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What is your Statement of Faith?

Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Hello Jason, thank you for your statement of faith. I have found little to disagree overall. I just pray it may not result in debate (strive).
I don’t see anything wrong with defending the truth of God’s Word as long as it does not lead to being hateful towards others. I also would not endlessly debate certain topics with the same people, either. Well, I at least try not to do so. I usually move on if a person is not getting something taught in His Word. I always try to speak with love and respect for the person even if we disagree.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Some topics I may continue to add would be those:

36. Instruments in church?
I see no prohibition of musical instruments in the Bible.
I know the Church of Christ believes that we should not use musical instruments.
I disagree with them in the fact that they teach baptismal salvationism.
Now, while we do need to be baptized, I do not see that as how we are initially saved.
I believe we are first saved by God’s grace without works. But after we are saved by His grace, we then need to enter the Sanctification Process of the Holy Spirit to live a holy life (Which is a part of God’s plan of salvation).

37. Head coverings? (1 Corinthians 11)
I used to struggle with my understanding on this, but after much time and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that it’s talking about long hair and not a head covering. Read it in the King James Bible at Biblehub.com and read it in context and prayer.

38. Denominations?
I am non-denominational. I am for the Bible Alone + the Anointing to Understand It.
I look at sometimes being diplomatic with some believers (even though we may disagree strongly on some topics).
There are some believers I feel guided to not have any fellowship with, though. Talk with? Yes. Fellowship? No.

39. The cross as a symbol?
I think this again is one of those things that you have to go by the leading of the Spirit on.
Generally, I see the placement of crosses in a person’s home or as some kind of necklace as trying to imitate the Catholic Church.
This to me is generally idolatry when one overdoes it with the crosses (like they do).
But yet, when I see large crosses the size of a building to honor Christ, and or a cross engraved on a hillside, this to me is a way to point others to Jesus Christ (Especially if there is a verse included).

40. Christmas & Easter?
I don’t celebrate Christmas or Easter (the Modern celebration of that day).
But the archaic word “Easter”(not the modern understanding on that word) is actually just another name for the Jewish passover. I would recommend checking out the book called, “Don’t Passover Easter” at Amazon. Well, I am not sure if you can get it in Germany. But it is a super quick read and yet it is really compelling. William Tyndale invented the term “Passover.” Before that point in time, the English word “Easter” was used to describe the Jewish Passover. In the old Textus Receptus Bibles before the King James Bible, we see Easter and Passover used interchangeably at times.
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Jan 30, 2023
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I see no prohibition of musical instruments in the Bible.
I know the Church of Christ believes that we should not use musical instruments.
I disagree with them in the fact that they teach baptismal salvationism.
Now, while we do need to be baptized, I do not see that as how we are initially saved.
I believe we are first saved by God’s grace without works. But after we are saved by His grace, we then need to enter the Sanctification Process of the Holy Spirit to live a holy life (Which is a part of God’s plan of salvation).

I used to struggle with my understanding on this, but after much time and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that it’s talking about long hair and not a head covering. Read it in the King James Bible at Biblehub.com and read it in context and prayer.

I am non-denominational. I am for the Bible Alone + the Anointing to Understand It.
I look at sometimes being diplomatic with some believers (even though we may disagree strongly on some topics).
There are some believers I feel guided to not have any fellowship with, though. Talk with? Yes. Fellowship? No.

I think this again is one of those things that you have to go by the leading of the Spirit on.
Generally, I see the placement of crosses in a person’s home or as some kind of necklace as trying to imitate the Catholic Church.
This to me is generally idolatry when one overdoes it with the crosses (like they do).
But yet, when I see large crosses the size of a building to honor Christ, and or a cross engraved on a hillside, this to me is a way to point others to Jesus Christ (Especially if there is a verse included).

I don’t celebrate Christmas or Easter (the Modern celebration of that day).
But the archaic word “Easter”(not the modern understanding on that word) is actually just another name for the Jewish passover. I would recommend checking out the book called, “Don’t Passover Easter” at Amazon. Well, I am not sure if you can get it in Germany. But it is a super quick read and yet it is really compelling. William Tyndale invented the term “Passover.” Before that point in time, the English word “Easter” was used to describe the Jewish Passover. In the old Textus Receptus Bibles before the King James Bible, we see Easter and Passover used interchangeably at times.
I think we can agree on all those.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I think we can agree on all those.
Praise the LORD.
Today, I am doing a study on the divine nature of God’s Word itself.
Great stuff (Although it is not a welcome topic here on this forum).
I do discuss it elsewhere.
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Jan 30, 2023
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22. War and Non-Resistance:

In the Old Testament, clearly God's people (Abraham, and the nation of Israel) went to war and or fought battles for God. But I believe that when Jesus came, Jesus taught us Non-Resistance. I believe the war we are to fight today is a spiritual war that is not fought with carnal weapons. To learn more about the NT's teaching on Non-Resistance, check out this thread here.

Important Note:

To see a continuation of my Statement of Faith, check out this post here (Which is within this thread).
I believe it is very much possible to believe in non-resistance - as do I - but disagree with gun control, for a gun is not the sin, as long we do not use it to kill people. I have adopted the Amish position:
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But yet, when I see large crosses the size of a building to honor Christ, and or a cross engraved on a hillside, this to me is a way to point others to Jesus Christ (Especially if there is a verse included).
Indeed, for the sin is not the graven image itself, but making one for worship, like the Catholics do with the crucifix.
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The point is that the Bible does not recognize such a statement; And the Scriptures say, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17 KJV).

Glad we agree on the ceremonical laws. Sad that this issue has to pop up now. I also keep the Saturday Sabbath now, but get not puffed up over it. I just personally see it as better
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Glad we agree on the ceremonical laws. Sad that this issue has to pop up now. I also keep the Saturday Sabbath now, but get not puffed up over it. I just personally see it as better
I don't believe we are under the 613 Laws of Moses (even though specific moral laws like "do not murder, do not steal, do not covet, etcetera" have carried over into the New Covenant or New Testament). So I do not believe a Christian has to keep the Saturday Sabbath, circumcision, dietary laws, animal sacrifices (if a temple gets rebuilt), etcetera. Christians are to follow the commands of Jesus Christ and His followers in the pages of the New Testament.
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I don't believe we are under the 613 Laws of Moses (even though specific moral laws like "do not murder, do not steal, do not covet, etcetera" have carried over into the New Covenant or New Testament). So I do not believe a Christian has to keep the Saturday Sabbath, circumcision, dietary laws, animal sacrifices (if a temple gets rebuilt), etcetera. Christians are to follow the commands of Jesus Christ and His followers in the pages of the New Testament.
Exactly. The temple was destroyed in 70 AD anyways, and even before that (the Book of Hebrews was written around 64 AD) it was taught that the sacrifices had ended
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Jan 30, 2023
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15. Rapture.

I believe there will be two Raptures. I believe the first rapture will be a Pre-Trib Rapture, and the second rapture will be a Mid Trib Rapture. To learn more about this, see my extensive "New End Times Chronology" at CF here. Note: This chronology involves the Pre-Trib Rapture, the 7 year tribulation, the Millennium, the Judgment, and the Eternal New Earth.
I see no pre trib anywhere in scripture. Only the post trib one (see Matthew 24)
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Jan 30, 2023
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My Statement of Faith:

23. Alcohol (Part 1)

There are 4 major views on Alcohol:

#1. Prohibitionist

Believes that the bible absolutely prohibits the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages socially; And it is a sin to drink such beverages (except for medical reasons). Note: This would not be wine diluted with water back in Biblical times.

#2. Abstentionist:

Believes that the bible does not absolutely prohibit the consumption of alcohol but for numerous reasons, Christians should abstain from using it. In this view, any amount of drinking that causes one to not be sober in any way directly contradicts those passages that tell us to be sober minded. Also, this view holds that drinking should be done in private and not publicly where your brother could see you and stumble. This view recommends that while it is lawful for you to drink, it is not always profitable so it is highly encouraged to abstain from it. Not out of some sense of legalism but out of love for God, yourself and your brother. Thus, it preaches the reality of the dangers of alcohol and how it can bite you like a serpent (despite it being lawful).

#3. Undecided

Those that are not sure if drinking alcohol is right or wrong.

#4. Moderationist

Believes that alcoholic drinks are a gift from God that should be, like all of God’s gifts, consumed moderately. However, the problem with this view is that many of the Moderationists do not warn against the dangers of alcohol. They only paint half the picture that alcohol is good and they get overly defensive in their consumption of alcohol when encouraged to walk the higher road out of love and not as a commandment or legal law within God's Word. Many or most Moderationists believe they can even drink in front of others publicly because Jesus turned water into alcoholic wine publicly. Thus, many of them believe that public drinking could not lead a brother to potentially to stumble (When clearly such a reality could happen).

However, that said, I also believe there is a small number of responsible drinking moderationists who drink in a way to stay sober minded and who believe the proper thing to do is to preach against drunkenness strongly. These Moderationists do not want to do anything to make their brother to stumble. They drink knowing that the beverage they have in their hands is potentially dangerous but yet they drink soberly to the glory of God in private. However, in good conscience, it is my duty as a Christian to remind even these Christians that it can bite like a serpent if they start to forget the dangers of this deadly drug. In fact, it is my encouragement that they walk the higher road and show that they are different from the rest of the world. Again, not out of legalism, but out of love.

My Viewpoint:

I am a Prohibitionist in regards to strong alcoholic beverages of today. But I believe there was a wine that was watered down that the Israelites were allowed to drink.

The Old Testament saints were forbidden to even look at a strong alcoholic beverage let alone drink it.

That Speak Against The Alcoholic Beverage Itself.
(That is not specifically or exclusively talking about drunkenness)

Passages For the Old Testament Saint:

(Before the Cross: The OT Saint did not have a liberty in Christ to drink intoxicating beverages)
(Just as they did not have a liberty in Christ to eat unclean animals)​

1) Deuteronomy 29:5-6
- God gave no grape juice to Israel nor did they have intoxicating drink in the wilderness.
(The reason for this action was taken so as to show how they knew God).

2) Deuteronomy 32:33
- Enemy's wine is like the poison of serpents vs. Israelite's pure blood of the grape (verse 14).

3) 1 Samuel 1:14-15
- Accused, Hannah said she drank no wine.

4) Proverbs 4:17
- Alcoholic drink is called the wine of violence.

5) Proverbs 20:1
- Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging.

6) Proverbs 23:31
- God instructs not to look at intoxicating drinks.

7) Proverbs 23:32
- Alcoholic drinks bite like a serpent, sting like an adder.

8) Proverbs 23:35
- Alcohol makes the drinker insensitive to pain so he does not perceive it as a warning.
(It also says Alcohol is habit forming).

9) Proverbs 31:4-5
- Kings, Princes, and others who rule and judge must not drink alcohol. Alcohol perverts good judgment.

10) Ecclesiastes 2:3
- The king tried everything, including intoxicating drink, to see if it satisfied. It did not.
(c.f. Ecclesiastes 12:8)

11) Ecclesiastes 10:17
- A land is blessed when its leaders do not drink.

12) Isaiah 5:22
- There is a woe unto them who mix strong drinks.

13) Jeremiah 35:2-14
- The Rechabites drank no grape juice or intoxicating wine and were blessed.

14) Daniel 1:5-17
- Daniel refused the king’s intoxicating wine and was blessed for it along with his abstaining friends.

15) Hosea 4:11
- Intoxicating wine seduces the heart.

Passages For the New Testament Saint:

(After the Cross: NT Saints (Not All) have a liberty in Christ to drink alcohol soberly & privately)
(Just as they have a liberty in Christ to eat unclean animals)
(Those whose conscience condemns them in drinking are not to drink)
(Those who are leaders in the church are not to drink alcohol)​

16) Romans 14:21
- Do not do anything (Including drinking intoxicating beverages) to make your brother to stumble.

17) 1 Timothy 3:2-3
- Bishops (elders) are to be temperate, sober, and not near any wine.

18) 1 Timothy 3:8
- Deacons are to be worthy of respect and not drinkers.

19) 1 Timothy 3:11
- Deacons’ wives are to be temperate and sober.

20) Titus 1:7-8
- A bishop is not to be given to wine.

21) Titus 2:2-3
- The older men and older women of the church are to be temperate and not addicted to wine.

Source Used:
75 Bible References on Drinking Alcohol
(Please take note that I only agree with the Scripture that they posted; This does not mean I am in agreement with the author's other beliefs on other topics).
Yes, while this sounds strict, I came to the same conclusion. I also do not believe Timothy was ordered to drink alcohol by Paul. While I disagree with many SDA doctrines, Bible Flock Box made a great video on wine.
As for the unclean animals, it was originally about worship, and originally they were food (Genesis 9:3), and under the Old Covenant it was as a sign of seperation, not for health purposes.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Exactly. The temple was destroyed in 70 AD anyways, and even before that (the Book of Hebrews was written around 64 AD) it was taught that the sacrifices had ended
Well, I believe the wailing wall (the temple's outer wall) is still standing. But yes. Most of the temple was destroyed. Preterists like to suggest that everything is fulfilled because they say the temple is entirely destroyed. Yet, they fail to understand the truth about the wailing wall.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Yes, while this sounds strict, I came to the same conclusion. I also do not believe Timothy was ordered to drink alcohol by Paul. While I disagree with many SDA doctrines, Bible Flock Box made a great video on wine.
As for the unclean animals, it was originally about worship, and originally they were food (Genesis 9:3), and under the Old Covenant it was as a sign of seperation, not for health purposes.
I have debated and discussed the alcohol issue at great length several times. One thread was almost 80 pages. I did a lot of research during this process. I believe Christians can drink socially if they do so soberly and responsibly and if their conscience does not condemn them. But I believe in time: God will reveal the truth to a believer that alcohol is a "poison" and destructive (If they are a truth seeker). Both Scripture and the observational evidence of the nature of alcohol are bad and not good. I also believe a Christian can take alcohol (like they would a drug) for medical reasons (upset stomach, pain from an open gash bleeding wound in the leg, etcetera). In my case, I know both Scripture and science condemn the drinking of alcohol for social reasons. I believe in preaching against the use of alcohol and its destructive ways to all Christians. If they have been warned about the truth and know it is wrong (with their conscience condemning them), this is a serious problem. But if they do so in plain ignorance, that is another matter. In other words, I see in some cases, drinking alcohol for a Christian can condemn them before God; in other cases, it would not condemn other believers (Because of their ignorance on this issue). If they drink 151, they will usually not be sober even after the first half of the glass. So obviously, it depends on the level of alcohol by the type of drink they are intaking. If they are drunk, this is not good, and the Bible clearly condemns drunkness and says that drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

I personally could not drink alcohol for social reasons because I know it is a poison, and I know Scripture condemns it. In the Old Testament: I believe the Israelites bought fully fermented wine from pagan nations at times, and when it came time to drink it for celebrations, they would water it down significantly. So the wine they drank was not like our wine today. They also would use wine to treat serious pain (like a medical drug that minimizes pain). In other words, taking a medical prescription to numb pain is not wrong. This is what alcohol does. So if a person were stranded in a forest, this would be considered humane and ethical. Instead of allowing one's wife and or son to scream in pain from a serious wound or sickness, it would be best to give them something like alcohol to numb the pain.
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Jan 30, 2023
Germany's sin city - Munich
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I have debated and discussed the alcohol issue at great length several times. One thread was almost 80 pages. I did a lot of research during this process. I believe Christians can drink socially if they do so soberly and responsibly and if their conscience does not condemn them. But I believe in time: God will reveal the truth to a believer that alcohol is a "poison" and destructive (If they are a truth seeker). Both Scripture and the observational evidence of the nature of alcohol are bad and not good. I also believe a Christian can take alcohol (like they would a drug) for medical reasons (upset stomach, pain from an open gash bleeding wound in the leg, etcetera). In my case, I know both Scripture and science condemn the drinking of alcohol for social reasons. I believe in preaching against the use of alcohol and its destructive ways to all Christians. If they have been warned about the truth and know it is wrong (with their conscience condemning them), this is a serious problem. But if they do so in plain ignorance, that is another matter. In other words, I see in some cases, drinking alcohol for a Christian can condemn them before God; in other cases, it would not condemn other believers (Because of their ignorance on this issue). If they drink 151, they will usually not be sober even after the first half of the glass. So obviously, it depends on the level of alcohol by the type of drink they are intaking. If they are drunk, this is not good, and the Bible clearly condemns drunkness and says that drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

I personally could not drink alcohol for social reasons because I know it is a poison, and I know Scripture condemns it. In the Old Testament: I believe the Israelites bought fully fermented wine from pagan nations at times, and when it came time to drink it for celebrations, they would water it down significantly. So the wine they drank was not like our wine today. They also would use wine to treat serious pain (like a medical drug that minimizes pain). In other words, taking a medical prescription to numb pain is not wrong. This is what alcohol does. So if a person were stranded in a forest, this would be considered humane and ethical. Instead of allowing one's wife and or son to scream in pain from a serious wound or sickness, it would be best if one gave them something like alcohol to numb the pain.
100 %ly agreed.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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100 %ly agreed.
In the New Testament: Wines were carried in leather pouches (or leather-like bottles). Jesus mentioned how new wine must be put in new wineskins because if new wine is put in old wineskin bottles, they will burst because the fermentation process would stretch the leather pouch. An old leather pouch that was already stretched would burst by the fermentation process. So they carried wine in an undiluted state, but when it came time to drink it, they would dilute it with water significantly. This was for a part of the Israelite's ways or the old paths. The New Covenant does not teach us to drink fermented wine (But it could be done for certain exceptions - like medical reasons, etc.). I believe the wine at the Lord's supper was unfermented wine or grape juice (i.e., the pure blood of the grape - that Scripture talks about). So why would they carry wine? Well, they did not have water purification like we do today. So drinking a little wine to purify water was the way to go back then. Today, there is no reason to have it (Unless we are in a third-world country that does not have water purification).
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I believe it is very much possible to believe in non-resistance - as do I - but disagree with gun control, for a gun is not the sin, as long we do not use it to kill people. I have adopted the Amish position:
Yes, I believe we can own guns to hunt animals for food and or even to scare off intruders on our land who are up to no good by firing up into the sky (in the country), but to use them to wound and or take human life goes against the teachings of our Lord in the New Testament. Granted, that said, we do have to keep in mind that after our obedience is fulfilled here on this Earth, we must be ready to take vengeance at Christ's 2nd Coming (After we have been taken up to be with the Lord).

"And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled." (2 Corinthians 10:6).​

So I believe while we are called to Non-Violence now, it will not be that way when we follow Jesus into battle at His return (When He comes down from Heaven). The danger of guns is that if a person is trigger-happy, it can lead to problems. Fathers have been known to shoot their sons in their homes, thinking it was an intruder. Children accidentally shot themselves when they discovered their father's gun. So one has to be extremely smart about the use of gun safety big time. Also, accidental misfires can kill, as well. So just having the weapon can kill a person if they are not extremely careful about its dangers. If a gun is not secure while driving and it is loaded, it can also go off (by hitting a bump in the road), and potentially kill or hurt the passengers in the vehicle.
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Apostasy CAN be forgiven if the person repents. It is impossible for man to renw an apostate unto repentance (Hebrews 6:4-6), but all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37).

I myself apostasized in 2019 and returned in 2023.
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24. Written Word of God (Part 2) (Sola Scriptura)
25. Morality
26. Free Will, and Election.
27. The Poor.
28. A Very Brief Soul Sleep, Abraham's Bosom, Heaven, & the Eternal New Earth.
29. Nephilim.
30. Timing of the Passion Week.
31. Christian Heavy Metal & Rap.
32. Having Pictures of Jesus & Idolatry.
33. Marriage & Sex.
34. Chronology of Revelation (Eschatology Continued).
35. Heavenly & Earthly Books in the Bible.
Have you written about those already, brother Jason? As far as 28 is concerned, I believe yes.
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