‘Natural Plan’ — New Couple to Couple League Video Series


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Feb 5, 2002
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The 10 video modules are supported by bonus videos, activities, guidebooks and other resources.

“Why haven’t I heard about this before?”

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by engaged couples and newlywed couples, reveals Katie Zulanas, the Executive Director of the Couple to Couple League International, which was founded in 1971 to teach natural family planning (NFP).

While quitting birth control and adopting fertility awareness methods have become a “hot” topic in the news these days, many have still not heard about the great resources the Church provides to learn the scientifically based, safe and highly effective NFP methods. During a recent webinar, Zulanas explained some of the reasons why, and said, “In my lifetime, things have changed dramatically. Many doctors now dismiss mothers from their daughters’ appointments, and then talk to them about birth control. With birth control distributed in schools, and available over the counter, these forces have become so forward that they’ve led people on a terrible path.”

Zulanas articulated other reasons as well, including the decision by medical schools not to include NFP into the regular curriculum — a decision, no doubt, she said, influenced by Big Pharma, which sees little profit in NFP, and the influence of political correctness, which has all but silenced CCL’s “voice” on social media.

Continued below.