Then I don’t understand why you demand I should do so. Are you making a joke?
I’m confused as to why you are asking me to do something that needs an all powerful entity’s abilities.
Have I missed something?
Making a point humorously, I hope.
The point is, why do you judge a God Who can and does what you and I cannot do? Or are willing to do?
If you were indeed all powerful, and could force all of creation to acknowledge you and love you - would you make the choice Almighty God did instead - to relinquish His power and dwell amongst His creation in the full weakness of mankind, suffering along with the most despised and afflicted amongst us - see Isaiah 53 - preach the way to eternal life, practice precisely what He preached, and though God/Man Himself - submit fully to His Father's will rather than His own will - all the way through beatings and scouraging to the cross?
If we truly believe we could, then let's one of us do it now.
Let's do it for the ones who are knee-deep in evidence of our existence, but won't even acknowledge we exist.
And let's also do it for everyone who ever said they loved us and rather betrayed and wounded us, for the ones who are murdering us for jealousy, for the stranger, the worst possible sinners, and even our enemies who are mocking and taunting us even while we hang there in agony.
And the worst of the sinners amongst us? All those who are watching and turn away utterly indifferent to what He did for us - back to whatever or whoever we choose to worship instead - including ourselves and our own intelligence and even the work of our own hands.
And the worst of all sinners is, at some point, every last one of us. We have all crucified Him through our unbelief.
Do all this, and still manage to pray, "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." Take the full wrath of God upon yourself undeservedly, and yet with your dying words go directly to the God putting you through hell, and declare before all the world the greatest words of faith ever uttered, "Father, into thy hands I commit my Spirit."
How's that for power, Larniavc? The power of faith.
Like I say, do that, and I'll agree that you can do a better job than God of running the universe.
I can't. Thus why I worship HIM. And invite you to do the same.
God bless.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."