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Difficult Conversations At Pride Event


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May 3, 2020
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I'm not sure that any of us deserve to hear it but thankfully the Lord has decreed that we all should: Matt 28 v 18-20; John 3 v 16,17; 2 Peter 3 v 9.
I mean, they don't deserve to have Christians as the messengers preaching the gospel to them. I don't believe God wants Christians to tell them about the gospel based on the very clear scripture of Matthew 7:6 (unless you think it's talking about your pet dogs or other weirdness).
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Dec 2, 2021
New Zealand
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You know, this isn't about me. This is about the ethics of badgering people who say they believe in Jesus, but have a different religious tradition from you.
Actually this is all about him and racking up the number count of people he's "witnessed" to. You either match his number count (or greater), or you're not doing the job you're supposed to be doing as a Christian.

Confrontational Evangelists love a good argument on the street.
It looks very hypocritical if someone is going to criticize others for sharing the Gospel, and they do not do it. That is like a person who does not play golf, going up to Tiger Woods and saying, "You know Tiger, I can show you how to be a better golfer. You should do what I say and not what you have previously been doing. I know all about it and so you should do as I say."
So, get up out of that chair and strap on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace, pick up the sword of the Spirit and go into battle for Christ, instead of discouraging those soldiers who do pick up the sword of the Spirit and strap on the Gospel.
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May 5, 2007
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I mean, they don't deserve to have Christians as the messengers preaching the gospel to them. I don't believe God wants Christians to tell them about the gospel based on the very clear scripture of Matthew 7:6 (unless you think it's talking about your pet dogs or other weirdness).
Well that would only apply if the animal mentioned in Matt 7 v 6 referred to the people at that event and I firmly believe that it does not. I don't like their lifestyle, nor the fact that some are trying to make it a normal alternative to heterosexual marriage, but I think as individuals they should be treated with dignity and respect, as with any other human being. We can't condone the sin but we should not prevent them from hearing the gospel. Most of us are not tempted with that particular sin but we are all sinners, albeit redeemed if we are saved, so we cannot throw stones as the Lord pointed out when the adulterous.woman was brought to him.

As for Matt 7 v 6 I've thought that it may mean not sharing the more advanced teachings of the Bible with people who.may not be ready for them and who may ridicule them. Start with the basics such as the fact that Christ loves them and died for them. I might be wrong though; I don't know NT Greek.
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