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I committed the unpardonable sin

Grip Docility

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Are we not declared (forensically) righteous (sin debt paid) in justification?
He, Jesus, paid the ticket Full! :)

This wonderful Brother in Christ didn’t understand that.
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Jesus is our Good Judge, to decide what is good to do with each of us. So, trust Him now to know what is really true about you, and what to do with you.

"'And whenever you praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in Heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.'" (Mark 11:25)

Forgiving can help get you and your attention where you belong.
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The Holy Spirit has been very longsuffering in my life but I know he left rightfully so. I’ve resisted him all my life and I never listened..as a result I committed some serious and evil sins and I’ve destroyed my life. I’m trying to go back to god but I know I’m the past I deliberately purposely blasphemed the Holy Spirit by spitefully never listening- I did so with the intent in my heart. I was still an unbeliever that was never saved because I had no saving faith it was professing faith. I don’t know how ti cope with the fact that I can’t go to heaven- I’m trying to turn from my ways but I know that I’ve seared my conscience because I was impetinent in my sins and these sins are orettt hard to commit against conviction- I had to use my will to pursue these sins going against my conscience and the Holy Spirit. I can’t repent from the heart and I desperately need regeneration however I can’t repent and I can’t come back to god. I committed the one sin he doesn’t forgive. I refused to let the Holy Spirit work within me and now I’m lost forever.
You had a hardened heart (heart of stone) ... now you have been given a heart of flesh

Ezekiel 11:19
19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,

Until we die the door of salvation is always open .... embrace it ... put the past in the past and begin anew ... you will stumble (we all do) but He is ALWAYS there to pick us up and continue in our journey with Him.

You're fine just walk with Him. ;o)
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We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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The Holy Spirit has been very longsuffering in my life but I know he left rightfully so. I’ve resisted him all my life and I never listened..as a result I committed some serious and evil sins and I’ve destroyed my life. I’m trying to go back to god but I know I’m the past I deliberately purposely blasphemed the Holy Spirit by spitefully never listening- I did so with the intent in my heart. I was still an unbeliever that was never saved because I had no saving faith it was professing faith. I don’t know how ti cope with the fact that I can’t go to heaven- I’m trying to turn from my ways but I know that I’ve seared my conscience because I was impetinent in my sins and these sins are orettt hard to commit against conviction- I had to use my will to pursue these sins going against my conscience and the Holy Spirit. I can’t repent from the heart and I desperately need regeneration however I can’t repent and I can’t come back to god. I committed the one sin he doesn’t forgive. I refused to let the Holy Spirit work within me and now I’m lost forever.

Trust me you have not committed the unpardonable sin. The unpardonable sin is to die without faith in Jesus Christ. God promised his sheep that they will be his forever and nobody can take them out of his hand.

I'm mentally I'll and I've literally attributed the work of the Holy Spirit as the work of the devil without thinking about it or understanding the consequences. God still continues to work in my life. Take it from somebody who is mentally ill and has been there, there's NOTHING that can take you out of God's hand.

Of course it does help that these intrusive thoughts come randomly and I would never think such a thing in my right mind but if there's anybody who could have committed the unpardonable sin it would be me.
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The unpardonable sin is exactly what the Bible calls it, and Jesus elaborated on. It is to blaspheme, (speak out against God), the Holy Spirit. You can blaspheme Jesus, and be forgiven. The Pharisees claimed that Jesus, who had the Holy Spirit, had a demon, therefore calling the Holy Spirit a demon. That would meet the criteria of blasphemy, and against the Holy Spirit. Many teachers of religion intentionally make blaspheming the Holy Spirit something other than what the Bible says it is, because they have an agenda. But it really what the Bible says it is, speaking blasphemies against the Holy Spirit.
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Trust me you have not committed the unpardonable sin. The unpardonable sin is to die without faith in Jesus Christ.

Actually, to die never having been born again, is to have died here. ,which is to have committed that Sin.

John 3:36.

There are many Christians, who, for whatever reason along Life's Highway, lost their faith, but God didnt lose them, as they were already born again.
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Jesus is our Good Judge, to decide what is good to do with each of us.

If the person is born again, then the decision has been made and the Salvation of God, has been applied.
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The Holy Spirit has been very longsuffering in my life but I know he left rightfully so. I’ve resisted him all my life and I never listened..as a result I committed some serious and evil sins and I’ve destroyed my life. I’m trying to go back to god but I know I’m the past I deliberately purposely blasphemed the Holy Spirit by spitefully never listening- I did so with the intent in my heart. I was still an unbeliever that was never saved because I had no saving faith it was professing faith. I don’t know how ti cope with the fact that I can’t go to heaven- I’m trying to turn from my ways but I know that I’ve seared my conscience because I was impetinent in my sins and these sins are orettt hard to commit against conviction- I had to use my will to pursue these sins going against my conscience and the Holy Spirit. I can’t repent from the heart and I desperately need regeneration however I can’t repent and I can’t come back to god. I committed the one sin he doesn’t forgive. I refused to let the Holy Spirit work within me and now I’m lost forever.

Edit- I self examined and found that I have a seared conscience
The sin against the Holy Spirit is when we continue in sin and no longer care or hear the Holy Spirit calling us out of rebellion to God. Heb 3:7-8. Sin is breaking God's law 1 John 3:4 Romans 7:7 Mat 5:19-30 If there is a shred of guilt of our sin, then you have not committed the unforgiveable sin. However, what we do with when the Holy Spirit is calling us, is crucial for reconciliation with Christ. Jesus said if we confess our sins He is faithful to forgive and cleanse of all unrighteous 1 John 1:9 but we also must forsake our sins Pro 28:13 which means a change of direction- when Jesus healed He said go and sin no more. Through Christ we can keep His commandments and He sends us His Spirit to help us John 14:15-18 but God does not want us to live in perpetual sin Heb 10:26-30 and through Christ we can overcome. Phil 4:13
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Grip Docility

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Nov 27, 2017
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The sin against the Holy Spirit is when we continue in sin and no longer care or hear the Holy Spirit calling us out of rebellion to God. Heb 3:7-8. Sin is breaking God's law 1 John 3:4 Romans 7:7 Mat 5:19-30 If there is a shred of guilt of our sin, then you have not committed the unforgiveable sin. However, what we do with when the Holy Spirit is calling us, is crucial for reconciliation with Christ. Jesus said if we confess our sins He is faithful to forgive and cleanse of all unrighteous 1 John 1:9 but we also must forsake our sins Pro 28:13 which means a change of direction- when Jesus healed He said go and sin no more. Through Christ we can keep His commandments and He sends us His Spirit to help us John 14:15-18 but God does not want us to live in perpetual sin Heb 10:26-30 and through Christ we can overcome. Phil 4:13
This is a Theological train wreck.

Now find the actual verse where the Pharisees tell Jesus that He casts out demons under the power of a demon… and Jesus then expresses that what they have just said against the Holy Spirit is the unpardonable sin!

How in the world can sinners who sin, preach to people to not sin?!?
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This is a Theological train wreck.

Now find the actual verse where the Pharisees tell Jesus that He casts out demons under the power of a demon… and Jesus then expresses that what they have just said against the holy spirit is the unpardonable sin!

How in the world can sinners who sin, preach to people to not sin?!?
I was not posting an opinion, I posting scriptures. Perhaps you can find the verse that says we are saved in sin and when we are in Christ we don’t have to change, we can stay the same.

I know its a popular many teach we are saved in our sins, but its not what our salvation is from, we are saved from sin. Mat 1:21

Are you claiming that one could never sin in order to preach to people? Where did you get that idea? That would eliminate all the apostles and everyone in the scriptures except the teachings of Jesus because everyone else has sinned Romans 3:23 but that doesn't mean everyone keeps sinning. Do you believe our God has more power to keep us from sin than the devil does to keep us in sin? I do. It's a promise of scripture that there are people who overcome

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Which reconciles us Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

Many people want the blessings Jesus brings, they don't really want Jesus who knew no sin and kept all of the commandments John 15:10 as our example 1 John 2:6 1 Peter 2:21-22 and if we are in Christ (have a right relationship with Him) we would have His righteousness 2 Corinthians 5:21 so we would not be living in perpetual sin and breaking His commandments. A righteous man may fall, but will always get back up. Proverbs 24:16 Those who oppose His law which is holy and righteous Psa 119:172 Psa 119:142 Rom 7:12 are the lost Rom 8:7-8 Heb 10:26-30 Mat 7:21-23 Rev 22:14-15. The choice is ours. Do we live for Jesus or live for self. Jesus doesn't make us do it alone, but it requires our cooperation John 14:15-18. We need to turn to Jesus, trust His teachings and be open to His instruction and the example He left for us on righteous living.
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Grip Docility

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I was not posting an opinion, I posting scriptures. Perhaps you can find the verse that says we are saved in sin and when we are in Christ we don’t have to change, we can stay the same.

I know its a popular many teach we are saved in our sins, but its not what our salvation is from, we are saved from sin. Mat 1:21

Are you claiming that one could never sin in order to preach to people? Where did you get that idea? That would eliminate all the apostles and everyone in the scriptures except the teachings of Jesus because everyone else has sinned Romans 3:23 but that doesn't mean everyone keeps sinning. Do you believe our God has more power to keep us from sin than the devil does to keep us in sin? I do. It's a promise of scripture that there are people who overcome

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Which reconciles us Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

Many people want the blessings Jesus brings, they don't really want Jesus who knew no sin and kept all of the commandments John 15:10 as our example 1 John 2:6 1 Peter 2:21-22 and if we are in Christ (have a right relationship with Him) we would have His righteousness 2 Corinthians 5:21 so we would not be living in perpetual sin or breaking His commandments. A righteous man may fall, but will always get back up. Proverbs 24:16 Those who oppose His law which is holy and righteous Psa 119:172 Psa 119:142 Rom 7:12 are the lost Rom 8:7-8 Heb 10:26-30 Mat 7:21-23 Rev 22:14-15. The choice is ours. Do we live for Jesus or live for self. Jesus doesn't make us do it alone, but it requires our cooperation John 14:15-18.
Again… this is time number two. Search scripture for when the Pharisees suggest that Jesus Casts out Devils by the power of the Prince of Devils.

Scripture doesn’t mean a lick when it’s taken out of context. Had you responded to this young person, they would have given up on Jesus. Ever read about Millstones, in scrripture!
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Again… this is time number two. Search scripture for when the Pharisees suggest that Jesus Casts out Devils by the power of the Prince of Devils.

Scripture doesn’t mean a lick when it’s taken out of context. Had you responded to this young person, they would have given up on Jesus. Ever read about Millstones, in scrripture!
I do not take my teachings from the Pharisees. Jesus condemned them regularly as they relied on their own rules over obeying God's commandments. Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13. Our righteousness needs to exceed the Pharisees Mat 5:20, the bar is not set too high if we have faith in Him and live by His every Word.

This is not a debate forum, this is an advice forum. :)
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Jul 11, 2023
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The Holy Spirit has been very longsuffering in my life but I know he left rightfully so. I’ve resisted him all my life and I never listened..as a result I committed some serious and evil sins and I’ve destroyed my life. I’m trying to go back to god but I know I’m the past I deliberately purposely blasphemed the Holy Spirit by spitefully never listening- I did so with the intent in my heart. I was still an unbeliever that was never saved because I had no saving faith it was professing faith. I don’t know how ti cope with the fact that I can’t go to heaven- I’m trying to turn from my ways but I know that I’ve seared my conscience because I was impetinent in my sins and these sins are orettt hard to commit against conviction- I had to use my will to pursue these sins going against my conscience and the Holy Spirit. I can’t repent from the heart and I desperately need regeneration however I can’t repent and I can’t come back to god. I committed the one sin he doesn’t forgive. I refused to let the Holy Spirit work within me and now I’m lost forever.

Edit- I self examined and found that I have a seared conscience
Has God given up on you?
Ezekiel 18:32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!

Don't give up on yourself. That's what Satan the Devil wants. He wants you to feel worthless - not good enough to please god. So that you join him in his death march. Don't let him win over you.

He tried it with Job, repeatedly.
Job 2:9; Job 4:18, 19;
Job did not become his victim.
Be like Job, and like him, you will be healed, and rejoice.
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Grip Docility

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I do not take my teachings from the Pharisees. Jesus condemned them regularly as they relied on their own rules over obeying God's commandments. Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13. Our righteousness needs to exceed the Pharisees Mat 5:20, the bar is not set too high if we have faith in Him and live by His every Word.

This is not a debate forum, this is an advice forum. :)
Third and last time. I’m trying to show you where the literal definition of the Unpardonable Sin, is.

Is this where you act pious like you’re following the rules, instead of being led to proper understanding of scripture?

No problem… this was your third and last chance to properly understand a matter.

P.s. Please trim your nose hairs.
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Third and last time. I’m trying to show you where the literal definition of the Unpardonable Sin, is.

Is this where you act pious like you’re following the rules, instead of being led to proper understanding of scripture?

No problem… this was your third and last chance to properly understand a matter.

P.s. Please trim your nose hairs.
You haven't showed me anything, if you want to quote scripture please do so, all I see is your words and so far nothing you have said disagrees with the scriptures I posted.
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Grip Docility

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You haven't showed me anything, if you want to quote scripture please do so, all I see is your words and so far nothing you have said disagrees with the scriptures I posted.
Hey, if you don’t know where Jesus says something in scripture… it’s not my bag. My first two posts mentioned a matter you can search and read for yourself, about our Lord, GOD and Savior, Jesus the Messiah, IN SCRIPTURE.
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Hey, if you don’t know where Jesus says something in scripture… it’s not my bag. My first two posts mentioned a matter you can search and read for yourself, about our Lord, GOD and Savior, Jesus the Messiah, IN SCRIPTURE.
It’s always best to quote the scriptures, because its so easy to add a word here or there and than its no longer God’s pure Word but our own word, which is not the same.

Anyway, need to run anyway, take care. :)
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Grip Docility

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It’s always best to quote the scriptures, because its so easy to add a word here or there and than its no longer God’s pure Word but our own word, which is not the same.

Anyway, need to run anyway, take care. :)
Sabbath blessings to you, in the Name of the Lord of the Sabbath.
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Hey there.

I went through a period where I thought I had committed the unpardonable sin. In fact I had some powerful experiences that I later realised were demonic and not from God where it seemed that God disowned me. They had me convinced I was now lost, until a friend came along and reminded me that every sin committed against the Son of man can be forgiven.
Like you I was resisting the Holy Spirit a lot, but God is very gracious if we come to a point of repentance. The very fact that you want God seems to indicate that there is penitence in your heart. If you didn't want God and you didn't care that would be a different story.
God is a loving Father, think about the story of the prodigal son Luke 15:11-32. That boy trashed his father and his reputation but he was still accepted home with loving arms when he turned from his folly and realised how much he had at home.
The Christian walk is hard, we cannot do it on our own, that was one of my biggest mistakes I kept isolating myself from others more and more. We need to find safe people we can share our struggles with in order to grow and be kept accountable to God's standards. He is the Lord and he's made a church for a reason.
Pursue him, become addicted to his word, feed yourself on that which helps you to grow, worship him, be discipled by others.
When it gets hard reach out to a friend to pray for you. Lift your head and fix your gaze on the cross, for from it the love of God flows to all sinners, the power of that love is so much bigger than you or I, it is the love of God for all of humanity and it sings with redemption for all who would come and turn from sin.
I hope some of what I am saying has encouraged you. Don't walk this road alone.
You have made the right first step by reaching out to people on this forum.
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