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    • venksta
      venksta reacted to DragonFox91's post in the thread What's on your mind? with Friendly Friendly.
      I was curious last night & saw the job I got fired from is open. It’s open a lot. Once in a while I get curious & see. The description...
    • venksta
      venksta replied to the thread Anxiety For Future Marriage.
      All Christians have to grow into maturity in various aspects of our lives, as we spend time with studying God's word and drawing near to...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread “Hang him on that.” with Like Like.
      The king said. So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the wrath of the king abated. Esther 7.
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread The Power of His Scars! with Like Like.
      It's not the governments or the money that rule the world, but rather the little children through their words, thoughts, and actions...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to Saucy's post in the thread What's on your mind? with Like Like.
      I hope everyone's having a blessed Monday!
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread Behold His Love! with Like Like.
      Indeed. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GTW27's post in the thread Behold His Love! with Like Like.
      There is more. Isaiah 53. A man of sorrows. When one is given eyes to see there is a weeping within. A sadness for the state of man...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread Behold His Love! with Like Like.
      That can be. I see here God's love that takes away sorrow. John the Baptist and Jesus The Christ were related through their mothers...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to tonychanyt's post in the thread How to get a wife with Like Like.
      The following are not some good ideas. I actually did them, and it worked out for me. Study hard. Work hard. Save money. Don't indulge...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to SarahsKnight's post in the thread How did your day go? with Like Like.
      I just got two hours of adulting done today. Feels like a personal victory when you're in that period of life where you can blessedly...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to SarahsKnight's post in the thread What's on your mind? with Friendly Friendly.
      Well, at last for the first time since leaving Albemarle in March I have applied for work in the North. So far it is in the lab of two...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread Behold His Love! with Like Like.
      Mark 6. King Herod heard of it, for Jesus' name had become known. Some said, “John the Baptist has been raised from the dead. That is...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to GospelS's post in the thread Behold His Love! with Like Like.
      I know a lovely woman whose husband encouraged her to remarry before his imminent death. Their great love story reminded me of Jesus's...
    • venksta
      I understand some of the points made in this article and I agree that it's not effective to minimize suffering by calling it a blessing...
    • venksta
      venksta reacted to SarahsKnight's post in the thread What's on your mind? with Like Like.
      Also this! Finally managed to get the AI gen to turn out an anime image of a guy (had to specify that he was a guy in two different ways...
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