
  1. Christsfreeservant

    The Pathway

    She walked along a pathway And stumbled over stones. The pathway was not clear for her, And so she oft did roam. Her trinkets were her treasure, But not to others give. She selfishly held on to those And not for Christ did live. He in his pride was selfish, Held on to all his sins...
  2. HSong

    Universalism in our Daily Lives

    Hi everyone! Here's a thread where you can talk about how Universalism has appeared in your daily lives. It could be at work, at the grocery store or anywhere that you travel about to. This is a post from the Tentmaker site that I posted on September 3rd, and I believe fits the topic of this...
  3. HSong

    My Journey to Universalism

    This was originally posted on the Tentmaker site, but I will repost it here so you all know my background and how I came to discover Universalism, the belief that everyone will go to Heaven through Jesus Christ, that God will save all people. From Atheism to Man Made Religions to Eternal Torment...
  4. HSong

    Daily Christian Universalist Verses

    Hello. I would originally post a Christian Universalist verse daily on the Tentmaker Universalism site. However, a Cloudflare error has caused the site to go down, specificially "Table './hopebey1_tentmaker_forum/smf_messages' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" I was posting daily...
  5. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Why Are You Single?

    Hello! :):):):) I just wanted to make a Thread about "Why Are You Single?".
  6. GodJesusAndChocolate

    All Things Pokemon! =]

    Hello! :):):):) Here we can post anything Pokemon! :):):):)
  7. Daniel Hoseini

    My dramatical story and the quest for God

    Hello. This testimony is about faith, difficult struggle with sin and dramatical quest for God and the truth. I don't have stories of supernatural wonders that I can offer you. I want to tell you about my path to God. Of course, it is still far from being completed, but, nevertheless, it would...
  8. BobRyan

    UFOs: What do Christians say about aliens - What does the Bible say?

    In the article below -- Angels are listed as a class of alien life... intelligent life that is not God and that did not originate from Earth What Can the Bible Tell Us about Mysteries Like Aliens and UFOs?. Here is a Baptist news webite looking at the same question With all this talk of UFOs...
  9. EclipseEventSigns

    Discovered! The Real Jewish Calendar - Part 1. The Basics

    In my various careers, I have been recognized as an innovative and free thinker. A lot of this is due to the skills in scholarly research that I have. I pursue each topic in a deep dive to understand them to their core and do not take assumptions at face value. In the landscape architecture...
  10. D

    Christian Aid

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, so excuse me if this has been tackled before (I'm guessing this charity has come up in the past). I was looking for a Christian charity to donate to every month, and I came across Christian Aid, who appear to do a lot of work to help poor people around the...
  11. I

    Christianity and the Friend Enemy distinction

    I've been thinking about the "friend Enemy distinction," as something which relates not only to politics but human interaction on the whole. I believe it applies to even the religious life and would like some input. Many Christians seem to believe or at least presume without thinking, that...
  12. Richard.20.12

    Do you express emotions when you're alone? Are believers ever alone?

    Loneliness is the obvious problem of single life. And as Christianity in general seems to heavily lean towards getting coupled up, I'd like to remind other believers out there that we are never alone when we have strong faith. He is always with us even though our ungrateful attitude often...
  13. Margot Lugo

    Margot Lugo's Blog

    Margot Lugo's Blog is a place to process my thoughts, ponder new designs in art, and share how-to's.
  14. BrotherJJ

    First Fruits an Easter Shadow

    I believe Easter is the most notability important day if human history. For approximately 1500 tears Israel practiced the coming resurrection. Jesus was resurrected on the 3rd day/1st day of the week/Sunday, the very day the Temple priests were required to lift-up & wave the First Fruits sheaf...
  15. 2PhiloVoid

    "Christian Socialism" for our American Way ??

    Where political philosophy among Christians in America is concerned, we might ask ourselves whether or not a firm subscription to Socialism would be a better way to go than sticking with a continued adherence to a modern, individualist capitalism, one seemingly plagued by a constant allowance...
  16. Occams Barber

    Are There Other Gods?

    Exodus 20:3; ‘You shall have no other gods before me” As someone who has never been a Christian I have always been under the impression that Christians believed that there was no other god apart from the Christian God. I was therefore surprised when I came across this article which suggests...
  17. calmlady

    Christianity in Korea. Need korean help.

    Hello Any Koreans in the forums who believe in Jesus and would like to introduce for me Christianity history in Korea? i would be very thankful :)
  18. A

    Spiritual Attacks

    I would like to ask for prayer regarding something that I have experienced for the past few months. I will be doing fine. Then something will trigger me and I will begin to feel as if there is this strange numbness overtaking my heart. When this happens, I start to experience very vivid...
  19. G

    Christianity will fall, if it doesn't repent!

    Hi there, So this is not just a reminder, that Jesus warns He will take a candle from the lampstand of the Churches (Revelation), it is diligent look at the words of Jesus - concerning repentance in general. Those words were as follows: "Do you think that the martyrs whose blood Pilate mingled...
  20. I

    Was the Reconquista a justified holy war?

    In the history of holy wars of Christianity one stands out as the most successful, with the greatest consequences and results. The Reconquista not only expelled Islamic influence from Spain and in the process, all of western Europe, it laid the foundation of the future Christian Kingdoms which...