
  1. A

    Complicated relationship advice

    So here's the scoop. I've known this girl for several years now, we've worked together, played together, really hit it off. This last summer we worked at a bible camp together, and the last day of working together I asked her if she wanted to maintain the charade (we hadn't spoken to each other...
  2. Heartofsilver

    My fiancee is at it again...

    Hello everyone, Last night my fiancee texted me that he was anxious so I called him. He then proceeded to tell me that he was feeling really anxious about our engagement and feeling like where doing things too soon such as the engagement party and photos. Another reason why he is feeling...
  3. L

    Pregnant Women - Survey Research

    Hello! I am a fifth year psychology graduate student at Alliant International University. I am conducting a research dissertation. My research is looking at women 18+, in a relationship who are currently pregnant. I am looking to better understand women's experiences during their pregnancy...
  4. E

    Young Adults - Social Media Research

    Hi guys I'm currently completing a project and part of it requires what young adults in churches think about social media and how is affects their relationship with God and mental health. If anyone would be willing to comment their observations or stories, that'd be so much help! Thank you!
  5. L

    Does he like me does he like me not...

  6. J

    What's the Biblical Meaning of Dreaming About the Same Person?

    Recurring Dreams of the same person , What does it mean? Im seeking God about it but no answers yet! But it does happen quite often for the last couple of years.
  7. bèlla

    10 New Terms to Add to Your Dating Dictionary

    Courtesy of Ask Men. Vulturing Just like a vulture circling its wounded prey, some people out there can sense when a relationship is on its last leg. That’s their signal to swoop in, using that opportunity to pick up the pieces and make everything better. It’s important to note that simply...
  8. pantingdeer

    I am guy. I can’t like women and am lonely/Aspergers? Help please

    I stopped being attracted to women 5 years ago seemingly overnight (I 21 now) and now my life is bad since. I get sad every time I appreciate a good looking person who isn't a woman my age. I don't think I'm gay but I have fear of it because others think I am. I also get sad when I see the women...
  9. N

    God answered my prayer

    I just want to take some time to publicly thank God for bringing someone new into my life. I’ve had a rough past. Being widowed at 23 was not easy. However I praise the Lord, because at exactly 2 years later, I am now in a relationship with someone brand new, who I actually love more than the...
  10. pantingdeer

    Is there something wrong with my thinking or is my family bad?

    My family is not very close knit. My grandparents never really bothered with me or my siblings and don’t seem to really care about us. They even lied once so they could go to someone else house for Christmas instead of being with my family. Anyway... I’m quite a shy person and don’t like...
  11. Brendan1129

    Desperate for relationship adivce

    Hi, I am extremely desperate for advice. I had been dating a wonderful girl for a little over a year (I'm 24 now), and I've had a reacurring issue pretty much since we started dating. I'm not super attracted to her physically or sexually. Like hardly at all. I don't find her body type appealing...
  12. alie123

    Dealing with ex dating again

    Hello everyone :) I have turned to this forum for some advice and prayers. I have been an excruciating breakup with someone I considered my other half. He was everything I had wished for in a man. The relationship ended due to my own issues and nit being sure of the relationship lasting due to...
  13. Heartofsilver

    Boyfriend hit the brakes

    Hello everyone, My boyfriend and I were starting to look for a place to live since, we were talking about us getting engaged and getting married. I was about to look around for us to get on waiting lists for low income housing, since it can take awhile to find a place. We were hoping to have...
  14. N

    Prayer Request Unmarried father being pushed from child.

    Hi, my name is Noah. I’m 19, and soon to be a father (December 18th), and my girlfriend is 16. Recently, I have have felt major convictions about living with my girlfriend's family. When we first discovered she was pregnant, we came to the conclusion that living together would be the smartest...
  15. pantingdeer

    How to get lost desires back

    I have many problems I have struggled with for a long time. 1. I feel very lonely. I don’t really have friends and so spend all my time alone. When I go to university I sit alone because nobody wants to work/be with me. I’m not a bad person, I just don’t really talk as I struggle socially. 2. I...
  16. I

    Why does it seem like God abandoned me?

    I hope this is the last time I ask these kinds of questions here, as I've not really contributed back anything, I just need help discerning my circumstances. Long story short, I was convicted to leave my school, I'm guessing it had something to do with idolatry but I was really against the idea...
  17. public hermit

    Making friends with unrighteous wealth? Luke 16:1-9

    This parable has to be one of the more confusing parables that Jesus gives. 1. For what, exactly, is the manager being commended? Is he shrewd because he ingratiated the debtors to himself? How does that apply to followers of Christ and their use of "unrighteous wealth"? 2. Is Jesus suggestion...
  18. Not David

    Is "Romanticism" destructive?

    Looking backward when I was younger (yeah, when I was still a teenager), I liked a lot of girls but currently, I feel they didn't have anything to apport to the relationship except beauty and charm. Have you ever thought that you could be romanticizing someone in a "Disney style" but that they...
  19. bèlla

    Relationship Quotes

    Inspirational messages of love, happiness and togetherness. Share your favorites. :-)
  20. pantingdeer

    Toxic family

    When I grew up my dad always treated me harshly while treated my sisters like princesses. Whenever I did something that was bad I would be afraid because my mum would tell my dad when he got home and he would sometimes smack me with the sole of his shoes several times or with his belt or with...