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The question was "Are the gifts of the Spirit a salvation issue?"
Neither one of your questions will determine your Salvation
They both fall into the category of personal belief, I personally would steer clear of any group which would consider either belief to be a Salvation issue.
I'm glad to hear that. I've been looking into the CoC (well, online sources lol) and so far I've never heard anyone say what either of you said. They've been cessationists and amillennialists.
I have this terrible problem that I like to think for myself.
And good day to you..
I love the way you ask for something, and when you get what you have asked for, you don't even acknowledge it, as though it was never given.
If that is what you call thinking for yourself, then I can clearly see now why I didn't understand anything you were talking about.....Gday.
When someone says you must believe.....outside of the essentials, it shows how insecure they are about what they believe.I was commenting on a video by a preacher from the CoC and someone replied to my comment saying that cessationism and amillennialism must be agreed upon as fundamentals of their faith and now I feel discouraged...why can't I believe in the rest of what the CoC teaches but dissent on these two? I agree with practically everything they teach otherwise![]()
agree that cesation is not a salvation issue
but if you quench prayer in the will quench your relationship with God
cant lhave a close relationship with Jesus without prayer....impossible
also remeber scripture "do not quench the Spirit"
1 thessalonians 5:19
I'm not even into the tongues and prophecy stuff because I don't know who's really legit in those departments. I just find it impossible to believe that things like discernment of the spirits, faith, knowledge, and wisdom are totally out of existence, even if it happens to be among a very rare few.
my experience alsoFrom the vast experience that I have had over 60 years as a Christian, churches that are fanatical about prayer I can count on one hand.
Why is this?
It seems to be two things come into play.
The head honcho is not very excited about prayer. My wife runs the prayer ministry at her church and the head honcho never goes to the formal prayer times. They usually have four or five people who attend.
If the head honcho is not excited about it neither is the congregation.
Is it imperative that everyone, as a member of one of these churches, believe that the gifts have ceased?
Is it a salvation issue?
I could also ask the same about premillennialism. I do not believe in pre-trib rapture (I'm more convinced it's post-trib) but premillennialism is convincing to me, but it appears as if the CoC views this as heresy. Is this a salvation issue too?
I am ammillennial -- no rapture at all, and no 1,000 year millennium.I do not believe in pre-trib rapture (I'm more convinced it's post-trib) but premillennialism is convincing to me, but it appears as if the CoC views this as heresy.