
  1. P

    A lonely road ahead...

    Ive been contemplating many things during the past years my life my death etc, Ive prayed about it and no answer or nothing has come my way, I feel abandoned like God turned His back on me, I am 30 well gonna turn 30 this year, I have not finished college heck not even started due to my...
  2. M

    Anxiety Of The World (Helpful Information)

    In this video, commenting on Mark 4:35-41; with ending scriptures: 1 Peter 5:7 Philippians 4:6-7 John 3:16 James 1:5. We all have anxiety... it is natural and comes from our bodies in times of nervousness and what we have learned from our experiences growing up from childhood to adulthood...
  3. EtainSkirata

    Anxiety about job offer

  4. Christsfreeservant

    Our Enemy Wants to Devour Us

    1 Peter 5:5-7 NIV “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “’God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares...
  5. Jeshu

    Was Jesus helpful while suffering depression?

    Yes Jesus has been very supportive while suffering from depression. The best is that God's word is truer than my ill feelings fire my way. Just knowing that God cared about me was already helpful, for my depressed feelings made it seem that none cared for me, while God's word told me that God...
  6. carrico


    Y'all, I feel so yucky today. I believe I have OCD, but I go untreated. I went on Lexapro back in March 2017 and went off of it May 2019. I really wanted to go 2 years without meds, but I think I might end up calling my doctor here in a few minutes to go back on the meds. I think the winter...
  7. brudspirea

    Avoidant Anxiety

    I'm 21 now, and I'm fairly certain it hasn't always been like this. It started with a pretty simple fear of being judged. I avoided voicing opinions I knew would get me in trouble, stopped posting anything that could make me a target. Eventually this morphed into an INTENSE fear of people...
  8. pantingdeer

    Anxiety issues

  9. Heartofsilver

    Anxiety and future mother-in-law

    Hello everyone, My future mother-in-law isn't very compassionate when it comes to people with ADHD more particularly me. Over the summer she offered to help us budget our wedding which was very sweet of her. The three of us for saying they're discussing what we wanted in our wedding that was...
  10. F

    Prayer Request

    The past two years I've battled with depression/anxiety, addiction of nicotine, the passing of my grandmother, a breakup that I felt was Godsend, the diagnosis of my mother's breast cancer (in remission) and my dad's diagnosis of cancer who past away May 23rd of this year. My anxiety has been...
  11. Tytoman

    I am having anxiety attacks!

    I keep waking up on some nights with intrusive thoughts in my head trying to say blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. And I’m the mornings I keep relapsing some of the memories of the intrusive thoughts. God knows I’m a good man with a good will and I am trying to not be blasphemous.
  12. Z

    Religious OCD, can't watch a Christian movie

    I have very bad OCD and a lot of it has to do with religion and i can't even finish Passion of the Christ because i have to rewind scenes over and over again because i get these intrusive thoughts like "i can't chew food while Jesus is on the screen because that would be disrespectful" or "my...
  13. H

    Looking for a book

    Hello brother and sister, I am Liang from Indonesia. I am here to tell you that i am living with insomnia for years and it torment me so much everyday that i end up becoming suicidal. Its because i am so young and i lose my Job and many other things like girlfriend and my life is destroyed. Now...
  14. pantingdeer

    If have problems should I go to doctor?

    I don’t think I’m a normal person. I have social problems, I don’t love people, I don’t be attracted to people, I don’t have happiness. I do social, psychopath, sociopath, depression and autism tests online to check what is wrong with me because I don’t know at all. Or is there in fact nothing...
  15. Z

    Forgot to bless medication ocd

    I've been suffering from severe anxiety, ocd and depersonalization i got this obsessive thought now that i have to bless a lot of things before taking them, like i just started new SSRI medicine and i forgot to bless the first pill before taking it and now i feel like i've ruined the whole...
  16. Christsfreeservant

    Don't Be Unsettled

    Philippians 4:4-7 ESV “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace...
  17. bèlla

    Coping During Difficult Times

    We’ve endured much in 2020. From the challenges of a global pandemic to racial unrest and protests. Its been a rocky year thus far. How are you coping with the uncertainty? What methods have you used to combat stress and anxiety? How are you supporting friends and loved ones during this time...
  18. Elfkind

    Feeling that I'm trapped in a bad circle of drugs, bad mental health, and no hope of a better future

    I'm hoping that someone might be given insight from Jesus and are able to mention some advice that in some way or form can help me find a path out of this circle I feel trapped in, because the problems I have is only repeating themselves. I'm living in a neighborhood with a lot of drugs and...
  19. Junia

    my faith is counterfeit? shipwrecked? how can i be sure

    I became saved properly in 2006, as a 24 year old who had previously lived a strict and legalistic, fire and brimstone upbringing as re: God. I have strugled since my salvation with a religious form of OCD, known as Scruplosity as well as some other mental health conditions relating to complex...
  20. Duke of Stratford

    Anxiety Attack

    Had a bit of a faith-related anxiety attack today. I’m starting to feel better, but still not really in a good place. I saw an article from a pastor that left me spiraling and I’m not sure if it was actual conviction or just my anxiety acting up again. Please pray that, if it is His will, that...