Voting for one person of bad character over another with bad character is not compromising ones values.
If character is the only issue then no believer should be voting if that's rhe criteria that is required.
I completely agree. When faced with two options that neither reflect Christ's teachings, we must choose the one wo is best for the country.
But the real issue is that many Christians today justify all actions, character traits, or policies of the candidate they support.
I know Christians who vote Democrat, and that's fine if they believe Democratic policies are better for the country. However, don't justify abortion or claim it isn't a sin. Please do not claim that the Bible condones homosexuality. While I fully acknowledge and respect that every homosexual American has the same rights as I do, it does not imply that the Bible instructs us to accept homosexual behavior.
Likewise, if you believe President Trump's policy benefits the country, then voting for him was the right choice.
But, don't justify his promiscuous or rude behavior as it undermines Christian faith.
It is regrettable that many Christians have been making excuses for President Trump since he entered politics. When his character is questioned, the response often includes statements like, "He is a new Christian with character flaws, but we are all sinners." President Trump's comments during the Access Hollywood incident were inappropriate and do not reflect Christian values. There is no justification for or softening of those remarks. Furthermore, his rude behavior and name-calling are unacceptable in Christian society.
A Christian may choose to vote for President Trump based on his policies, but it does not necessitate an endorsement of his character. By accepting and defending such behavior, Christians convey to non-believers that these character flaws are acceptable and even rewarded within the Christian community. This could result in a misrepresentation of Christian values to non-believers.