If yes, why and what does this mean?
If no, why not?
If no, why not?
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If you mean, can they fall from the Grace of God, no, they cannot.
Can a Christian become deflied? Absolutely! If we pray to God to remove the flies, He is more than able to do so... nothing is impossible for the Lord!
you'd have to assume that God assigned different values for each sin to believe that people can fall from Grace to the point of losing salvation. Seeing as each and every one of us sins after being saved irregardless of what the sin is.I totally agree Macrina . . Nothing is impossible for the Lord!
But what concerns me here is that the type of defilement Paul is speaking of is extremely dangerous, for it caues the relationship between the person and God to be DESTROYED.
It means that the person, who has become so defied, was once in union and fellowship with God in God's grace, but is now devoid of God's grace and that union and fellowship has now been destroyed.
If one, who was once in union and fellowship with God, but has had that union and fellowship destroyed and were to die in such a state, could they be saved?
1a) to come late or too tardily
seems to answer the question, doesn't it?
come to late to the Grace of God, and it won't be offered any longer.
you'd have to assume that God assigned different values for each sin to believe that people can fall from Grace to the point of losing salvation. Seeing as each and every one of us sins after being saved irregardless of what the sin is.
Yes, just as a person can get their hands dirty in handling unclean things....this is why the Church offers confession to the repentant ... a renewed washing ...If yes, why and what does this mean?
If no, why not?
The saints were to be on their watch against someone lacking the grace of God.
Hebrews 12:15 records how Paul warned the Jewish saints about someone "lacking" that "grace". That is what the Greek text of Hebrews 12:15 says, tis husterôn apo tês charitos Theou, "someone lacking the grace of God", the word hustereô being in present active participle, husterôn. In short: The "root of bitterness" was a person, someone who "lacked the grace of God" (that is, did not have it). But, that grace, what was it?
It would appear that the warning doesn't detail believers, but false believers among them.
Let us not forget the mercy of God endures forever thus God is longsuffering and wants to heal a person ...Put it into context UB. . .
Paul is speaking to believers . . . those who are fellowshipping with and in union with Christ through God's Grace . .
He is warning them not to FAIL OF God's Grace:
Not to:
- to be left behind in the race and so
- fail to reach the goal in God's Grace,
- to fall short of the end
- fall back from being a partker in God's Grace
- to fail, be wanting of God's Grace
- to be in want of, lack God's Grace
- to suffer want, to be devoid of God's Grace
- be separated from the whole God's Grace
- allow our union or fellowship in God's Grace be destroyed
He is not addressing those who have not yet come to and received God's Grace . . but to those who have and warning them they could fail of God's Grace, that they could fail to remain in God's grace, and fail to complete the race . . that is a figure Paul uses elsewhere in this same book (Hebrews) to speak of the Christian life, which he is alluding to also here by his choice of words. . . .
The imagry is clear, that if one fails to finish the race, one has failed of God's Grace . . .
Warnings aren't given unless they are real and genuine and what is warned about can indeed happen . . .
That he is warning genuine believers about falling from God's Grace, failing of it, as above, is further clarified by his warning them of BECOMING Deflied . .
One who was never joined to Christ in God's Grace cannot "become" deflied, for they are already defiled . . .
Paul is obviously speaking to and of those whose sins have been forgiven . .that is his target audience .. true believers!
So, Paul is clearly indicating the narrow target of his text . . true believers in Christ who can fail of God's Grace and have their relationship with God DESTROYED . . .
This is a DIRE warning that many choose to ignore . . .
Let us not forget the mercy of God endures forever thus God is longsuffering and wants to heal a person ...
repentance is always avalible to the contrite of heart and the humble that seek forgiveness....
what happens in a race? We fall. We get up. We fall. We get up. We fall. We ....
I disagree with my Catholic brethren in thinking that sin can nullify God's declaration of those under baptism and belief as possessing righteous. (I do, on the other hand, readily confess that sins detract from our sanctification and prevent us from engaging in altar fellowship)
At the same time, I disagree with my Calvinist brethren because I believe that someone can be objectively given a living faith through the hearing of the Word and the Sacrament of baptism, and so be truly declared righteous in God's sight, and then repudiate this living faith and so end their legal status.
All that said, when a person greviously sins (commits a 'mortal sin,' if you prefer), I am forced to question whether or not that person truly still possesses a living faith, since A. I believe a living faith is naturally manifest in righteous deeds and B. part of the object/content of a living faith is an assent and love for the decrees of God and his Lordship.