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4 Prophetic stories reveal a 2,000 year gospel age followed by the tribulation

Deep Truth

Active Member
Nov 25, 2019
United States
United States
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In the scriptures there are several prophetic stories that reveal there will be a 2,000 gospel age followed by the 7 years of tribulation. Below is a chart of four of these examples for a 2,000 year gospel age.

2,000 year chart Joseph.png

4 days 1.png

Israel follows Joshua into the promised land
The story of Israel following Joshua across the Jordan river 2,000 cubits downstream from the Ark and into the promised land opposite Jericho, is a prophetic picture for the 2,000 year gospel age that will be followed by the 7 years of tribulation.

The Ark of the Covenant was lifted up after 3 days
After the death of Moses the Ark of the Covenant sat still for 3 days and 3 nights by the Jordan river and then was lifted up to stop the waters when Israel entered the promised land 2,000 cubits downstream from the Ark opposite Jericho, Joshua 3:4, 16.

The Ark that was lifted up after sitting still for 3 days is symbolic for Jesus resurrection on the third day that allows us to enter the promised land of God's Kingdom by faith. Israel crossing the Jordan river 2,000 cubits downstream from the Ark opposite Jericho is prophetic for the 2,000 year gospel age that began from Jesus resurrection that will be followed by the 7 years of tribulation, Joshua 3:16.

Israel marched around Jericho 7 days and the walls fell down
Israel marched once around Jericho for 6 days, then on the 7th day they marched 7 times around the city and shouted when the walls fell down, Joshua 6:15-16.

This pattern for the defeat of Jericho is repeated again in the 7 seal judgments and the 7 trumpet judgments that are contained within the 7th seal. And after the 7th trumpet is blown the scriptures say.....

Revelation 11:15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever."

Israel's 7 day battle for Jericho is prophetic for the 7 seal and 7 trumpet judgements in the tribulation.

Chuck Missler has an exellent article about Joshua and the battle for Jericho at,
The Conquering Hero - Joshua: The Military Book of the Old Testament: – Chuck Missler – Koinonia House

And Eddie Chumney has a similar article called "Joshua crossing the Jordan," it's closer to the bottom of the webpage at The 7,000 Year Plan of God (Part 3 of 3)

When several different stories repeat the same picture for a 2,000 year gospel age that began from Jesus resurrection in 30 to 33 AD, its strongly confirms the approximate time-frame of 2030 to 2033 when the tribulation will begin, and 2037 to 2040 when it will end.

Job 33:14 For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it.

In the articles listed below I examine the scriptures that seem to be pointing to the years of 2031 to 2038 for when God's tribulation judgment will take place.

Is the year when the tribulation ends written in scripture?
Part 2, 2 days, 7th hour, 38
Part 3, 2-38

Part 4, Genesis 14:14, 17:17, Exodus 7:7, John 5:5
Part 5, Psalms 83 & 90

Part 6, Isaac's birth from Sarah at 90
Part 7, Isaac's birth from Sarah at 90

Rachel after 7 years of barrenness gave birth to Joseph when Jacob was 90
The 12 sons of Jacob, symbolic for Old and New Covenant Israel

The Ominous Sign of Four Blood Moons in 2032 and 2033

The Ominous Sign of Four Blood Moons in 2032 and 2033 Part 2, 85 Priests are put to death by Saul

Israel's Second Passover

Joseph in prison "two whole years" is prophetic for a 2,000 year gospel age
4 Prophetic stories reveal a 2,000 year gospel age followed by the tribulation
The Tabernacle reveals the age of the Law, the age of Grace and the Millennium

21 possible examples for a 2,000 year gospel age

Why did God want to kill Moses when he lodged on his way to set Israel free from slavery to Pharaoh?
Why did the blind man see men like trees walking when Jesus touched him?
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
That is the one of the popular versions of the Prophecy.

You didn't account for the The Beast, the antiChrist, and the Mark of the Beast.

The age of the antiChrist on the other hand and the Mark of the Beast began around the time of the Fall of Jerusalem - 70 AD.

It continues today. The Beast is Rome. The Roman Empire and its remnants (The Beast that resurrected). In the last two thousand years, it created many false religions, conquered many nations, stole many lands, and slaughtered a great multitude.

A lot of Christians reject this view because if we live in the age of the antiChrist in the last 2000 years up to present and Christians are having very good lives, then the notion is false. They can't imagine the possibility they have been serving the antiChrist instead of God.

It's not hard to see the seats of power and money in this world today is written in Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire.

Here's a verse to rattle your cages:

Luke 6:24-26
“But woe to you who are rich,
for you have already received your comfort.
Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
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