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Afraid to take my medication because of 'religious ocd'


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Jul 26, 2024
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Hello, im sorry if im posting this in the wrong area I'm new a bit confused with the layout.

I recently got diagnosed with a lifelong illness I will always have to take medication for, after being on short term medication I finally got long term medication.

My problem is I've struggled with various types of intrusive thoughts/obsessive compulsive ideas for years now. This was made even worse when someone I know told me something along the lines of ' be careful, if you take X medication you might corrupt your DNA and go to hell, one reason God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed '. I don't know how much truth there is to this and I don't believe that would happen but my obsessive compulsive tendencies don't care, I can't help but worry, so much so I went through a lot of work to get different medication.

Outside of that I have other worries ' it's the mark of the beast ' even though I know it's not, and among other things. I'm not really sure what to do and I can't overcome this fear, everyday I don't start this medication I get sicker eventually I would have to go to the hospital. Its stressful. I've considered getting professional help but I don't feel comfortable going to a doctor and telling them I feel like I have OCD tendencies.

Thank you for your time please pray for me.


243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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You sound like you have a handle on it. I see you separating yourself from your thoughts. That you know the truth but the intrusive thoughts just keep coming anyway. You are struggling so that the thoughts take you to thinking about them because you know they are wrong. Fight those thoughts by taking them captive as in 2Cor 10:3-5 . Pray about it and God will let you, and empower you.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
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Hello, im sorry if im posting this in the wrong area I'm new a bit confused with the layout.

I recently got diagnosed with a lifelong illness I will always have to take medication for, after being on short term medication I finally got long term medication.

My problem is I've struggled with various types of intrusive thoughts/obsessive compulsive ideas for years now. This was made even worse when someone I know told me something along the lines of ' be careful, if you take X medication you might corrupt your DNA and go to hell, one reason God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed '. I don't know how much truth there is to this and I don't believe that would happen but my obsessive compulsive tendencies don't care, I can't help but worry, so much so I went through a lot of work to get different medication.

Outside of that I have other worries ' it's the mark of the beast ' even though I know it's not, and among other things. I'm not really sure what to do and I can't overcome this fear, everyday I don't start this medication I get sicker eventually I would have to go to the hospital. Its stressful. I've considered getting professional help but I don't feel comfortable going to a doctor and telling them I feel like I have OCD tendencies.

Thank you for your time please pray for me.
OCD's, intrusive thoughts, anxieties - many people (me included) experienced it went away after they stopped to consume various disruptive plant products - teas, coffees, sugar, seed oils, and similar. And of course, you must also exclude alcohol, cigarettes, drugs...

Instead, adding a lot of animal fat and protein to one's diet may help (brain needs it to function properly). Worth the try.

Also, supplement with D3, if you do not have enough sunshine, its a crucial hormone for this.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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Going to decaf coffee helped me, small amount. I fight not as beating the air’, spiritually. Have found plenty of breathing room. It’s spiritual…. But you’re saying it’s a chemical imbalance? I know what you saying can be true for some. But the hard cases must be made calm because of its intensity.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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OCD's, intrusive thoughts, anxieties - many people (me included) experienced it went away after they stopped to consume various disruptive plant products - teas, coffees, sugar, seed oils, and similar. And of course, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs...

Instead, adding a lot of animal fat and protein to one's diet may help (brain needs it to function properly). Worth the try.

Also, supplement with D3, if you do not have enough sunshine, it’s va crucial hormone for this.

I have done a number of these things through keto diet and over the years stopped eating some of those. I stopped taking all illegal drugs including pot since 86. Quitting has helped. Still fighting my mind in a spiritual way is helping to relieve doubt and fear and thoughts and not be stopped by them. The fleshly mind is your enemy. Faith and consistently correcting oneself to the truth has merit.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
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I have done a number of these things through keto diet and over the years stopped eating some of those. I stopped taking all illegal drugs including pot since 86. Quitting has helped. Still fighting my mind in a spiritual way is helping to relieve doubt and fear and thoughts and not be stopped by them. The fleshly mind is your enemy. Faith and consistently correcting oneself to the truth has merit.
I actually think it has little to do with anything spiritual. Its mostly about the brain chemistry and hormonal balance. Regular sleep, proper nutrition, lowering stress, movement and D3/sunshine do "miracles" for the mental health.

As the saying goes - "There is a healthy spirit in the healthy body." (not in theological, but in mental health sense).
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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I actually think it has little to do with anything spiritual. Its mostly about the brain chemistry and hormonal balance. Regular sleep, proper nutrition, lowering stress, movement and D3/sunshine do "miracles" for the mental health.

As the saying goes - "There is a healthy spirit in the healthy body." (not in theological, but in mental health

It’s done miracles for you? and who else. Is it wide spread? There are exceptions, I hope you think. Then the person can go to work…. Life is stressful.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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Hello, im sorry if im posting this in the wrong area I'm new a bit confused with the layout.

I recently got diagnosed with a lifelong illness I will always have to take medication for, after being on short term medication I finally got long term medication.

My problem is I've struggled with various types of intrusive thoughts/obsessive compulsive ideas for years now. This was made even worse when someone I know told me something along the lines of ' be careful, if you take X medication you might corrupt your DNA and go to hell, one reason God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed '. I don't know how much truth there is to this and I don't believe that would happen but my obsessive compulsive tendencies don't care, I can't help but worry, so much so I went through a lot of work to get different medication.

Outside of that I have other worries ' it's the mark of the beast ' even though I know it's not, and among other things. I'm not really sure what to do and I can't overcome this fear, everyday I don't start this medication I get sicker eventually I would have to go to the hospital. Its stressful. I've considered getting professional help but I don't feel comfortable going to a doctor and telling them I feel like I have OCD tendencies.

Thank you for your time please pray for me.
Praying fervently for you, goose. There is deliverance, however God uniquely guides you to it, because it's His promise to every believer. I urge you to stand on three pieces of Scripture, even if you have difficulty believing that it can actually apply to you, too, not to just everyone else. Keep hanging your hopes on these, and all His promises. As I tell anyone and everyone, I thoroughly believe that He will deliver you because He loves you no less than He loves me!

I mean, why not believe, eh? Is there anything He CAN'T do? Ask for bread, He won't give you a stone, I guarantee it!

He loves when you pray His Word back to Him. Do so till the end of time if you have to, we all do! HE will build your faith that will conquer all...

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Phillipians 4:6-7 NKJV

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

And all of 1 Corinthians 2, especially verse 16, NKJV:

"For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ."

We are all here for you. God bless!

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Nov 21, 2008
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Hello, im sorry if im posting this in the wrong area I'm new a bit confused with the layout.

I recently got diagnosed with a lifelong illness I will always have to take medication for, after being on short term medication I finally got long term medication.

My problem is I've struggled with various types of intrusive thoughts/obsessive compulsive ideas for years now. This was made even worse when someone I know told me something along the lines of ' be careful, if you take X medication you might corrupt your DNA and go to hell, one reason God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed '. I don't know how much truth there is to this and I don't believe that would happen but my obsessive compulsive tendencies don't care, I can't help but worry, so much so I went through a lot of work to get different medication.

Outside of that I have other worries ' it's the mark of the beast ' even though I know it's not, and among other things. I'm not really sure what to do and I can't overcome this fear, everyday I don't start this medication I get sicker eventually I would have to go to the hospital. Its stressful. I've considered getting professional help but I don't feel comfortable going to a doctor and telling them I feel like I have OCD tendencies.

Thank you for your time please pray for me.
you are being confused by not having enough information.
1. The mark of the beast is in Rev 13 and 14 and the text says it will happen in the future - at a time when amazing signs and wonders appear such that the entire world will stand amazed (IE will be unity). As it is today - there is a lot of disunity on earth, no signs and wonders etc. And Rev 13 makes it clear that the whole point of the mark is to get people to worship a certain way, such that if they don't - they cannot buy or sell.

2. Medications don't change DNA, even the latest vaccines don't change your own DNA. Anyone who analyzes your DNA will find that it is unchanged. The RNA vaccines don't change your DNA - rather they use their own RNA and hand it off to your cell's replicator engines that use the RNA as instructions to build an enemy-protein that is designed to get your body to see it and attack it. IT is trying to get your body to be well practiced at recognizing the bad guy and attacking him. IT is like saying "the bad guy has a blue sleeve so I am going to show the body that blue sleeve and so it will be ready to attack anything it sees with that specific blue sleeve"

What caught my attention here was your screen name "goosesyrup".

Gooseberries are a super food. Gooseberry powder is called "Amla". All it is is powdered gooseberry - but it is great for fighting cancer. lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood sugar.
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Jul 26, 2024
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you are being confused by not having enough information.
1. The mark of the beast is in Rev 13 and 14 and the text says it will happen in the future - at a time when amazing signs and wonders appear such that the entire world will stand amazed (IE will be unity). As it is today - there is a lot of disunity on earth, no signs and wonders etc. And Rev 13 makes it clear that the whole point of the mark is to get people to worship a certain way, such that if they don't - they cannot buy or sell.

2. Medications don't change DNA, even the latest vaccines don't change your own DNA. Anyone who analyzes your DNA will find that it is unchanged. The RNA vaccines don't change your DNA - rather they use their own RNA and hand it off to your cell's replicator engines that use the RNA as instructions to build an enemy-protein that is designed to get your body to see it and attack it. IT is trying to get your body to be well practiced at recognizing the bad guy and attacking him. IT is like saying "the bad guy has a blue sleeve so I am going to show the body that blue sleeve and so it will be ready to attack anything it sees with that specific blue sleeve"

What caught my attention here was your screen name "goosesyrup".

Gooseberries are a super food. Gooseberry powder is called "Amla". All it is is powdered gooseberry - but it is great for fighting cancer. lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood sugar.
Thank you for this and for everyone else's responses, I am going to work up the courage to take the first dose soon and then I will realize I still love God and God still loves me and it will be over.

And even if there was a horrible accident with medication and it did change or damage someone's DNA, you wouldn't be damned because of it right? After all that unfortunately happens sometimes with radiation, after all I've smoked tobacco before that's an actual mutagen and I'm alright.

Thank you and everyone in this thread.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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you are being confused by not having enough information.
1. The mark of the beast is in Rev 13 and 14 and the text says it will happen in the future - at a time when amazing signs and wonders appear such that the entire world will stand amazed (IE will be unity). As it is today - there is a lot of disunity on earth, no signs and wonders etc. And Rev 13 makes it clear that the whole point of the mark is to get people to worship a certain way, such that if they don't - they cannot buy or sell.

2. Medications don't change DNA, even the latest vaccines don't change your own DNA. Anyone who analyzes your DNA will find that it is unchanged. The RNA vaccines don't change your DNA - rather they use their own RNA and hand it off to your cell's replicator engines that use the RNA as instructions to build an enemy-protein that is designed to get your body to see it and attack it. IT is trying to get your body to be well practiced at recognizing the bad guy and attacking him. IT is like saying "the bad guy has a blue sleeve so I am going to show the body that blue sleeve and so it will be ready to attack anything it sees with that specific blue sleeve"

What caught my attention here was your screen name "goosesyrup".

Gooseberries are a super food. Gooseberry powder is called "Amla". All it is is powdered gooseberry - but it is great for fighting cancer. lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood sugar.
A little aside... gee whiz, Bob, don't hold back on knocking out some knowledge, spiritual and medical! Ok, a quickie side challenge for you. Was reading in Isaiah about King Hezekiah's boils. He was told to apply a poultice of figs and black or blueberries. Don't laugh... I called HEB to see if they sold either and fresh figs are out of season, out of stock on blueberries, so alas... So, whaddaya know about their healing properties? Maybe pm me or start another thread?

Sorry, goose, to temporarily side-track your thread! Just take it as a demonstration that like the Scriptures say, "where there is a multitude of counselors there is victory." I'd say you picked the right forum *wink*. Still praying!
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A little aside... gee whiz, Bob, don't hold back on knocking out some knowledge, spiritual and medical! Ok, a quickie side challenge for you. Was reading in Isaiah about King Hezekiah's boils. He was told to apply a poultice of figs and black or blueberries. Don't laugh... I called HEB to see if they sold either and fresh figs are out of season, out of stock on blueberries, so alas... So, whaddaya know about their healing properties? Maybe pm me or start another thread?

Sorry, goose, to temporarily side-track your thread! Just take it as a demonstration that like the Scriptures say, "where there is a multitude of counselors there is victory." I'd say you picked the right forum *wink*. Still praying!
I have heard very good things about fig poultice and also about blackberry (heart health) and blueberry (Brain health) smoothies
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Hello, im sorry if im posting this in the wrong area I'm new a bit confused with the layout.

I recently got diagnosed with a lifelong illness I will always have to take medication for, after being on short term medication I finally got long term medication.

My problem is I've struggled with various types of intrusive thoughts/obsessive compulsive ideas for years now. This was made even worse when someone I know told me something along the lines of ' be careful, if you take X medication you might corrupt your DNA and go to hell, one reason God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed '. I don't know how much truth there is to this and I don't believe that would happen but my obsessive compulsive tendencies don't care, I can't help but worry, so much so I went through a lot of work to get different medication.

Outside of that I have other worries ' it's the mark of the beast ' even though I know it's not, and among other things. I'm not really sure what to do and I can't overcome this fear, everyday I don't start this medication I get sicker eventually I would have to go to the hospital. Its stressful. I've considered getting professional help but I don't feel comfortable going to a doctor and telling them I feel like I have OCD tendencies.

Thank you for your time please pray for me.
Are bodies are corrupt ... not through DNA but because of sin ... a on going relationship with Jesus helps us to overcome sin (transgression of the law). When Jesus returns and people are resurrected they get new bodies ... sinless corruptible ones.

God flooded the world is because nephilim and humans mixed
Not true ... but is another subject matter.

Study the Word of God ... understanding God is Love ... we are not to fear Him .... He wants us to become like Jesus .... he is our example in all things .... study His life and how He lived it. We will indeed stumble around here in there ... but ... with study and over time we gradually get better.

Use your OCD to your advantage towards the Love of God .... do not focus on negative things.

May the Lord bring peace to your heart and mind ... in Jesus name ... Amen.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Thank you for this and for everyone else's responses, I am going to work up the courage to take the first dose soon and then I will realize I still love God and God still loves me and it will be over.

And even if there was a horrible accident with medication and it did change or damage someone's DNA, you wouldn't be damned because of it right? After all that unfortunately happens sometimes with radiation, after all I've smoked tobacco before that's an actual mutagen and I'm alright.

Thank you and everyone in this thread.
How have you been lately, goosesyrup?
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