Not alwaysSurprise. Government investigates the elite and finds nothing wrong.
Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds
Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit
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Not alwaysSurprise. Government investigates the elite and finds nothing wrong.
Maybe this is why that didn't happen?Hillary should at least get 5 years of house arrest for washing her computer hard drives with the wrong detergent.
Hillary is as corrupt as they come. So is Trump.
You do realise your OP has nothing to do with the already ongoing investigation with Barr and Durham? They have not come to an end as alluded to.
Democrat leaders have willingly provided their income tax returns, haven't demanded that the Attorney General investigate their political opponents, never withheld congressional approved funds to foreign powers to gather "dirt" for domestic purposes nor repeatedly led public chants of "Lock him/her up" at political rallies!
This President has taken the abuse of public power to a whole new level that is unprecedented in American history!
Lock em both up, then?
It took the FBI decades to restore its image and now this President wants to take it back down the same "slippery slope" by trying to use it as his personal police force!
Once the nation has dispensed with this President, it is imperative that Congress introduce measures that prevent those in high office from such blatant abuse of their powers!
Trump will remain in office.
So, two more years of pointless scratching around...?
Whereas Huber was directly tasked with looking at Clinton's alleged corruption, and found nothing.
Still amazes me, as educated and advanced a society we are, people still struggle with cronyism and corruption. The corrupt protect themselves by appointing individuals they themselves have dirt on, control, or have some other means of 'utilising' said individuals. No kidding these people like comey and others have found no corruption concerning HRC. They are essentially investigating themselves.
Still amazes me, as educated and advanced a society we are, people still struggle with cronyism and corruption. The corrupt protect themselves by appointing individuals they themselves have dirt on, control, or have some other means of 'utilising' said individuals. No kidding these people like comey and others have found no corruption concerning HRC. They are essentially investigating themselves.
How old are you that you think this sort of behavior is limited to republicans? Ever heard of Dan Rostenkowski? Bill Clinton?
No he hasn't. He's corrupt alright. But he's not unique.