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This thread has been moved from Poetry and Prose to Missions, Evangelism, and Witnessing where it more properly belongs. This is information about missions and not really a poem or a story, so it belongs over here. Thanks!
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This thread has been moved from Poetry and Prose to Missions, Evangelism, and Witnessing where it more properly belongs. This is information about missions and not really a poem or a story, so it belongs over here. Thanks!
Thank you. Since I have never posted in this section of CF before, that I recall, I just want to introduce myself a little. My name is Sue Love. I am going to be 75 years old this month. I have been a believer in Jesus Christ since age 7 and have been engaged in Christian ministry since I was age 16 teaching the Bible and serving in various other volunteer positions within the church. My husband Rick and I have been married 52 years and we have 4 children, 3 children-in-law, and 16 grandchildren. For the past 20 years the Lord has had me writing down what he teaches me from his word each day and posting these writings on the internet. I post in 3 different areas on CF - devotions, poetry/prose, and blogs - devotions, poems, songs, memes, and video talks. From my youth I felt called to missions but my ministry mainly was here in the USA and in the local church and/or in my community. But when the Lord put me on the internet 20 years ago, he sent these writings out to people of many nations, the names of which I know are listed in the meme posted. So, in essence, I am a world missionary from my own home on my own computer. Sue Love
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Dec 20, 2007
Greetings Christsfreeservant,
Thanks for spreading the word on this. We have indeed used such tools in our ministries essentially for remote missions--Vimeo, TikTok, YouTube, Likee, Dailymotion, and several Blogs, even Spotify and Soundcloud podcasts. Although we seek to follow up with in-person ministries, mission work as it's been St. Paul's days involves learning and utilizing the technologies available, and this is valuable to know.
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Greetings Christsfreeservant,
Thanks for spreading the word on this. We have indeed used such tools in our ministries essentially for remote missions--Vimeo, TikTok, YouTube, Likee, Dailymotion, and several Blogs, even Spotify and Soundcloud podcasts. Although we seek to follow up with in-person ministries, mission work as it's been St. Paul's days involves learning and utilizing the technologies available, and this is valuable to know.
Thank you.
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A missionary is one that is sent forth, or sent out.
The commission involves travelling, with the purpose of reaching all people.

While a person can post on an internet forum, and social media sites, and that information be seen by others, is this the same as missionary work?
Is the person actively reaching out to all people of the nations... or all people in the territory?

While these can be means of sharing the message, not everyone can be counted as a missionary... or is.
Preaching is not the same as being a missionary.
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Oct 28, 2004
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Yes. You can reach people with the gospel on the other side of the world, without leaving your home. What awesome days we are living in for Evangelism. While many people use social media for evil, why can't God's people use it for good? God Bless You all and Happy Christmas :)
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Yes. You can reach people with the gospel on the other side of the world, without leaving your home. What awesome days we are living in for Evangelism. While many people use social media for evil, why can't God's people use it for good? God Bless You all and Happy Christmas :)
Thank you.
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A missionary is one that is sent forth, or sent out.
The commission involves travelling, with the purpose of reaching all people.

While a person can post on an internet forum, and social media sites, and that information be seen by others, is this the same as missionary work?
Is the person actively reaching out to all people of the nations... or all people in the territory?

While these can be means of sharing the message, not everyone can be counted as a missionary... or is.
Preaching is not the same as being a missionary.
Was the apostle Paul a missionary? Yes, he went to many different cities where he preached the gospel, but a larger part of his ministry was when he was in prison and via his writings. I believe he expressed, at one point, that his imprisonment, in fact, helped to further the spreading of the gospel message. And nearly 2000 years later we are still reading the writings that God gave him to write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So his writings have reached across the the world to people of many nations and because of that many people have believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and as Savior of their lives, and many or some of them have then shared what he shared with other people that they knew. I have some people from the Philippines who regularly read what God gives me to write who then share it on their Facebook pages and then it goes to many other people. One day I had a man from Africa tell me that his Bible teacher was teaching "your lessons" in his bible school. All glory to God!! Through writing the writings that the Lord gives me many more people are being reached with the message of the gospel across the world than I could ever reach face to face. So being "sent out" doesn't have to be with our physical bodies, but it can be via writing, which presently reaches far more people than can be reached face to face. The internet is my mission field, and people are being reached with the truth of the gospel, and it is having an impact on people's lives throughout the world for good. Again, all glory to God, for this is of him and not of me in my flesh.
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Was the apostle Paul a missionary? Yes, he went to many different cities where he preached the gospel, but a larger part of his ministry was when he was in prison and via his writings. I believe he expressed, at one point, that his imprisonment, in fact, helped to further the spreading of the gospel message. And nearly 2000 years later we are still reading the writings that God gave him to write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So his writings have reached across the the world to people of many nations and because of that many people have believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and as Savior of their lives, and many or some of them have then shared what he shared with other people that they knew.
Thank you for using a fine example of a missionary.
The apostle Paul was indeed sent forth along with others.
These men were known to the brothers as fine evangelizers. Acts 15:22-27
They did tours of cities, and we can trace their travels in the Biblical record - whether they went across lands or seas.

You probably have Philippians 1:12-14 in mind
12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, 13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; 14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.​

As God had said of Paul, “This man is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings, and before the people of Israel." Acts 9:15
So, yes, even when imprisoned, Paul would give a bold witness, and this greatly encouraged and strengthened the brothers to be bold, and courageous, and not give in to fear.

Truly a fine missionary.
So, am I.... because I got up one morning, and said I am a missionary, since I went on social media websites, and forums, and wrote blogs.
Thus, everyone can be a missionary, by just going on youtube, facebook, other social media sites, and forums, and posting messages of the gospel.

No. I'm sharing the gospel, with some who use these.
There is a difference between an actual missionary, and one who declares themselves a missionary.
Similar to one who is an actual Christian, and one that declares themselves a Christian.
There are obvious differences.

I have some people from the Philippines who regularly read what God gives me to write who then share it on their Facebook pages and then it goes to many other people. One day I had a man from Africa tell me that his Bible teacher was teaching "your lessons" in his bible school. All glory to God!! Through writing the writings that the Lord gives me many more people are being reached with the message of the gospel across the world than I could ever reach face to face. So being "sent out" doesn't have to be with our physical bodies, but it can be via writing, which presently reaches far more people than can be reached face to face. The internet is my mission field, and people are being reached with the truth of the gospel, and it is having an impact on people's lives throughout the world for good. Again, all glory to God, for this is of him and not of me in my flesh.
You are to be commended for your zeal to share the message with all you can reach.
If you are unable to reach out to people in your local territory, on the streets, in the public squares, and in their homes, and the internet is the means available to you, to give a witness, no one will or should, deny you that.

The objective of a disciple of Christ, is to reach people, wherever they can be found.
Does that make you a missionary?
I said my bit, but others have their say as well. What Is a Christian Missionary?
People have their ideas of what is Christian, as well, so I am not here to change what people believe.

The subject caught my attention, and it sounded similar to the "Do it yourself" guide that makes everyone a carpenter, or mason, and even a nurse, so I felt compelled to offer some input.
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Thank you for using a fine example of a missionary.
The apostle Paul was indeed sent forth along with others.
These men were known to the brothers as fine evangelizers. Acts 15:22-27
They did tours of cities, and we can trace their travels in the Biblical record - whether they went across lands or seas.

You probably have Philippians 1:12-14 in mind
12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, 13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; 14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.​

As God had said of Paul, “This man is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings, and before the people of Israel." Acts 9:15
So, yes, even when imprisoned, Paul would give a bold witness, and this greatly encouraged and strengthened the brothers to be bold, and courageous, and not give in to fear.

Truly a fine missionary.
So, am I.... because I got up one morning, and said I am a missionary, since I went on social media websites, and forums, and wrote blogs.
Thus, everyone can be a missionary, by just going on youtube, facebook, other social media sites, and forums, and posting messages of the gospel.

No. I'm sharing the gospel, with some who use these.
There is a difference between an actual missionary, and one who declares themselves a missionary.
Similar to one who is an actual Christian, and one that declares themselves a Christian.
There are obvious differences.

You are to be commended for your zeal to share the message with all you can reach.
If you are unable to reach out to people in your local territory, on the streets, in the public squares, and in their homes, and the internet is the means available to you, to give a witness, no one will or should, deny you that.

The objective of a disciple of Christ, is to reach people, wherever they can be found.
Does that make you a missionary?
I said my bit, but others have their say as well. What Is a Christian Missionary?
People have their ideas of what is Christian, as well, so I am not here to change what people believe.

The subject caught my attention, and it sounded similar to the "Do it yourself" guide that makes everyone a carpenter, or mason, and even a nurse, so I felt compelled to offer some input.
Semantics. The word "missionary" is evidently not a biblical word but it is a term that has been used throughout my lifetime to describe someone who takes the message of the gospel to people of other nations. So no human definition of the word is biblical, because it isn't a biblical word. So, what are we looking at here? What is the message in the meme? The message is that we don't have to physically go to another country in order to take the message of the gospel of our salvation to the people in other nations. The message of the gospel (Luke 9:23-26) needs to go out to the people of other nations. And presently, but perhaps not much longer, we are still able to share the message of the gospel on the internet on various platforms, and the message is going to people of many nations, in my case, to at least 131 nations where people are viewing these writings which God called me 20 years ago to do, to write down what he was teaching me from his word each day and to place these writings on the internet so that a herald could "run with it" (the title of my blog). So what is important here, that we are able to define the word "missionary" to certain people's liking? Or that we are encouraged to be sharing the message of the gospel on the internet where the message can go to people all over the world? Let's not get so caught up in "words" which are not even biblical to where we miss the message here entirely. Let us all be about the work of the Lord in taking the message of the gospel of our salvation to the people of the world, including to those in person as well as to those of other nations. That is the intention of the meme, to encourage people to share the gospel on the internet because right now, and not forever, the message is being viewed by many people of other nations. And that is absolutely awesome that God has provided this means for us to reach people with the gospel that we could not otherwise do. All glory and honor and praise belong to GOD alone!
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Semantics. The word "missionary" is evidently not a biblical word but it is a term that has been used throughout my lifetime to describe someone who takes the message of the gospel to people of other nations. So no human definition of the word is biblical, because it isn't a biblical word. So, what are we looking at here? What is the message in the meme? The message is that we don't have to physically go to another country in order to take the message of the gospel of our salvation to the people in other nations. The message of the gospel (Luke 9:23-26) needs to go out to the people of other nations. And presently, but perhaps not much longer, we are still able to share the message of the gospel on the internet on various platforms, and the message is going to people of many nations, in my case, to at least 131 nations where people are viewing these writings which God called me 20 years ago to do, to write down what he was teaching me from his word each day and to place these writings on the internet so that a herald could "run with it" (the title of my blog). So what is important here, that we are able to define the word "missionary" to certain people's liking? Or that we are encouraged to be sharing the message of the gospel on the internet where the message can go to people all over the world? Let's not get so caught up in "words" which are not even biblical to where we miss the message here entirely. Let us all be about the work of the Lord in taking the message of the gospel of our salvation to the people of the world, including to those in person as well as to those of other nations. That is the intention of the meme, to encourage people to share the gospel on the internet because right now, and not forever, the message is being viewed by many people of other nations. And that is absolutely awesome that God has provided this means for us to reach people with the gospel that we could not otherwise do. All glory and honor and praise belong to GOD alone!
If how one person defines missionary is different to another, it only expected, there will be difference, which cannot be help.
It would be the same with almost any other word.
For example, while they are many doctors, and nurses, every doctor and nurse is not a surgeon, and that has nothing to do with semantic.
Rather, it is a case of understanding what is involve in particular word usage..

The missionaries of the past, some of which the article by Ms/Mrs Gilman mentioned, understood what missionary work involved.
In the early Christian congregation, every member went out and preached in obedience to Jesus' command, yet, not every member was a missionary.

At Ephesians 4:11, 12, for example, some were evangelizers, while some were apostles. Both are sent forth, but they don't mean the same thing.
Of course, after the first century, and the church not keeping up with the work of the apostles, words started taking on different meaning... for example, priest today are not the same as priest of the past, and evangelist, and missionary have broadened, to take in features that did not apply.

Therefore, if persons see themselves as Christian, Missionary, or other, that's what they are... regardless, and one person - me :grin: cannot change that.
That's the way it will be, until the reaping.

I don't mean to discourage you, or anyone, by expressing how I see this, and I know you prefer to post in the other thread, where things like this are not bound to happen, but trying my best to refrain from saying this, seems to be going against the spirit telling me to.
I feel inclined to continue, as I do not like the message being sent... sorry.
It sends two messages - the one I mentioned, and a message that I would consider as one that tickles the ear.

It's probably important, that people understand that "hiding" on the internet, where one avoids meeting people with stern faces, a few cuss words, a door slammed in your face, or worst, is not a demonstration of faith and courage, and we don't want to be cowards. Revelation 21:8
I'm sure @1Tonne does his share on the internet, but he is out there, facing the big guy that wants to pound him, and hopefully he adjusted his method a bit. :wink:

I agree, the internet, is a means by which the gospel can be spread, and like all the other "resources" available - mail, phone,..., we thank God for these opportunities, but still, missionary work is not to be taken lightly.
I hope you aren't going to fault me for my concerns.
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I'm sure @1Tonne does his share on the internet, but he is out there, facing the big guy that wants to pound him, and hopefully he adjusted his method a bit. :wink:
I have been watching this thread.

I have only been out a few times since, as I lost confidence. But I am not going to let that stop me. As time goes on, I will continue to go to the parks more and more. (This coming year I want to go at least twice a week). When I do go, sadly, I will not be sharing the Gospel with young people now because of the backlash it produced. Instead, I speak solely to the adults and pray that these parents will then pass on what I say to their children.

Now regarding this thread:
Just like the early believers, we should all be taking part in sharing the Gospel as much as we can. Whether it is on the net or in person. Share as much as possible. I don't care if we call ourselves a missionary or not. Just make sure you share the Gospel.
Some people may be called to share solely on the computer, but we need to make sure it is not a cover that we hide behind. We should be bold. In fact, the Holy Spirit was given so that we would have boldness. "And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness." Acts 4:31.

Also, John 14:6 says, “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever” KJV.
The word “comforter” has changed over the years. We normally think of “something producing physical or emotional easing”. However this meaning did not arise until the mid-17th century. The word “comfort” in archaic language means, “to physically strengthen, support or fortify”.
The Spirit’s comfort is not passive; it equips believers with strength, guidance, and courage to face challenges, spiritual battles, and trials. The Comforter stirs us to action. An example of the word used in old English is, “They comforted themselves with food and drink before the long journey.” So, they strengthened themselves with food and drink for the long journey, thus giving them the ability to do the task.
Today more modern Bibles have translated this word as “Helper”. The word “Helper” is probably the closest we have in modern English. But keep in mind that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will strengthen and support us in doing things. It will be like a prodder to push us into action.

Another verse that speaks about the Holy Spirit empowering us is Acts 1:8. It says, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.”
The word “power” in this verse in Greek is “dynamis”. Dynamis means “strength, power and ability.” It is the driving force within a believer to share, to be His witnesses. It is the fire. This fire within you will drive you to get equipped so that you can boldly share the Gospel with all creation. Your desire to share the Gospel is directly linked to the Holy Spirit within you.
So, be bold and courageous and get out there and speak to people. Then, in the spare time you have, jump on the computer and continue to share the Gospel.

David Hunter, a member on here, posted something that made a lot of sense. He said, “Samsons strength was in his hair. Our strength is in Jesus and the Gospel. When we don't go out and share it, it's like getting our hair cut and losing that fire.”

So, get out there and stoke that fire within you. The more you stoke it, the more that driving force within you will grow.
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I have been watching this thread.

I have only been out a few times since, as I lost confidence. But I am not going to let that stop me. As time goes on, I will continue to go to the parks more and more. (This coming year I want to go at least twice a week). When I do go, sadly, I will not be sharing the Gospel with young people now because of the backlash it produced. Instead, I speak solely to the adults and pray that these parents will then pass on what I say to their children.

Now regarding this thread:
Just like the early believers, we should all be taking part in sharing the Gospel as much as we can. Whether it is on the net or in person. Share as much as possible. I don't care if we call ourselves a missionary or not. Just make sure you share the Gospel.
Some people may be called to share solely on the computer, but we need to make sure it is not a cover that we hide behind. We should be bold. In fact, the Holy Spirit was given so that we would have boldness. "And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness." Acts 4:31.

Also, John 14:6 says, “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever” KJV.
The word “comforter” has changed over the years. We normally think of “something producing physical or emotional easing”. But this meaning did not arise until the mid-17th century. The word “comfort” in archaic language means, “to physically strengthen, support or fortify”.
The Spirit’s comfort is not passive; it equips believers with strength, guidance, and courage to face challenges, spiritual battles, and trials. The Comforter stirs us to action. An example of the word used in old English is, “They comforted themselves with food and drink before the long journey.” So, they strengthened themselves with food and drink for the long journey, thus giving them the ability to do the task.
Today more modern Bibles have translated this word as “Helper”. The word “Helper” is probably the closest we have in modern English. But keep in mind that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will strengthen and support us in doing things. It will be like a prodder to push us into action.

Another verse that speaks about the Holy Spirit empowering us is Acts 1:8. It says, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.”
The word “power” in this verse in Greek is “dynamis”. Dynamis means “strength, power and ability.” It is the driving force within a believer to share the Gospel. It is the fire. This fire within you will drive you to get equipped so that you can boldly share the Gospel with all creation. Your desire to share the Gospel is directly linked to the Holy Spirit within you.
So, be bold and courageous and get out there and speak to people. Then, in the spare time you have, jump on the computer and continue to share the Gospel.

David Hunter, a member on here, posted something that made a lot of sense. He said, “Samsons strength was in his hair. Our strength is in Jesus and the Gospel. When we don't go out and share it, it's like getting our hair cut and losing that fire.”

So, get out there and stoke that fire within you. The more you stoke it, the more that driving force within you will grow.
1Tonne, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Much appreciated. The point with the meme is not ever to discourage face to face discipleship but to let people know that they can share the gospel with people on the internet. I hear many say they are called to the mission field to be missionaries and so they are just waiting until some door opens up for them to be trained so that they can go to the mission field. I think that is largely what inspired the meme, to let people know that the internet is a mission field, too, which is wide open to us sharing the gospel. I see so many Christians on the internet on social media just sharing junk when they could be sharing the gospel message, too. I just don't see many professers of faith in Jesus Christ using the tool of the internet to reach people with the gospel. So this was to encourage everyone that they can be sharing the gospel with the people of the world on the internet, but not to the exclusion of in person.

I will be 75 this month. I am handicapped and so I don't do a lot outdoors. I have been a Christian since age 7 and a teacher of the Scriptures for over 50 years. I have faced much rejection and persecution throughout my life for my walk of faith and obedience to the Lord and for my testimony for the gospel of our salvation. Most all of that persecution has come from those who profess faith in Jesus Christ within the institutional church. For so much of what is called "church" today are businesses of men being marketed to the world just like other businesses. And in order to attract the world to their gatherings they have largely diluted and altered the gospel message and the character of God/Christ and his church to make them more attractive and appealing to the people of the world. I do not fit in with their marketing schemes and goals because I share the truth of the gospel, and so I have been persecuted in most of these institutions of men called "church."

But the Lord Jesus allowed me to suffer all the abuse and persecution I have faced throughout my entire life to prepare me for the calling that he gave me 20 years ago. And that calling of God on my life was to write down what he is teaching me from my times with him in his word each day and to put these writings on the internet so that a herald could "run with it" (the title of my blog). So that is what I have been doing for the past 20 years, and this is my full-time job (assignment from the Lord). But it is not to the exclusion of sharing the gospel with people in person, but opportunities for doing that in person where I live and with my handicap is somewhat limited. But the Lord still provides those divine appointments for me and so I take them when they come. But my primary ministry is on the internet, and these writings are being viewed by hundreds of people from nations all over the globe on a daily basis. And there are about 8,000 of these writings now on the internet - all glory to God. For all this is of God, and is led of the Spirit, as this is my body part within the universal body of Christ.

So, the point of the meme is just to encourage other Christians that right now the internet is also open to us sharing the gospel message which is able to reach people all over the world and that this is a mission field, too. But that is never to encourage retreating from face to face witnessing. Sue Love
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1Tonne, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Much appreciated. The point with the meme is not ever to discourage face to face discipleship but to let people know that they can share the gospel with people on the internet. I hear many say they are called to the mission field to be missionaries and so they are just waiting until some door opens up for them to be trained so that they can go to the mission field. I think that is largely what inspired the meme, to let people know that the internet is a mission field, too, which is wide open to us sharing the gospel. I see so many Christians on the internet on social media just sharing junk when they could be sharing the gospel message, too. I just don't see many professers of faith in Jesus Christ using the tool of the internet to reach people with the gospel. So this was to encourage everyone that they can be sharing the gospel with the people of the world on the internet, but not to the exclusion of in person.

I will be 75 this month. I am handicapped and so I don't do a lot outdoors. I have been a Christian since age 7 and a teacher of the Scriptures for over 50 years. I have faced much rejection and persecution throughout my life for my walk of faith and obedience to the Lord and for my testimony for the gospel of our salvation. Most all of that persecution has come from those who profess faith in Jesus Christ within the institutional church. For so much of what is called "church" today are businesses of men being marketed to the world just like other businesses. And in order to attract the world to their gatherings they have largely diluted and altered the gospel message and the character of God/Christ and his church to make them more attractive and appealing to the people of the world. I do not fit in with their marketing schemes and goals because I share the truth of the gospel, and so I have been persecuted in most of these institutions of men called "church."

But the Lord Jesus allowed me to suffer all the abuse and persecution I have faced throughout my entire life to prepare me for the calling that he gave me 20 years ago. And that calling of God on my life was to write down what he is teaching me from my times with him in his word each day and to put these writings on the internet so that a herald could "run with it" (the title of my blog). So that is what I have been doing for the past 20 years, and this is my full-time job (assignment from the Lord). But it is not to the exclusion of sharing the gospel with people in person, but opportunities for doing that in person where I live and with my handicap is somewhat limited. But the Lord still provides those divine appointments for me and so I take them when they come. But my primary ministry is on the internet, and these writings are being viewed by hundreds of people from nations all over the globe on a daily basis. And there are about 8,000 of these writings now on the internet - all glory to God. For all this is of God, and is led of the Spirit, as this is my body part within the universal body of Christ.

So, the point of the meme is just to encourage other Christians that right now the internet is also open to us sharing the gospel message which is able to reach people all over the world and that this is a mission field, too. But that is never to encourage retreating from face to face witnessing. Sue Love
Well said. Some people are not able to get out and share. Some have physical disabilities and some can have mental disabilities. But we should have a desire that others hear the Gospel.
Those who truly believe will be persecuted as the Gospel can be offensive to many. And, as you have said, a lot of the persecution can come from within the church. Even from people who you would think would support evangelism. I have found that this can create a character within us, so when things do get hard, we don't run. We stay in the battle and fight. People who share the Gospel need to be strong and courageous and God's Spirit gives us the strength to stay in the fight.
Keep up the good work and keep encouraging others to share.
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Well said. Some people are not able to get out and share. Some have physical disabilities and some can have mental disabilities. But we should have a desire that others hear the Gospel.
Those who truly believe will be persecuted as the Gospel can be offensive to many. And, as you have said, a lot of the persecution can come from within the church. Even from people who you would think would support evangelism. I have found that this can create a character within us, so when things do get hard, we don't run. We stay in the battle and fight. People who share the Gospel need to be strong and courageous and God's Spirit gives us the strength to stay in the fight.
Keep up the good work and keep encouraging others to share.
Thank you. All glory to God who gives us strength to do his will.
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I have only been out a few times since, as I lost confidence. But I am not going to let that stop me. As time goes on, I will continue to go to the parks more and more. (This coming year I want to go at least twice a week). When I do go, sadly, I will not be sharing the Gospel with young people now because of the backlash it produced. Instead, I speak solely to the adults and pray that these parents will then pass on what I say to their children.
Thanks for sharing this experience.
This is the point I was getting at, because I know it happens in a great deal of people who identify as Christian.
The reason most do not go out there, is because they cannot face the ridicule, aggression, insults, and rejection.
As human beings, no one likes to be insulted.
Hence, why I made a point to respond, along with clarifying what missionary work is.
However, as is evidently the case, words take on different meaning, in different eras.

According to Acts 1:8, the holy spirit is involved in giving persons boldness, zeal, courage, and power to act.

When you say young people, I hope you mean those below 16.
Otherwise, parents are the ones to teach their children, and if they welcome you sharing the gospel with their children, then that is the acceptable way.
Jesus blessed little children, and you can do the same, with a smile,
A smile make children happy, and when they grow up, and you are still around, they will remember you, and listen to you, because they will be wondering, who this man is, and what is he doing. :smile:

There are persons who's circumstances do not allow them to go out, and they find other means of sharing the gospel - whether by telephone, mail, or the internet, and they are to be commended, for having that desire, and zeal.
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