You disagree with the start of Revelation 18, where God's people are told to get out. It is disobedient then to not do so.
I don't disagree with the bible - I disagree with bad and selective reading of the bible! You're taking the symbolic and less-clear and using that to overturn the VERY clear statements of Jesus about our number one mission - to love God with all our heart and mind and soul, and love our neighbour as ourselves. And to preach the gospel as per the Great Commission. How is it loving God to turn our backs on where most of our neighbours live, in the big cities?
Don't read Apocalyptic Symbolism literally. It's
literature, not
literal. That is - the command to come out of the city is a picture of the eventual judgement of that godless city. The cities in Revelation are about theology. One is proud and sinful, the other ordered by God and beautiful. It's a compare and contrast - to stir our hearts and help keep us trusting in Jesus death and resurrection. It's about where our hearts are - not our personal addresses! Or - think of the Israelites in exile. The prophets told them to work for the benefit of the city they were in while they were there - even though that was not there home.
Other than this poor reading of a symbolic, unclear-to-you chapter in Revelation - can you show many anywhere Jesus LITERALLY commands them to get out of cities?
Indeed - we can see how Paul reads these sorts of verses. There are other verses to 'come out' of the ungodly city. See
Is. 48:20;
Jer. 50:8;
2 Cor. 6:17. But look at that last one? Paul uses the 'come out' verses to talk NOT about a Christian's residential location, but their allegiences and heart! EG: Are they going to marry someone within the church - or outside the church? Or are they going to practice idolatry - or be dedicated to God? Because Acts shows the gospel imperative is to invade the whole world and every tongue and tribe with the saving message of God. There are no 'holy' and 'unholy' bits of the earth any more - only holy and unholy people.
2 Corinthians 6
14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will live with them
and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they will be my people.”
17 Therefore,
“Come out from them
and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
and I will receive you.”
18 And,
“I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
God nowhere told any to go build cities.
He told the Israelites where they must build the temple - and of course given that was the centre of worship - the city had to grow around that just for practical reasons.
God's city, from heaven, is symbolic of someplace much greater than a city from God's own provision.
Yes - the New Jerusalem is symbolic of heaven and earth meeting in the new cosmos that God will constantly renew. I cannot begin to imagine what that will be like - but it's exciting!
I nowhere said to abandon ones you care for, you are supposed to bring people, including them, with you.
No - I'm
NOT supposed to bring people with me because I'm
NOT supposed to leave the city based on your poor reading of one symbolic verse! You have not provided
ONE verse that
actually commands me to get out the city. All you have is a misreading of a
symbol whose purpose is to achieve something completely different to what you have taken from it.
Dude, here's the thing. Cities only use 3% of the land. Meat uses 34%. Cities can help the poor and nature by generating more wealth. The more income a city has the more likely it will be able to sponsor important things like welfare and hospitals for the poor, scientific research, and recycling schemes that reduce the impact on nature. Not only that - but it is in cities that scientific research has come up with wonders like protein from
Precision Fermentation and Seaweed Powder that could feed the world without using 34% of the land. Indeed, the Seaweed Powder could RESTORE THE OCEANS!
Cities generate wealth in the way your little permaculture compounds cannot. Cities enjoy an efficiency bonus. The basic rule of thumb? Every time you double a city’s population you get an extra 30% GDP for free. To illustrate, say you have 5,000 people in one town and 5,000 people in another separate town. The total GDP would be the GDP of 10,000 people. But if all these people lived together in one single town of 10,000 people, they would get the GDP of 13,000 people. That’s the work of an extra 3000 people - for free. Just because living together shares resources and gets things done more efficiently. They're not even sure when this bonus stops - it might be as high as a city of 40 million.
Why innovation thrives in cities
If we stay in the cities and preach the gospel - we might just turn around that city - and reduce harm. Reduce ungodliness.
Until you can come up with a
clearer argument based on more
compelling verses, a misreading of Revelation just isn't going to compell me to take your idea seriously. The monks did stuff like this - and ended up just as corrupt themselves in many cases.