
  1. BobRyan

    you - your Bible - and aliens from outer space

    NASA's Kepler mission has verified 1,284 new planets – the single largest finding of planets to date. “This announcement more than doubles the number of confirmed planets from Kepler,” said Ellen Stofan, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This gives us hope that somewhere out...
  2. ethnosax

    U2 and Evangelicals in the 1980s: Was their Christian faith important to you?

    When I was growing up in the 80s, I remember having a lot of the "are they or aren't they" kinds of discussions about U2's Christian faith. It was, for some reason, really important to me back then. I've been thinking back to that era recently, wondering why it was so important. What did we...
  3. J

    Need help with survey concerning marriage

    Hello! I have decided to do a work in school concerning the the views of marriage in different religions, and I have decided to compare the christian thoughts of marriage to the muslim thoughts about marriage. I have therefore decided to do a survey, which will take less than 3 minutes to...
  4. Winter_Rose

    Did Jesus realise that he was different as a child?

    Hi! This thought just came to me whilst I was watching The Gospel of John on YouTube. Whilst Jesus was growing up, did he realise that he was somehow different to the other children? Did he knew that he was the Messiah and the Son of God? Would love to hear your views. God bless. :)
  5. heavenkisses1985

    Christian woman with Treacher Collins Syndrome

    My name is Cynthia and I have Treacher Collins Syndrome. I have struggled tremendously with a facial disfigurement I was born with where I have had 15+ plastic surgeries in efforts to accomplish a more "normal" appearance. I have suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life. My condition...
  6. E

    what proves christianity is the true religion ?

    hello everyone ... im a 20 year-old former muslim left islam one year ago and i was wondering if anyone could help me with logical evidence and proofs on why christianity is really from GOD. thanx in advance
  7. Lords Man

    Ishmael and Islam

    According to Genesis, Ishmael was the son of Abraham (Genesis 16:16). Yet he was not a son born according to the line of ‘promise’ as was Isaac and, subsequently, Jacob who was called Israel (Genesis 17:9, Romans 9:9, Galatians 4:28). He was merely a son ‘after the flesh’, born of one of Sarah’s...
  8. Y

    Shikoku pilgrimage as a Christian

    I was born and raised christian and have fairly strong faith. Over the last few years I have traveled and explored 5 countries. Next trip looking at is japan. Now there is an island there called shikoku and there's a Buddhist pilgrimage thst takes between 40 to 60 days to walk around. You...
  9. Ezeretane

    Christians in politics

    Hello everyone These are election period and everyone as an opinion about everything but most of us seems disappointed and hopeless concerning political moral and vision for the most powerful countries in the world. As a result, people turn toward extremism and it's sad because for me...
  10. he-man

    The Sickle

    Matthew 13:31 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, NOTE: The mustard seed, which represents the coming Kingdom of God is often overlooked. Where is that seed planted? In the Earth and compare that...
  11. dzheremi

    Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh: Home of the world's most Christian currency?

    Just something for fun. Look at how their currency actually references their faith, not some old, dead federalists or English ladies in crowns! Nagorno-Karabakh (unrecognized, Armenian-populated republic in what is today Azerbaijan) 2 dram note - front: Gandzasar Cathedral of St. John the...
  12. R

    PENTEJOY - a new musical based on the Acts of the Apostles!

    Hello! This Easter season, a new musical called PENTEJOY will be produced in Bergen County, New Jersey. Pentejoy is based on the Acts of the Apostles, and it tells the story of the disciples and their struggles with doubt following the death of Christ. If you live in Northern New Jersey, NYC...
  13. Lords Man

    As of 1st importance!!!

    What follows in the Gospel message in its most basic form. There are often many questions that are associated with this message but all of them could not possibly be answered here. If you have further questions, please refer them to “For I delivered to you as of first...
  14. T

    Christ vs Christianity

    We're told in John 2:6 6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. Yet we don't live the same way of life He did? If Christ is TRULY living His life in you, He will live the SAME life that He lived 2000 years ago! Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the...
  15. Lords Man

    Islam Islam: religion of...

    Is Islam is a religion of peace or of war? The question concerns many in our world today. The problem is that the world is concerned with things of the world. Thus the most important question regarding Islam goes unaddressed. The long and the short of it is this; it matters only temporally...
  16. H

    Prayers for my fiancé and I

    Being just recently engaged, I am so beyond thankful to the Lord for the amazing partner that He has blessed me with. We have two daughters (both from previous marriages). The Lord has blended our family in such a beautiful way. The grace of God has brought our family so much closeness and has...
  17. J

    Christian wearing niqab & hijab etc

    I don't know is this the right place to ask this, but i post it anyway and sorry if this thing has been asked already, i didn't just find a good answer. What is your opinion about a christian wearing niqab (the clothing which hides the face but leaves eyes to be seen) , hijab (which hides the...
  18. J

    Christian marrying a muslim

    What do you think of a christian woman marrying a muslim man? What about, if they have children and comes the religion issue about children's religion? Should the christian allow her children to become muslims since birth or not? And if she allows, could we think that since all is god's will...