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  1. C

    you're not right with God if you forsake church.

    Hebrews 10:25 says "and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Let me ask you, do we need more Church in 2024, or less?, we need more church, and Don't listen to these unsaved false prophet YouTubers who tell you it is ok to commit the sin of forsaking church, Psalms 22:22 "in the...
  2. rocknanchor

    Man’s Ever-present Sin

    Ever-present yet powerless sin for the redeemed of the Lord are sin-nixers and the only possible keepers of the moral high ground! If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, , that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be rendered...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Pride Will Be Your Downfall

    1 Corinthians 10:5-12 ESV “Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness. “Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, ‘The people sat...
  4. T

    Faith requires a corresponding action!

    SCRIPTURE: 'But they couldn’t reach him because of the crowd. So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles. Then they lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd, right in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:19-20...
  5. T

    You don't have to fall or stumble into sin

    SCRIPTURE: 'Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring you faultless before his glorious presence to stand before him with ecstatic delight, to the only God our Savior, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and majesty, great power and...
  6. The Liturgist

    Celebrating June as Humility Month, and the Fast of the Holy Apostles

    One way in which we can assert that the sexual revolution has produced grave sin is its chief temporal celebration, that being Pride Month. Even a casual reading of Scripture will confirm that both pride and sexual perversion such as that being celebrated this month are viewed as dangerous sins...
  7. Christsfreeservant

    Let Your Repentance Be Genuine

    Psalms 51:1-2 ESV “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!” This is a psalm of David, a confession of his sin against the Lord when he...
  8. stars1777

    Hypothetically, if you committed the unforgivable sin, how would you live the rest of your life?

    How would you live your life if you truly were doomed to hellfire because of this sin? I don't want to hear anyone say that if you are worried about it, you haven't committed it. Please just give me a straight answer to this question please.
  9. J

    Uncertainty around deliberate sin

    I have posted about something similar to this before, but just feel really drawn to seek advice around this so thought I would just share. I am a bit confused as to how to feel about something... Last Friday I went to bed later than I knew I should have at the time. I could have set my alarm...
  10. stars1777

    Can you answer this hypothetical question regarding Christian morality and ethics?

    If there was a person who was going to blaspheme the Holy Ghost ONLY if you told exactly how to commit this sin, would you still tell them how to do it? What exactly would be your response to this question? What exactly would you do in this scenario?
  11. Birck DK

    sex in the bible Proverbs 5:18-19

    Hallo I have a question my wife met a not Christian who said that all sex is a sin if you don´t do it to get pregnant. Know that is not true. Sex is between a husband and wife in marriage. are there more bibel vers about that subject Sex is between a husband and wife in marriage and why it was...
  12. Chaleb

    Sinless : Saints of God

    - What is the difference between a Christian, and an unbeliever? There are a few. You, if you are born again, and not just water baptized (sprinkled) and religious) are going to heaven, and they are not. You are born again, and they are not. They have their sin, and Christ has all of yours...
  13. BrotherJJ

    Legal Ordinances, Old/Physical, New/Spiritual

    Eph 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (MY NOTE: The enmity is two fold [required punishments/judgments/levied] & the recognized status/standing separating Jew &...
  14. H

    I can't feel the Holy Spirit's presence or hear his voice... am I on my way to hell?

    Can someone help me shed some light on this issue? I have been depressed and sinning for 7 years now, and nothing is helping... I feel as if I am dead on the inside, I have committed innumerable mortal sins. I go to confession every week, but it's not helping. I feel as if God has abandoned me...
  15. N

    Update on: Is it a sin to use a crack in order to use my software?

    Hey guys so back in July I came on here to get advice and help as I felt convicted because I modified software that I got from ebay and used illegal files to make it run and not have to activate it as photoshop cs3 servers have been taken down as of years ago. Well after seeing the responses I...
  16. By_the_Book

    Freedom or No?

    Whether they realize it or not most people feel that freedom is too demanding and too unpredictable. When God's people were led out of slavery into the wilderness, this was their mindset. They complained continually because they feared uncertainty. It is easier for a person to stay mired in...
  17. M

    How I Overcame my Harm OCD

    Hi, guys, I know dealing with intrusive thoughts is difficult due to shame and anxiety etc. Today, I come to you with a message of deliverance. I had struggle with having wicked thoughts for 12 years now, but not today. Today, I choose to be obedient to the Lord, by following the Ten...
  18. J

    Does God still forgive when we know we would intentionally repeat the sin again?

    Hi, There are times when I don't want to do something, feeling it may be a sin, but I intentionally go ahead anyway as it feels too hard not to. Then although afterwards I confess what I have done to God, I feel if I was in the same position again, I probably wouldn't act differently. Today...
  19. Animelover93

    Should I repent even if I don't feel sorry for what I've done?

    I recently committed a great sin but am afraid to repent of it. The reason why I am afraid is because in order for God to forgive you of your sin, you have to truly be sorry for committing that sin, which I'm not, then ask for forgiveness, which I haven't. The reason why I want to ask for...
  20. stars1777

    How can I make genuine repentance and become a true convert?

    I have lived my life as a Christian for many years going to church but not truly knowing Jesus. I have lived a life of sin unfortunately and it started to really impact me because my conscience is seared and it's hard for me to come to Jesus Christ now. It's all just intellectual knowledge and...