holy spirit

  1. DeerGlow

    What did I do?

    I'm really worried and confused. I feel sometimes like I went too far. Hebrews 6:4-6 seems to say I can't come back from backsliding (I even had a Taoist phase, I regret it so much. A lot of verses seem to say like IF you perservere and believe 100% to the end you'll be saved otherwise not)...
  2. extreme_zeal777

    Born Again?

    Iam sure we are all aware of the term "born again" but few fail to grasp the deeper understanding of this belief in which Jesus mentioned in scripture stating, "In order for one to enter the kingdom of heaven they must be born again of water and spirit. Water symbolizes cleansing, purity...
  3. Fish and Bread

    Oscar Romero brought a new Pentecost to the church

    This is an article written by Bishop Thomas Gumbleton last year, most likely originally delivered as a homily on the Feast of Pentecost: https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/peace-pulpit/oscar-romero-brought-new-pentecost-church
  4. J


    hi there... I'm entirely new to this but most of all I'm a Newby to the Christian forums
  5. Leyanis

    Dream: To those w/ the gift of interpreting

    My dream: I was coughing up glass. I had glass in my throat. I knew in my dream I had three pieces of glass stuck in my throat. I coughed up two pieces, but before I woke up, one piece remained. The glass was slightly thick, small and clear in color. No blood. It hurt but not extremely painful.
  6. N

    House Cleansing - Seeking Information

    I'm a Washington, DC-based freelance writer who's working on an article about "house cleansing"-- a procedure in which a team of Christians walk through a house attempting to locate, identify, and drive out evil spirits. Several Anglican churches in the Washington, DC suburbs currently offer...
  7. ShepherdDauid

    Shalom Everyone... Barakah!!!

    Salute to all the Saints!!!
  8. ShepherdDauid

    Refiner's Fire: Simple Church Part 1

  9. S

    Entrance to Salvation?

    Hello, I am very confused; for almost one year now I thought I was saved, but recently began doubting whether or not my conversion experience was real. I struggled with doubt for a week or so, and began seeking after answers about salvation. Not knowing if I was saved, I became very grieved...
  10. Hoshiyya

    Finally Solved: What is Blaphemy of the Holy Spirit

    Think I may have figured this one out. Here is a possible definition of the sin called "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit". I think it is the safest and least conjectural definition. From the context, it seems it could be defined safely as: To interrupt an (effective) excorcism, or to even...
  11. Citizen of the Kingdom

    The Nous of human spirit that relates to the Holy Spirit

    The nous of human spirit as it relates to the Holy Spirit (note:any reference to Aristotle has been deleted and has no bearing on the topic) Theological definition of nous: Strong's Greek: 3563. ???? (nous) -- mind, understanding, reason 3563 noús (a masculine noun) – the God-given...