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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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This is not a complaint, since I understand that this world is under the control of the chief evil - Satan. 1 John 5:19
This OP is making an observation, and an analysis of awareness.


Recently, I saw an intro to a film (I think it's Disney) called "The Love Bug".
After seeing this intro, I was appalled at he thought of watching the film.

I thought to myself... so much money goes into making cars that actually run, in this movie (it's not an animation), and then those cars are wrecked, to be repaired again.
Then, what's useless is scrapped to contribute to pollution, and replaced with new parts, to be banged up, and destroyed.

Reminds me of this kid who takes his toy and bangs it against the wall until it shatters. Then cries till he gets a new one, and repeats that same routine.

All of this is done to entertain millions of people, in order to make millions of dollars. Not to make things better for millions of sick and hungry children, but...​

NASA Telescope Reveals Largest Batch of Earth-Size, Habitable-Zone Planets Around Single Star
NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the area around the parent star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water.

The discovery sets a new record for greatest number of habitable-zone planets found around a single star outside our solar system. All of these seven planets could have liquid water – key to life as we know it – under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.

“This discovery could be a significant piece in the puzzle of finding habitable environments, places that are conducive to life,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “Answering the question ‘are we alone’ is a top science priority and finding so many planets like these for the first time in the habitable zone is a remarkable step forward toward that goal.”

This discovery could be a significant piece in the puzzle of finding habitable environments, places that are conducive to life,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “Answering the question ‘are we alone’ is a top science priority


The planets also are very close to each other. If a person was standing on one of the planet’s surface, they could gaze up and potentially see geological features or clouds of neighboring worlds, which would sometimes appear larger than the moon in Earth’s sky.

The planets may also be tidally locked to their star, which means the same side of the planet is always facing the star, therefore each side is either perpetual day or night. This could mean they have weather patterns totally unlike those on Earth, such as strong winds blowing from the day side to the night side, and extreme temperature changes.
NASA Planet Hunter Finds its 1st Earth-size Habitable-zone World

SETI Institute gets $200 million to seek out evidence of alien life
By Conor Feehly published November 13, 2023

New funding will allow the SETI Institute to consolidate and expand its search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
spot-lit satellite dishes on an arid landscape point skyward ere the backdrop of a starry night

The Allen Telescope Array. (Image credit: Seth Shostak/SETI Institute)

For a number of decades, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) has been combing the stars for signs of a technologically advanced civilization lurking in their midst. And although no such signs have materialized so far, it's worth considering that we have only been looking at a small speck of the cosmos — and for a fleeting amount of time.

Thus, a new philanthropic gift for the SETI Institute, to the tune of 200 million dollars, will ensure the SETI Institute's efforts will continue long into the future, giving astronomers the best chance of answering one of the most intriguing scientific and philosophical questions our species grapples with — are we alone?

The SETI Institute, founded in 1984 [SETI STARTED SMALL. In 1960... With funding from NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF)], is a non-profit, multidisciplinary research and education organization that employs over 100 scientists across 173 separate programs. Research grants form the bulk of SETI's federal funding, yet most projects the Institute carries out are dependent on philanthropic and private funding. SETI has an annual operating budget that usually falls between 25 and 30 million, which means the gift will quite greatly ensure the continued operations of the Institute for years to come.

The pollution caused by rocket launches

Nasa Apollo 8 Saturn V launch (Credit: Nasa)
Apollo 8 Saturn V launch (Credit: Nasa)

Rocket launches are an integral part of our 21st-Century world. But how do we stop their polluting exhausts accelerating climate change?

Photo courtesy of NASA

scientists say we have less than a decade to fundamentally transform our relationship with the rest of life on Earth, without which we cannot survive, let alone prosper

We Must Restore Nature This Decade

As the world grapples with the climate crisis, nature is facing a parallel crisis—one that both exacerbates climate change and intensifies with rising global temperatures. Nature, like climate, may be approaching irreversible tipping points where changes push systems into completely new states, even as more than half the global GDP (US$44 trillion) depends on the planet’s natural systems.

That’s the imperative behind the UN Decade of Restoration.

Why a “decade of restoration?” Because, scientists say we have less than a decade to fundamentally transform our relationship with the rest of life on Earth, without which we cannot survive, let alone prosper. This nature-positive transformation will require us to rethink how we protect and manage the resources nature affords us across all sectors—as well as restore damaged ecosystems.

The restoration agenda will only become more challenging if we don’t carefully manage and protect what we have now—and the sooner we start, the more of the planet’s precious life we can save.

Fixing damaged ecosystems: How much does restoration help?

Billions of dollars are spent annually on repairing ecosystems damaged by people. A new meta-analysis of 400 studies that document recovery from such large-scale disturbances worldwide suggests that while ecosystems can bounce back, they rarely mend completely, with the final stages of recovery being most difficult. The study also found that more costly active restoration efforts did not consistently result in faster or more complete recovery.

"Our study suggests that, in many cases, once damaging activities are halted, the most economically expedient restoration strategy might be to let ecosystems repair themselves," Northern Illinois University scientist Holly Jones said. She led a team of researchers from five countries on the study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

"Our findings do not diminish the importance of active restoration efforts but instead suggest they can be planned more judiciously to maximize gains per dollar spent," added Jones, who holds a joint appointment with NIU's Department of Biological Sciences and the university's Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability and Energy.

The science of ecological restoration is relatively young but important. Finding the best way to repair disturbed or damaged ecosystems is critical to stemming the biodiversity crisis. Every day, the planet's biodiversity is being lost at up to 1,000 times the natural rate, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Billions of dollars are spent annually on repairing ecosystems damaged by people. ...more costly active restoration efforts did not consistently result in faster or more complete recovery.

Our study suggests that, in many cases, once damaging activities are halted, the most economically expedient restoration strategy might be to let ecosystems repair themselves

Finding the best way to repair disturbed or damaged ecosystems is critical to stemming the biodiversity crisis

Not to be confused with a do-nothing approach, passive recovery involves putting a halt to damaging practices or disturbances

10 years to restore our planet. 10 actions that count
A decade may sound like a long time. But scientists say that these next 10 years will count most in the fight to avert climate change and the loss of millions of species.

It is evident that man will continue to burn money, even in his best efforts.
The reason, is mentioned in the disclaimer.

Is there a solution? The Bible says there is only one solution, and that does not lie in man's hands.
It does mean the end of this world, in the control of the wicked one, though. 1 John 2:17
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Christian Forums Staff
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Oct 17, 2009
Wisconsin, United States of America
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This is not a complaint, since I understand that this world is under the control of the chief evil - Satan. 1 John 5:19
This OP is making an observation, and an analysis of awareness.


Recently, I saw an intro to a film (I think it's Disney) called "The Love Bug".
After seeing this intro, I was appalled at watching the film.

I thought to myself... so much money goes into making a car that actually runs (it's not an animation), and then those cars are wrecked, to be repaired again.
Then, what's useless is scrapped to contribute to pollution, and replaced with new parts, to be banged up, and destroyed.

Reminds me of this kid who takes his toy and bangs it against the wall until it shatters. Then cries till he gets a new one, and repeats that same routine.

All of this is done to entertain millions of people, in order to make millions of dollars. Not to make things better for millions of sick and hungry children, but...​

I just wanted to comment on this part of your post.
Cars aren't just built to be wrecked or banged up and destroyed. You're leaving out the part where they provide transportation between the time they're built and discarded.
The things we have here aren't meant to last forever. They're meant to serve us while they exist, but they aren't meant to exist forever.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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I just wanted to comment on this part of your post.
Cars aren't just built to be wrecked or banged up and destroyed. You're leaving out the part where they provide transportation between the time they're built and discarded.
The things we have here aren't meant to last forever. They're meant to serve us while they exist, but they aren't meant to exist forever.
In the movie - "The Love Bug". Not in general.
I'll edit the OP, so that no one else is confused. Thanks. :)
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Tropical Wilds

Little Lebowski Urban Achiever
Oct 2, 2009
New England
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Those things also create hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs in a variety of fields that sustain people of a variety of dynamics and backgrounds.

There are far more significant environmental travesties going on at the moment than the effects felt by the world as the result of a movie made 60 years ago.
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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You are right to note that there is much waste that occurs. In reality you do not go far enough. I say that not to be critical but to broaden the scope. Here is my list of waste.
1. Overconsumption - Part of this is this is conspicuous consumption. This consists of buying products for the sake of displaying wealth. We also buy products that we do not need. Many of the companies that are woke too are guilty of this. Apple is a prime example Their Apple 2030 includes:
"We are committed to protecting the planet. And designing products you love. Apple 2030 is our plan to do both."
While they probably do better than others, they do not even try to make their phone cycle last very long. Instead they encourage you to turn in your old phone and pick up the latest model. Sure others use the older phones, but the design and operation is not made for lasting too long. So they buy carbon credits to get off the hook?
2. War - I understand the need for defense. But war not only wastes but it harms the environment. Countries that engage in offensive conflicts should be outcasts to the world economy. Territorial disputes should be settled and unchangeable.
3. Talent - A big waste is human talent that goes to things that are negative on society. This includes some marketing, and stuff like pornography.
4. Misdirection - A lot of waste goes into trying to clean up the environment. An example would be the billions used to clean up a particular environmental damage that is miniscule, while leaving other damages that would far more cost effective to clean up alone. Another example might be forbidding to cut down some trees in a forest only to leave the whole forest to burn from a later lightening strike.
5. Entertainment - I suppose space tourism would fall under this category but it is subjective. I think Nascar is pretty much a waste, but so many enjoy cars cycling around the track so maybe this category has to be given a pass.

So to me humans are not very serious. Inequality makes matters worse, because a good part of the world is in survival mode and can't do anything else to help. Inequality also increases the vanity and allows for overconsumption of the rich. Government redistribution schemes are mostly a joke. Often it is the government that creates the inequality itself. Like a city that pays for a sports stadium with taxpayer dollars. Or the FCC that does not charge for broadcasting licenses. (A few countries do charge)

There are things i am sure to have left out. Bitcoin for example - do we really need a currency that consumes tons of energy? What a regression. So much waste hurting society. You are right that only God can straighten things out. However we could do better in the meantime.
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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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You are right to note that there is much waste that occurs. In reality you do not go far enough. I say that not to be critical but to broaden the scope. Here is my list of waste.
1. Overconsumption - Part of this is this is conspicuous consumption. This consists of buying products for the sake of displaying wealth. We also buy products that we do not need. Many of the companies that are woke too are guilty of this. Apple is a prime example Their Apple

There are things i am sure to have left out. Bitcoin for example - do we really need a currency that consumes tons of energy? What a regression. So much waste hurting society. You are right that only God can straighten things out. However we could do better in the meantime.
The CEO of Apple is gay also (he is bananas for guys), so we should pray that he turns back to God.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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Those things also create hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs in a variety of fields that sustain people of a variety of dynamics and backgrounds.
Yes, and people can be employed without burning money... as was mentioned
Our findings do not diminish the importance of active restoration efforts but instead suggest they can be planned more judiciously to maximize gains per dollar spent

There are far more significant environmental travesties going on at the moment than the effects felt by the world as the result of a movie made 60 years ago.
So we aren't going to focus on the movie made 60 years ago.
With the advancement of digitization, whole cities, vehicles, ships, planes, choppers, etc. can be digitally created, used, and destroyed in movies, without burning money.
That is a significant improvement.
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Tropical Wilds

Little Lebowski Urban Achiever
Oct 2, 2009
New England
United States
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Yes, and people can be employed without burning money... as was mentioned
Our findings do not diminish the importance of active restoration efforts but instead suggest they can be planned more judiciously to maximize gains per dollar spent

So we aren't going to focus on the movie made 60 years ago.
With the advancement of digitization, whole cities, vehicles, ships, planes, choppers, etc. can be digitally created, used, and destroyed in movies, without burning money.
That is a significant improvement.
Again, I’m less concerned with what Hollywood does to the environment than I am what the rest of us do.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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You are right to note that there is much waste that occurs. In reality you do not go far enough. I say that not to be critical but to broaden the scope. Here is my list of waste.
1. Overconsumption - Part of this is this is conspicuous consumption. This consists of buying products for the sake of displaying wealth. We also buy products that we do not need. Many of the companies that are woke too are guilty of this. Apple is a prime example Their Apple 2030 includes:
"We are committed to protecting the planet. And designing products you love. Apple 2030 is our plan to do both."
While they probably do better than others, they do not even try to make their phone cycle last very long. Instead they encourage you to turn in your old phone and pick up the latest model. Sure others use the older phones, but the design and operation is not made for lasting too long. So they buy carbon credits to get off the hook?
2. War - I understand the need for defense. But war not only wastes but it harms the environment. Countries that engage in offensive conflicts should be outcasts to the world economy. Territorial disputes should be settled and unchangeable.
3. Talent - A big waste is human talent that goes to things that are negative on society. This includes some marketing, and stuff like pornography.
4. Misdirection - A lot of waste goes into trying to clean up the environment. An example would be the billions used to clean up a particular environmental damage that is miniscule, while leaving other damages that would far more cost effective to clean up alone. Another example might be forbidding to cut down some trees in a forest only to leave the whole forest to burn from a later lightening strike.
5. Entertainment - I suppose space tourism would fall under this category but it is subjective. I think Nascar is pretty much a waste, but so many enjoy cars cycling around the track so maybe this category has to be given a pass.

So to me humans are not very serious. Inequality makes matters worse, because a good part of the world is in survival mode and can't do anything else to help. Inequality also increases the vanity and allows for overconsumption of the rich. Government redistribution schemes are mostly a joke. Often it is the government that creates the inequality itself. Like a city that pays for a sports stadium with taxpayer dollars. Or the FCC that does not charge for broadcasting licenses. (A few countries do charge)

There are things i am sure to have left out. Bitcoin for example - do we really need a currency that consumes tons of energy? What a regression. So much waste hurting society. You are right that only God can straighten things out. However we could do better in the meantime.
War, is a good example.
We can only image the amount of artillery in the oceans, and we know that billions more than we hear in the news, is being spent on more artillery.
Apart from the regular weapons, there is also the most feared.
List of states with nuclear weapons.
Lots of money is burned for power.

Again, I’m less concerned with what Hollywood does to the environment than I am what the rest of us do.
Okay. Thanks for informing us.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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It is evident that man will continue to burn money, even in his best efforts.
The reason, is mentioned in the disclaimer.

Is there a solution? The Bible says there is only one solution, and that does not lie in man's hands.
It does mean the end of this world, in the control of the wicked one, though. 1 John 2:17

If you can't change the world around around you, you can still change the world "in you" or keep it in a healthy state of existence.

What pollutes our bodies not what goes into our mouths but what goes out of mouths (the things we say as the result of our beliefs) - Matthew 15:11

Indeed, if the destructive ways of this world have earned your favor like consumerism, indulging on food and other pleasures, spoiling our bodies of all its cravings, no self-control, without giving thought to the consequences of our actions "as long as we can afford to indulge" then it's going to pollute your body as well. Quite literally. You'll age quickly, the body will lose its ability to heal itself, you just become physically fragile, getting worse as time goes by.

Many people thinks its normal to be upgrading phones and cars every year or even every few years. A smart phone's functionality can stay relevant for up to 15 years. Same thing with computers if you know just a little bit how to maintain them or upgrade a few parts. A well-made car like a Japanese-made car won't give you much problems for at least 20 years if kept maintained on schedule and not driven like a 12 year old behind the wheel.

My work is computer based and handling huge spreadsheets sometimes and I still use the computer for over 12 years now. I have upgrade some of it parts one at a time over its life when it has become too slow for the job or has malfunctioned. It's a lot cheaper and more sustainable for the environment than buying a whole new computer every few years.

All of this is done to entertain millions of people, in order to make millions of dollars. Not to make things better for millions of sick and hungry children, but...
It's one of the main reasons I've switched to riding a bicycle as my main form of transportation and it's also great for health.

1st world citizens of Europe are far more accepting of practices that is less destructive. Many rides bikes as their main transport and they're not into the hype of upgrading their cars every year or every few years like people in other countries do.

^_^ The huge clouds of smoke during launches is caused by steam. They pump huge amounts of water under the launch pad to dampen the acoustic energy and shock waves of the rocket engines.

If they didn't pump water under the launch pad, the massive acoustic energy and shockwaves from the rocket engines can inflict heavy damage or even destroy the launch tower and the rocket itself during launch!

There are many big rockets that don't make a lot of smoke. Below is a Soyuz rocket often used to ferry people into the International Space Station.

It depends on the fuel. Cleanest rocket fuel is liquid hydrogen but are not usually employed on the "first stage" or the atmospheric portion of the flight because they're less efficient than say, kerosene. Kerosene is more efficient in the first stage. With enough, oxygen in the mixture, they make only little smoke or even none. Kerosene is essentially the same as jet fuel used in airplanes.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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If you can't change the world around around you, you can still change the world "in you" or keep it in a healthy state of existence.

What pollutes our bodies not what goes into our mouths but what goes out of mouths (the things we say as the result of our beliefs) - Matthew 15:11

Indeed, if the destructive ways of this world have earned your favor like consumerism, indulging on food and other pleasures, spoiling our bodies of all its cravings, no self-control, without giving thought to the consequences of our actions "as long as we can afford to indulge" then it's going to pollute your body as well. Quite literally. You'll age quickly, the body will lose its ability to heal itself, you just become physically fragile, getting worse as time goes by.
Many people thinks its normal to be upgrading phones and cars every year or even every few years. A smart phone's functionality can stay relevant for up to 15 years. Same thing with computers if you know just a little bit how to maintain them or upgrade a few parts. A well-made car like a Japanese-made car won't give you much problems for at least 20 years if kept maintained on schedule and not driven like a 12 year old behind the wheel.

My work is computer based and handling huge spreadsheets sometimes and I still use the computer for over 12 years now. I have upgrade some of it parts one at a time over its life when it has become too slow for the job or has malfunctioned. It's a lot cheaper and more sustainable for the environment than buying a whole new computer every few years.
I agree. All these gadgets can last 15 to 20 years, or more, depending.
As you said, it's a matter of how you use and care for them.
So many phones get thrown away, because of wanting the latest.

It's one of the main reasons I've switched to riding a bicycle as my main form of transportation and it's also great for health.
Good for you.

1st world citizens of Europe are far more accepting of practices that is less destructive. Many rides bikes as their main transport and they're not into the hype of upgrading their cars every year or every few years like people in other countries do.
This just shows that what man chooses to do, can be either good for the earth, or bad.
We know from scripture that man will choose the course that leads to bad, because of what is mentioned at 1 John 5:19 and Revelation 12:9
The only way the earth will be saved, is when God acts. Revelation 11:18

^_^ The huge clouds of smoke during launches is caused by steam. They pump huge amounts of water under the launch pad to dampen the acoustic energy and shock waves of the rocket engines.

If they didn't pump water under the launch pad, the massive acoustic energy and shockwaves from the rocket engines can inflict heavy damage or even destroy the launch tower and the rocket itself during launch!

There are many big rockets that don't make a lot of smoke. Below is a Soyuz rocket often used to ferry people into the International Space Station.

It's the fuel, persons are concerned about.
The fuel used by many of the rockets that blasted off from Baikonur was UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine), a very useful propellant for the pioneering Soviet scientists. UDMH didn't need a source of ignition. It could be stored at room temperature, and it released a lot of energy. Yet it came to be dubbed "devil's venom" by the scientists who used it.

Devil's venom was highly carcinogenic to humans and it's blamed for turning a large area of the steppe into an ecological disaster zone. It's reported that UDMH rained down on the grasslands when it spilled out of the used first and second stages of Proton rockets and poisoned the soil for decades to come.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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It's the fuel, persons are concerned about.
The fuel used by many of the rockets that blasted off from Baikonur was UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine), a very useful propellant for the pioneering Soviet scientists. UDMH didn't need a source of ignition. It could be stored at room temperature, and it released a lot of energy. Yet it came to be dubbed "devil's venom" by the scientists who used it.

Devil's venom was highly carcinogenic to humans and it's blamed for turning a large area of the steppe into an ecological disaster zone. It's reported that UDMH rained down on the grasslands when it spilled out of the used first and second stages of Proton rockets and poisoned the soil for decades to come.

Quite unfortunately. The rocket I pasted picture of uses RP-1 which is Kerosene based fuel.

Some of Russia's rockets do use UDMH but will be phasing out rockets that use them and switch over to rockets that use RP-1 instead.
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Jul 11, 2023
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Quite unfortunately. The rocket I pasted picture of uses RP-1 which is Kerosene based fuel.

Some of Russia's rockets do use UDMH but will be phasing out rockets that use them and switch over to rockets that use RP-1 instead.
It's good when improvements are made, but money is stilled burnt trying to find ETs, and planets considered habitable, when managing our own planet does not even appear attainable, imo.
Am I being too hard on the space hunters?

I'm reading that RP-1 still contributes to air pollution, though.
Increased Air Pollution
Although it remains relatively clean compared to many other fuel types used in other forms of transport, RP-1 propellant still produces a fair amount of air pollution compared to its two cryogenic counterparts.

What do you think?
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
This just shows that what man chooses to do, can be either good for the earth, or bad.
We know from scripture that man will choose the course that leads to bad, because of what is mentioned at 1 john 5:19 and Revelation 12:9
The only way the earth will be saved, is when God acts. Revelation 11:18

Large influence of the culture.

And it seems that in countries where wealth is more evenly distributed like in Europe, Canada, etc, consumerism is less severe and people are less materialistic.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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It's good when improvements are made, but money is stilled burnt trying to find ETs, and planets considered habitable, when managing our own planet does not even appear attainable, imo.
Am I being too hard on the space hunters?

I'm reading that RP-1 still contributes to air pollution, though.
Increased Air Pollution
Although it remains relatively clean compared to many other fuel types used in other forms of transport, RP-1 propellant still produces a fair amount of air pollution compared to its two cryogenic counterparts.

What do you think?
Even Hydrogen production is not perfectly clean. It requires more energy to produce hydrogen and if your energy is from fossil fuels, ecologically destructive hydro electricity, solar cells that are made with toxic chemicals then you're back to square one.

Additionally, hydrogen fuel is less efficient to use within the atmosphere for a number of reasons that is why the first stages of launch vehicles usually burns kerosene / RP-1

However, at altitudes above 50 km and hypersonic velocities and beyond, hydrogen becomes the most efficient rocket fuel available.

For orbital maneuvers and station-keeping, UDMH is preferred fuel maneuvering thrusters by all nations mainly because of the "hypergolic" nature. Maybe they didn't want to use igniters had they used hydrogen instead because igniters could fail or result in inconsistent thrust in the usually brief bursts of thrust required or UDMH is easier for long term storage than hydrogen.

Am I being too hard on the space hunters?
Not at all!

I think the space program could use a little bit more of :sparklingheart:. There is fair bit of elitism in the space program. It's all by the numbers where people are valued as commodities instead of people.

I'm not a big fan of the present space program because of it. It's like cheering at billionaires, it's just wrong!
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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The planets also are very close to each other.
They also don’t seem to have any atmosphere. It would be really hard to support life without atmospheres.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Tim Apple is gay? Crikey.
Yep. I do give him a little credit for not pushing gay stuff onto anyone, and for him not parading it around. :)

If everyone who is gay is like Tim Cook, shy, more humble, and reserved, our society will be a lot more tame.
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Jul 11, 2023
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They also don’t seem to have any atmosphere. It would be really hard to support life without atmospheres.
Wow. You re correct!
Possibly habitable Trappist-1 exoplanet caught destroying its own atmosphere
Scientists have discovered that a potentially habitable planet is having its atmosphere stripped, a process that may eventually render the world, Trappist-1e, inhospitable to life. The stripping appears to be caused by electric currents created as the planet races around its red dwarf host star.

It's a significant discovery because the Trappist-1 system, in which this exoplanet orbits a small red dwarf star, has been one of the primary targets in the hunt for alien life. Of the seven rocky Earth-like worlds in the system, at least 3 are located in the habitable zone, a region around a star that is neither too hot nor too cold to allow a planet to support liquid water.

A planet without an atmosphere can't hold on to liquid water, however, even if it is in the habitable zone, also known as the "Goldilocks zone." This shows that, though Trappist-1e may be in the habitable zone of the red dwarf Trappist-1, located 40 light-years from Earth, its habitability may be fleeting.

The same phenomenon affecting Trappist-1e's atmosphere could be impacting the atmospheres of the other planets in this habitable zone as well, which is bad news for the possibility of finding life in this system.

That won't stop them from continuing to search. More money burnt.
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