a natural part of seeking a deeper relationship with God. The key is to continue seeking Him earnestly, trusting in His wisdom and timing, and remaining open to the ways He chooses to work in your life.

Surround yourself with supportive and prayerful believers who can encourage you and provide spiritual guidance. Engage in prayer, study, and fellowship, and remain open to the diverse ways the Holy Spirit may choose to move within you. Remember, the Holy Spirit’s work is not limited to a single experience or manifestation but encompasses a rich and multifaceted relationship with God.

Your desire for both understanding and a deeper connection is commendable, and God honors such sincere seeking. Trust in His process, and continue to seek Him with an open heart.
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Paradise Haven

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Jul 18, 2024
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My understanding is that prayer language is strictly for the edifying of that believer and for use in private, not when around others.
But, my understanding is very limited since I have not received this. It is based only on what I find in Scripture and from the 2nd hand accounts from those claiming to have received this language, which I am told is not understood by anyone, including the one who speaks it, accept for God Himself.

I understand there are tongues for speaking in the congregation to either speak directly to one who speaks that language from birth or if there is another believer in the gathering who is given interpretation specifically at that time from God.
For never experiencing for yourself you have a great understanding of Scripture.
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My understanding is that prayer language is strictly for the edifying of that believer and for use in private, not when around others.
But, my understanding is very limited since I have not recieved this. It is based only on what I find in Scripture and from the 2nd hand accounts from those claiming to have recieved this language, which I am told is not understood by anyone, including the one who speaks it, accept for God Himself.
You are correct. Let me suggest that all believers can pray in the prayer language. It emits from your regenerated spirit with the unction of the Holy Spirit. No one understands it since it is meant for God and not men. The only supernatural element of this exchange is the ability of God to look down into your spirit and discern the meaning of your utterance. It is "merely spiritual." Because it is "merely spiritual" and is the fruit of your own spirit, any believer can do this. You only need to learn to enunciate the unspeakable movements of your own spirit. Speak the soundings to God, and He will hear and understand.

1 Corinthians 14:2 KJV
2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

It emits from your regenerated spirit:

1 Corinthians 14:14 KJV
14 For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.

In Chapter 2 of Acts and Chapter 12 of 1 Corin, the believers spoke as the Holy Ghost gave them utterance. Here, the "utterance" is out of their own regenerated spirit. The words sound like "gibberish" to the unlearned and, in some cases, may consist of little more than groans and sighs.
That last phrase, "but my understanding is unfruitful," does not merely mean you do not understand what is being said; I believe it means that your mind is not the source. That is, your unknown tongues are not the product (fruit) of your mental understanding.
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Paradise Haven

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When we talk about "prayer-unknown tongues" and "diversities of tongues" from a Oneness Pentecostal perspective, it’s important to understand the difference between them.

"Prayer-unknown tongues" refers to a personal prayer language that you might use during your private time with God. This form of speaking in tongues allows you to communicate directly with God in a way that goes beyond human language. It’s a deeply personal experience that helps you connect with God on a spiritual level, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:2: "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God." This type of tongue is meant for personal edification and enhancing your relationship with God.

In contrast, "diversities of tongues" are a different aspect of speaking in tongues that involve the public display of the Holy Spirit’s gifts. These are used in church settings and are intended to benefit the whole congregation. When someone speaks in "diversities of tongues" during a service, it’s typically followed by interpretation so that everyone can understand and be edified. This public aspect is crucial, as Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 14:27-28, where he emphasizes that if someone speaks in tongues publicly, there should be an interpretation to ensure the church is built up and encouraged.

So, while both involve speaking in tongues, "prayer-unknown tongues" is for personal use and private worship, and "diversities of tongues" is for public use and should be interpreted to benefit the entire church community. Both have their place and purpose in the life of a believer and the church.
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Paradise Haven

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The statements you’ve shared about prayer language being accessible to all believers as a natural expression of the regenerated spirit, and that it is simply a matter of learning to enunciate the movements of one’s spirit, require careful examination from a biblical perspective.

In the Oneness Pentecostal tradition, speaking in tongues is understood as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not merely a product of one’s own regenerated spirit. The Bible teaches that the ability to speak in tongues is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer's life, as seen in Acts 2:4 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. These passages indicate that speaking in tongues is a supernatural gift distributed by the Holy Spirit according to His will, rather than a natural capability that any believer can develop on their own.

1 Corinthians 14:14-15 highlights the distinction between the Spirit’s work and personal effort: “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also.” This indicates that while the spirit is involved in praying, it is the Holy Spirit who empowers and facilitates this form of prayer, making it more than just a mere spiritual exercise.

Furthermore, Romans 8:26-27 emphasizes that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered, which aligns with the idea that speaking in tongues involves the Spirit’s intercession rather than solely our own initiative. The Spirit’s role is crucial, as He enables us to communicate in ways beyond our natural capacity.
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Grafted In

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While I understand that no person understands what they are speaking while using their prayer language, in every account given to me either in person, by teaching, by reading, by videos, on television, by Paul, himself, there is an awareness that they are praying in the Spirit.
I do not have that.
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Paradise Haven

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It's understandable to feel concerned if you do not have the awareness of praying in the Spirit, especially when compared to others' experiences and teachings. From a Oneness Pentecostal (and others) perspective, praying in the Spirit, often through speaking in tongues, is seen as a powerful and deeply personal experience that connects believers to God in a unique way.

It's important to remember that each believer's journey with God is unique. The Holy Spirit works in diverse ways, and not everyone will have the same experiences. Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 that there are different kinds of gifts and workings, but it is the same Spirit who distributes them. This means that your relationship with God and how you experience the Holy Spirit might differ from others, but it does not make it any less valid.

Seeking this awareness and connection is commendable. Jesus encourages persistence in prayer in Luke 11:9-13, where He speaks about asking, seeking, and knocking. Continue to seek God earnestly, and trust that He will provide what you need in His perfect timing.

Self-reflection and openness are crucial. Sometimes, personal expectations or comparisons with others' experiences can hinder one's ability to fully receive what God has for them. Approach God with a heart open to whatever He wants to do in your life, free from preconceived notions or pressures, denominational differences and any man made theology you may have heard, and simply and sincerely say to God in prayer your word said I can have it please Lord give it to me.

Seek support from your faith community. Engage with trusted pastors, mentors, and fellow believers who can pray with you, offer guidance, and provide encouragement. Often, God uses the body of Christ to minister to us and help us grow.

Remember, the most important aspect of your faith is your relationship with God. Whether or not you have a specific experience like speaking in tongues, your devotion, prayer life, and pursuit of God are what truly matter. Keep seeking Him, and trust that He knows your heart and will guide you in the way that's best for you.
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When we talk about "prayer-unknown tongues" and "diversities of tongues" from a Oneness Pentecostal perspective, it’s important to understand the difference between them.
I understand the differences that Pentecostal believers, as well as Charismatic believers, have with Oneness Pentecostals.
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I have prayed for and been prayed over for this many, many times since salvation nearly 45 years ago.
More specificly, I desire what others refer to as a prayer language.
However, in God's Wisdom, I have not recieved.

Perhaps the majority of believers I know personally tell me I already recieved the Baptism of The Holy Ghost at Salvation. Doubt has often crept in and it concerns me.

I have become torn between the 2 sides of what I see as a very deep division in the Church.

I am open to and desire both deeper understanding and suggestions from all believers.

Blessings grafted In. Here is how I received this a few years ago by faith.

1. Believe that it is The Lord's will for you to have this gift. (Faith)
2. Ask for for it in prayer.
3. Thank The Lord for this gift. (Faith) in prayer.
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Paradise Haven

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Jul 18, 2024
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Blessings grafted In. Here is how I received this a few years ago by faith.

1. Believe that it is The Lord's will for you to have this gift. (Faith)
2. Ask for for it in prayer.
3. Thank The Lord for this gift. (Faith) in prayer.
About as simple as it can be.
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Grafted In

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Blessings grafted In. Here is how I received this a few years ago by faith.

1. Believe that it is The Lord's will for you to have this gift. (Faith)
2. Ask for for it in prayer.
3. Thank The Lord for this gift. (Faith) in prayer.
Thank you.
I have done just that many, many times in the last 45 years.
God has done many miracles in my life in that time, as well. He instantaneously delivered me from a 5 pack a day smoking habit, shortly after salvation. I stood up in the congregation one day and thanked Him and praised His Holy name for that. As I struggled to get free of alcohol, running in fear to AA meetings every day, He took that fear of not going to meetings away and set me free, shortly after salvation. I had gone through rehab 4 times and spent several months in a halfway house. When He freed me of that fear, I had not taken a drink in a year and a half, yet I was not free until He took the fear away.
I praised and thanked Him for all that He has done for me over the last 45 years.
With this, I have been anointed with oil and prayed over many times at a number of congregations. I have prayed perhaps hundreds of times that He would baptize me in The Holy Ghost and that I may recieve the gift of a prayer language, beleiving that I would be built up in faith by this and that it was my desire to be closer to Him as a result.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Trying not to get off-topic. Do you recognize a difference between "prayer-unknown tongues" and the Holy Spirit-enabled "diversities of tongues?"

Don't be fooled. There is only one gift according to scripture.

There are two uses of that gift according to scripture, personal and corporate. Our regenerated human spirit can operate the gift for personal prayer and edification, and The Holy Spirit can operate the same gift for corporate edification, encouragement, and comfort. The use by The Holy Spirit is considered a ministry to the body of Christ, so not everyone will have that ministry to "speak" in tongues, but everyone with the filling of The Holy Spirit can pray in tongues.
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Aug 12, 2007
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In Chapter 2 of Acts and Chapter 12 of 1 Corin, the believers spoke as the Holy Ghost gave them utterance. Here, the "utterance" is out of their own regenerated spirit.

You need to re-evaluate what you are understanding in that section of scripture.

When the text specifically says in acts 2 that they were speaking "by utterance of The Holy Spirit" that was the speaking portion of the gift by The Holy Spirit. End of story. It's obviously not our human spirit when the text is that specific.

Also,...... when The Holy Spirit is providing utterance in an assembly (as this was actually the very first assembly of the body of Christ), He also provides the interpretation. Hence the different human dialects they heard from that gift of interpretation.
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