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Christians finally smashing the idol of Multiculturalism

Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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We are also born with a desire to be totally selfish, which of course was the reason we were told to love all as self. It is the way of the Kingdom, contrary to the traditional ways of man.
So we as Christians should have no special loyalty to even our own family? No obligation? This would seem to imply a total abrogation of the concept of particular relations in the effort to have a universal loyalty or affection more reminiscent of Communism than anything else. Christianity does not forbid particular loyalty and love, mainly because most people are not capable of such love.
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but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many."
Funny how people continually vote for those in opposition to this and we have made the world in an opposite image.
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Jan 23, 2014
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33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:33-34 NIV

This is weaponized virtue.

"A good Christian should be nice to a foreigner in their land... therefore permanent replacement-level mass immigration from the whole world into their land."

Just awful. Thank God the current and next generation of Christians aren't falling for this anymore.

(btw, the Bible also calls the mass influx of foreigners in your land a curse: Deuteronomy 28:43-45)

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galations 3;28 NIV

Nothing wrong here. This is both Old and New Testaments .:heart:

And there you go. Most of us can still agree that regardless of our status as a Christian, we should still respect the natural order of male and female. Just as we should still respect people's particular ethnic groups. Even "white" people, believe it or not.

The human body is a helpful analogy (as Paul often used)

We are One body in Christ, yet we still respect our distinct body parts within that whole.

Separate nations can all be spiritually united in their Christian identity, and yet this is not an excuse to eradicate those distinct nations.

This 'unity in distinctiveness' theme is consistent throughout Paul's writings actually. It is the Postwar Consensus, i.e. liberal democratic order, that wants to break down all ethnic barriers and grind all nations into atomized dust.
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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Modernity has proven the tribal tendencies of everyone. That a pure egalitarianism where everyone loves each other is pure fantasy. We are born with deep prejudices of loyalty, to family and kin and that isn't changing.
So, you seem to thumb your nose at Christ and say, "It won't do any good, so why try".
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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So, you seem to thumb your nose at Christ and say, "It won't do any good, so why try".
Jesus did not create modern liberal policy which seeks to erase the differences between people (impossible btw) and insist that all bonds of family and kin mean nothing next to loyalty to the modern state.

I see no reason to continue this flawed multicultural and egalitarian project. It doesn't inculcate Christian virtue, it doesn't benefit anyone except the globalist elites who profit off it.
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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Jesus did not create modern liberal policy which seeks to erase the differences between people (impossible btw) and insist that all bonds of family and kin mean nothing next to loyalty to the modern state.

I see no reason to continue this flawed multicultural and egalitarian project. It doesn't inculcate Christian virtue, it doesn't benefit anyone except the globalist elites who profit off it.
I tend to believe Jesus. He commands us to love and I take him seriously.
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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I tend to believe Jesus. He commands us to love and I take him seriously.
Love equally all without distinction? No he doesn't command such love. No one is capable of such Godly love except God himself and the attempt to do it would dissolve all special bonds between family, friends, Church, kin and society.
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to the Lord
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Love equally all without distinction? No he doesn't command such love. No one is capable of such Godly love except God himself and the attempt to do it would dissolve all special bonds between family, friends, Church, kin and society.
We have much from God in which He says He gives favor to some, and denies it to others.
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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Love equally all without distinction? No he doesn't command such love. No one is capable of such Godly love except God himself and the attempt to do it would dissolve all special bonds between family, friends, Church, kin and society.
Such doesn't exist without the Holy Spirit to teach us how to love. To say that it would dissolve all special bonds reveals much about one making the claim.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
United Kingdom
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Love equally all without distinction? No he doesn't command such love. No one is capable of such Godly love except God himself and the attempt to do it would dissolve all special bonds between family, friends, Church, kin and society.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” Luke 10-27 KJV​
"37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:37-40 KJV​

"Jesus then told the story of the good Samaritan to explain who one’s neighbor is (Luke 10:30-37). Our neighbor is anyone (even an enemy) who needs our help. In Christ’s example, the Samaritan was the loving neighbor who sacrificially helped a Jew who had been wounded and left half dead by robbers. Jesus commanded the lawyer, saying he should go and keep on doing likewise (Luke 10:36-37).

Our neighbor is anyone (even an enemy) who needs our help" -
from explanation here - Exploring the Two Great Commandments: Love God, Love Others –.
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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Such doesn't exist without the Holy Spirit to teach us how to love. To say that it would dissolve all special bonds reveals much about one making the claim.
Do you love all equally without distinction or qualification? Do you treat everyone, Christian, non Christian, Family, non family, friend and enemy the same way? Do you possess such universal love that you would not let it bias you or your decisions in judging someone?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
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what a disaster this ideology has been... just look at the fruits of it today. How the shepherds sacrificed their flocks to this ideology. It can hardly be put into words what a complete and utter failure postwar liberal Christianity has been, and what a high price our children will pay for it. (but hey... at least nobody will call you racist.)
Are you concerned about church membership decreasing? Is your point that "postwar liberal Christianity" is the cause of it?
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Jan 23, 2014
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Are you concerned about church membership decreasing? Is your point that "postwar liberal Christianity" is the cause of it?

I am more concerned about how the postwar consensus has been used to dismantle virtually every aspect of what could be called a high-trust Christian society,

and how postwar Christianity essentially surrendered to this new order, replacing its own moral framework.

Feminism for a simple example. Christian morality has distinct order for women and wives. Postwar feminism says that men are evil for treating women any differently than men. Postwar Christianity surrenders to this new order, and then we get the joyful fruits of a feminized society ruled over by women, which has been a disaster for families, children, safety, etc.

But more to the point of the OP. We have a postwar Christianity adopted a new moral framework which makes "Racism" the greatest sin in all the universe.

If you want to see some of the fruits of this, we can look at the mass rape of native children by foreigners in the UK... and the basic attitude is "sure, mass child rape is bad and we don't like it, but someone might call us a racist if we tried to stop it, so we must be tolerant" ... and sadly that is not an exaggeration. I wish it were.

We see similar scenarios in the USA. We must tolerate insane levels of crime and degeneracy. We must watch old ladies get knocked out on the street, because anyone who tried to honestly deal with the problem would be guilty of the ultimate sin of "racism". (of course there are plenty of non-White people who are in full agreement with my perspective)

I have zero doubt that the apostles of Jesus would call us all degenerate cowards for letting our society degrade to its current state, all in the name of a grotesque parody of morality and virtue that is advanced under the postwar consensus.

People may still be confused about what exactly this "postwar consensus" is. Basically it is the idea of the "Open Society"... that your society must be open to all people, cultures, religions, ideas, and that it is evil and authoritarian to try to close off your society in any way, whether physically through immigration, or culturally through adherence to a particular Christian ethic. e.g. (your an evil authoritarian and you hate freedom if you try and make pornography illegal)

Anyways, that is the jist of my concerns on this issue, hope that helps.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I think theres a number of issues going on today that are different to how things use to be when we first began to allow immigrants into western nations.

Post war we seen the arrival of many Europeans, Italians and Greeks especially. They integrated into our nations and apart from the minor racial issues everyone seemed to get along. That was because immigrants came to have a better life and they shared the principles of democracy and freedom with their host nations.

It wasn't that they were coming to change the host nation but assimulate into it while still holding their ethnic culture and the host nation appreciated this and welcomed their culture as an additional aspect of the newly evolving nation. The same with many Asians who came later in the 60's and 70's.

We use to look upon other nations which had conflicts and thanked God that we were not like that and were far removed from the terror.

But in recent times Islamist nations have grown and so has the conflicts. It seems some and not all but enough to cause trouble have immigrated to western nations taking advantage oif their generousity.

This coincided with the rise of progressive governments who had this unreal idea that they could create some utopia of a melting pot assuming that everyone was the same as them and it was going to be one big love fest.

But radical Islam is not the same as the west. They are aliens to democracy and freedoms. I suspect that many have planned to immigrate to cause problems and create an Islamist nation within the host nation. This has been helped by the idea that all immigrants are victims and therefore are worthy of our respect.

It reminds me of those love ins where everyone is feely feely and love can conquer all and theres no idea of reality and everything ends up a mess where people are hurt and ripped off because people were too ideologically immerced to see the reality of what was going on.

The fact is immigration is ok so long as its legal and integrated and not just open doors without any rules. That is crazy. The same ideology has been applied to crime and discipline in schools where social justice ideologues treat everyone with cotton gloves and allow the inmates to run the assylum.

There has to be checks and balances and rules. But progressives don't like all that. They think its cruel and that people are being oppressors. They would rather side with radicals than agree that they unreal and wrong.

The other issue is that at the same time all this has happened western nations have lost their identity. Culturally they are in limbo and this makes nations volnurable to be exploited because they have no firm foundation on which to stand to identify who they are, what they believe. This is thanks to the same ideology that has worked are to tear down anything western.

If there's one way of undermining and destroying yourself its undermining your own identity. A nation needs to be united and be united by belief. Western nations are divided along ideological grounds with the traditional western ideals including Christainity being destroyed. So we are open to attacks and the Islamist know this and are exploiting it.
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Jan 23, 2014
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I tend to believe Jesus. He commands us to love and I take him seriously.

amorphous undefined "love" is more in harmony with satanism than Christianity. it can mean anything. a mass orgy is "love"... this kind of "love" always tends towards blending everything together, rendering nature down to an indistinguishable essence, and disregarding any kind of natural order.

But the true love of God is spiritually and hierarchically ordered.

For example, homosexuality is a sin and against love because it rejects God's natural order, and God defines what real love is.

"Oneness in Christ" has never been an excuse to abandon this natural order. But postwar Christianity has had a tendency to try and use soteriology as a method of eradicating natural order.
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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Do you love all equally without distinction or qualification? Do you treat everyone, Christian, non Christian, Family, non family, friend and enemy the same way? Do you possess such universal love that you would not let it bias you or your decisions in judging someone?
I love God and God's Holy Spirit leads me to love others, even when my spirit is weak. The Spirit convicts me when I fail and I pray for them and for myself. I will never be humanly perfect but Jesus is and he will always help me to be better.

I have no enemies. Everyone is a potential friend, a potential Christian.
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Jan 1, 2025
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If you want to see some of the fruits of this, we can look at the mass rape of native children by foreigners in the UK... and the basic attitude is "sure, mass child rape is bad and we don't like it, but someone might call us a racist if we tried to stop it, so we must be tolerant" ... and sadly that is not an exaggeration. I wish it were.

There are no natives here in the UK, we are already cross-bred so much they are blended out of existence, unless you peer at our DNA, where this point is proved. You are quite right that your summary of the "attitude" is not an exaggeration, it is just entirely wrong. There is no acceptance of child abuse amongst any political voice right, left, extreme or moderate, for any reason.

People may still be confused about what exactly this "postwar consensus" is. Basically it is the idea of the "Open Society"... that your society must be open to all people, cultures, religions, ideas, and that it is evil and authoritarian to try to close off your society in any way, whether physically through immigration, or culturally through adherence to a particular Christian ethic. e.g. (your an evil authoritarian and you hate freedom if you try and make pornography illegal)
I might be in agreement with you over some of this, but I think it is not about race, racism is a sin. I do think that (again I speak in and from the UK), when it is a crime to pray silently too close to a pregnancy termination facility, the law here has reached a disturbing point of mind control.

When elected politicians are ousted from their position, just for adhering personally themselves to the moral standards of their own churches, even while swearing to follow their party policy on government matters, yes it is a worry.

There is no link to race or immigration in it though.
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Jan 23, 2014
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There are no natives here in the UK, we are already cross-bred so much they are blended out of existence, unless you peer at our DNA, where this point is proved.

okay, kids whose great grandparents fought and died for the nation in the 20th century world wars. specific enough for you?

You are quite right that your summary of the "attitude" is not an exaggeration, it is just entirely wrong. There is no acceptance of child abuse amongst any political voice right, left, extreme or moderate, for any reason.

like i said, it's not that people like mass child rape, it's just that they are more afraid of being labeled a "racist" than dealing with it.

i suspect this is simply not a reality you are willing to deal with, (even though it is a decades long horror that is now being openly admitted in the halls of UK parliament).

'it cannot be happening' because it shatters the postwar consensus and confronts western people's with the reality that mass third-world immigration is actually extremely harmful.

I might be in agreement with you over some of this, but I think it is not about race, racism is a sin.

racism is a useless undefined term.

hating another person on an individual level is a sin.

what is NOT a sin, is recognizing the reality that other cultures (and thus other ethnic groups) have degenerate practices and are incompatible with western societies, and trying to socially engineer them together on a mass scale produces conflict and strife, but I'm sure many people would also call that "racism" and try to say it's a sin.

(I suppose Paul was sinning when he wrote Titus 1:12 as well)

I do think that (again I speak in and from the UK), when it is a crime to pray silently too close to a pregnancy termination facility, the law here has reached a disturbing point of mind control.

then you should also know that citizens of the UK are now routinely harassed or arrested by the police for even talking about this subject in any way that would identify the group perpetrating mass child rape. This is a fact and UK citizens routinely post videos of these police interactions for all to see.

There is no link to race or immigration in it though.
I think you're sort of proving my point here. The truth of what is happening is a sacrilege to the ideology of the postwar consensus. No matter how much evidence comes out showing it to be the case, it simply cannot be a problem with immigrant groups. It must be some trick or propaganda of far-right racists. Even as police and politicians begin lining up and confessing that they knew it was happening but they were afraid of the political backlash, there are many (particularly boomers) that simply will not be able to accept it.
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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I love God and God's Holy Spirit leads me to love others, even when my spirit is weak. The Spirit convicts me when I fail and I pray for them and for myself. I will never be humanly perfect but Jesus is and he will always help me to be better.
So you don't have such a love then.
I have no enemies. Everyone is a potential friend, a potential Christian.
No not everyone is a potential friend because there will always be people that work against what you want.

Even God has an enemy, Satan. Are you better than God?
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Dec 31, 2018
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Do you possess such universal love that you would not let it bias you or your decisions in judging someone?
Judge someone? Those who have rejected the traditional self serving ways of mankind, do not judge a person but recognize the errors within them that keep a person 'of the world' rather than of the Kingdom. It is something we all have experienced at one time so if we "judge them" we have judged ourselves. We cannot control what led them to be so self absorbed but we can demonstrate how reversing that selfishness leads to the Kingdom. That is love. Same point God has been trying to put across since the Garden.
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