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A&E is intolerant...

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by his wounds we are healed
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May 15, 2007
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Sep 25, 2012
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They're not intolerant. They're a business and they don't want to lose any viewers over the rantings of an over-payed hillbilly.

I really don't understand the fascination with this show. But then again, I really don't understand anyone who can shoot a duck for no reason.
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by his wounds we are healed
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May 15, 2007
Land O' 10,000 Lakes
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They're not intolerant. They're a business and they don't want to lose any viewers over the rantings of an over-payed hillbilly.

Yes, they're intolerant. They could stand up and say "these views don't represent our views, as our actions have shown, but since we believe in the right to free speech we stand by Phil Robertson's right to give his opinion"

I would have WAY more respect for a network that did that.

I really don't understand the fascination with this show. But then again, I really don't understand anyone who can shoot a duck for no reason.

I don't understand the fascination with most reality shows, myself.

This just furthers my belief that there really is no such thing as a reality show. You can only be as real as the network allows.
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Feb 16, 2013
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Feb 16, 2013
Yes, they're intolerant. They could stand up and say "these views don't represent our views, as our actions have shown, but since we believe in the right to free speech we stand by Phil Robertson's right to give his opinion"
I hear that free speech comment so often on news like this. Free Speech only applies to government interference. He does not have free speech on a TV show owned by a private company.

I've also heard the show is heavily scripted, so it's not particularly reality anyway.
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just horsing around
Aug 10, 2005
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Aug 24, 2010
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While I never cared for the show this is evidence that freedom of speech is going away. Some say its not. But they obviously are part of the mainstream so they don't see it. Freedom of speech is beginning to mean "You have the freedom to say anything you want.... just as long as its what the mainstream says it should be. If not then your freedom will not be allowed.

It used to be bad to talk about the subject at hand that the guy talked about. But now its reversed and now its bad if you talk about the subjectively badly.

They're a business and they don't want to lose any viewers over the rantings of an over-payed hillbilly.
As opposed to the far greater amount of christians watching A&E now because of the show? o_O
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
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And nothing of value was lost.

To you, perhaps. However several million people enjoy the show, and some have actually been brought to Christ through it.


This ^^^ is the same Phil Robertson, baptizing a man, who had driven there because he'd been prompted to find Christ by their show. And yes, this is defacto censorship. Our PC culture has turned the idea of God's Word into a matter to be shunned when espoused.

Isaiah 5:20-21
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
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Feb 5, 2002
By the shores of Gitchee-Goomee
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They're not intolerant.

Sure they are. Somebody made a comment that wasn't bland, mealy-mouthed, politically-correct pablum, so he had to be eliminated.

Crudo89 said:
I really don't understand the fascination with this show. But then again, I really don't understand anyone who can shoot a duck for no reason.

PreachersWife2004 said:
I don't understand the fascination with most reality shows, myself.

I don't understand the fascination with television, period. I haven't had TV---neither network or cable---since about 2002, and I haven't missed it in the slightest.

Yes, they're intolerant. They could stand up and say "these views don't represent our views, as our actions have shown, but since we believe in the right to free speech we stand by Phil Robertson's right to give his opinion"

I would have WAY more respect for a network that did that.

Yeah, but respect for free speech and individual opinion these days is frowned upon; most people, especially the younger people, would rather march, act, and think in complete lockstep with the current left-wing ideology so prevalent today.

His comments were obnoxious and ignorant. A&E has an image to uphold. His remarks don't fit that image. Welcome to Capitalism.

More like welcome to the Borg. "Your comments and opinions do not conform to the Will of the Collective. Renounce your dissident thought processes and prepare for immediate assimilation. Resistance is futile."
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Jun 17, 2008
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More like welcome to the Borg. "Your comments and opinions do not conform to the Will of the Collective. Renounce your dissident thought processes and prepare for immediate assimilation. Resistance is futile."

Assimilation to what, exactly? Best I can tell, the worst thing that will happen to this guy (whoever he is) is he won't be on TV any more.

-- A2SG, okay, for some, that's akin to consignment to hell, but, y'know....
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I bring nothing to the table
Feb 28, 2007
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“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,”

What is it with so many of the people that object to homosexuality being obsessed with man on man butt sex? Then of course it usually devolves into bestiality and pedophilia. It is kind of a creepy hang up really.
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by his wounds we are healed
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May 15, 2007
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His comments were obnoxious and ignorant. A&E has an image to uphold. His remarks don't fit that image. Welcome to Capitalism.

A&E is a crime/dram network with a flair for airing specials about adulterers murdering their spouses, etc. Exactly what reputation do they have to uphold?

And what was so obnoxious about what Phil said? Or ignorant for that matter? Or is it just because you disagree with him that he's obnoxious?

What is it with so many of the people that object to homosexuality being obsessed with man on man butt sex? Then of course it usually devolves into bestiality and pedophilia. It is kind of a creepy hang up really.

Errr...it's not the ones who object to homosexuality who is "obsessed" with it. That's like asking why people who are against adultery have a problem with missionary sex.

The reason it "devolves" is because of how people view sin. To most Christians, sin is sin and it doesn't matter which one it is. And, because the same argument can be made for those types of people. They were born that way, etc.
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Immortal until proven otherwise
Dec 9, 2008
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His comments compared gay people directly with drunkards, thieves, prostitutes, and those that sleep with animals. I'm glad they weren't offensive...

And he does have free speech, and free speech is not being eroded. He had no restrictions on his ability to get up and say what he did - and that's good. However, now he has to bear the consequences of his speech - which is that others (who disagree) will make their disagreement known. This is the freaking marketplace of ideas - and his ideas about homosexuality are losing.

This is the very reason why laws restricting speech are usually castigated - defenders of free speech point out that the proper response to idiotic speech is others getting up and expressing the idea that the original speaker was wrong. And that is exactly what A&E has done. It just so happens that their ability to express themselves is far greater than Mr. Robertson's.

Speech has consequences precisely because A&E - and other people - have freedom expression too. And part of that can be withdrawing the privilege of appearing on their national platform. Why do you want to restrict A&E's ability to express themselves! You're eroding freedom of expression! See how insipid that kind of argument is unless it really IS the government eroding expression rights? The only way it could be seen as eroding freedom of expression is if the government had a law that criminalized his comments and banned them from being said.
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Animal Lover
May 8, 2013
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PreachersWife2004 said:
'Duck Dynasty' star suspended for anti-gay comments | Inside TV | EW.com

Tolerance: you're doing it wrong.

Tolerance doesn't just mean you tolerate comments and beliefs that you agree with.

I hope Duck Dynasty leaves A&E for better ground.

They should definitely leave A&E for a different network. I just find it ironic how people in, for example, sports that admit to being gay are now praised and treated like kings, but if even one person steps out of this liberal agenda that the media has put forth, then you don't stand a chance. Duck Dynasty was able to get millions of views and they just happen to be conservative Christians, so that makes these intolerant liberals attack them any chance they can get. You can see the difference between how Fox News wrote their article about what he said and that was it, but then news stations like CNN and NY Daily were acting like he killed someone because he voiced his opinion against this new "politically correct" America we live in now (as in if you don't believe like a liberal, then you can't believe in anything at all).

Just Engaged!
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I bring nothing to the table
Feb 28, 2007
Upstate NY
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Errr...it's not the ones who object to homosexuality who is "obsessed" with it. That's like asking why people who are against adultery have a problem with missionary sex.

The reason it "devolves" is because of how people view sin. To most Christians, sin is sin and it doesn't matter which one it is. And, because the same argument can be made for those types of people. They were born that way, etc.

Sure it's an obsession. This dude right here was the one that brought it up. With all of the complexities of relationships homosexual or not it is the homosexual ones that seem to invoke sex acts in the minds of those that object to those relationships. If this duck dynasty guy sees a man and woman holding hands I doubt the first image in his mind is the two of them getting it on. Two guys holding hands.......butt sex.

He's the one that invoked anal here. Among the most vocal Christians there is an obsession with selective sins, homosexuality being among the most prevalent man on man butt sex being a primary focus followed by the apparently inevitable next stop of bestiality.

I'd take these folks seriously if they had any outward concern over sham marriages and divorce rates. There's something about this one particular sin that gets a heck of a lot of focus. I'd call that an obsession.
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by his wounds we are healed
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May 15, 2007
Land O' 10,000 Lakes
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Sure it's an obsession. This dude right here was the one that brought it up. With all of the complexities of relationships homosexual or not it is the homosexual ones that seem to invoke sex acts in the minds of those that object to those relationships. If this duck dynasty guy sees a man and woman holding hands I doubt the first image in his mind is the two of them getting it on. Two guys holding hands.......butt sex.

He's the one that invoked anal here. Among the most vocal Christians there is an obsession with selective sins, homosexuality being among the most prevalent man on man butt sex being a primary focus followed by the apparently inevitable next stop of bestiality.

I'd take these folks seriously if they had any outward concern over sham marriages and divorce rates. There's something about this one particular sin that gets a heck of a lot of focus. I'd call that an obsession.

It's interesting that part of the guff he's taking is BECAUSE he was talking about it context with other sinful stuff.

And even if "these folks" ever did talk about other sins, it would never get press time because NO ONE WOULD CARE.
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by his wounds we are healed
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May 15, 2007
Land O' 10,000 Lakes
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His comments compared gay people directly with drunkards, thieves, prostitutes, and those that sleep with animals. I'm glad they weren't offensive...

He was calling sin, sin. Nothing more.

And he does have free speech, and free speech is not being eroded. He had no restrictions on his ability to get up and say what he did - and that's good. However, now he has to bear the consequences of his speech - which is that others (who disagree) will make their disagreement known. This is the freaking marketplace of ideas - and his ideas about homosexuality are losing.

No, they're not. Even some of the people in the gay community have come out to support this man because he holds firm to his beliefs. They can respect that he disagrees with their lifestyle.

This is the very reason why laws restricting speech are usually castigated - defenders of free speech point out that the proper response to idiotic speech is others getting up and expressing the idea that the original speaker was wrong. And that is exactly what A&E has done. It just so happens that their ability to express themselves is far greater than Mr. Robertson's.

No, it isn't. Phil has a bigger audience than A&E. It is because of Phil and his family that A&E has seen way more success lately.

And this isn't A&E simply saying "we think he's wrong". It's A&E saying "our opinion and viewpoints matter more than yours do" when that shouldn't be the case at all. As I said, I would have more respect for the network if they came out and said "we respect that he has his viewpoints, but they don't agree with ours." and left it at that. GLAAD should be satisfied with that, too, instead of trying to shut up everyone who disagrees with them.

Speech has consequences precisely because A&E - and other people - have freedom expression too. And part of that can be withdrawing the privilege of appearing on their national platform. Why do you want to restrict A&E's ability to express themselves! You're eroding freedom of expression! See how insipid that kind of argument is unless it really IS the government eroding expression rights? The only way it could be seen as eroding freedom of expression is if the government had a law that criminalized his comments and banned them from being said.

I'm a firm believer in the consequences of free speech, so you're rather barking up the wrong tree there.

A&E is welcome express themselves as well. Suspending a man from their reality show because they disagree with his viewpoints isn't an expression of free speech, it's censorship. Then again, A&E hasn't been the most tolerant with this family to begin with, so it's not really a surprise.

And I don't think we're too far away from government criminalizing comments like Phil's, either. It's already started with new hate crime laws.
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Immortal until proven otherwise
Dec 9, 2008
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He was calling sin, sin. Nothing more.

Frankly I find his argument idiotic - but that's not what he did. He didn't say, "I think homosexuality is a sin" and leave it at that. He directly compared it to bestiality and the other acts mentioned. As we say - noscitur a sociis - or words should be interpreted in light of those around them. It was his own words that made homosexuality directly comparable to sleeping with animals.

No, they're not. Even some of the people in the gay community have come out to support this man because he holds firm to his beliefs. They can respect that he disagrees with their lifestyle.

Yes - and others don't. A&E has clearly weighed the pros and the cons, seen where the demographic trends are going, and made the decision to suspend him. Corporate entities tend to be something at least close to rational actors - and have a whole lot more demographic viewer information than we do. sitting here at our computers. They clearly think it's in their economic interest to make this move.

No, it isn't. Phil has a bigger audience than A&E. It is because of Phil and his family that A&E has seen way more success lately.

Again - their access to demographic data is better than ours. Further, I'm assuming he has a contract with a non-compete on termination for anything but expiry or termination by the network. It doesn't matter how popular he is - A&E has the bigger stick.

And this isn't A&E simply saying "we think he's wrong". It's A&E saying "our opinion and viewpoints matter more than yours do" when that shouldn't be the case at all. As I said, I would have more respect for the network if they came out and said "we respect that he has his viewpoints, but they don't agree with ours." and left it at that. GLAAD should be satisfied with that, too, instead of trying to shut up everyone who disagrees with them.

Yes - they are saying their opinions matter more than his - and because they own the network and can 100% restrict his ability to make a show and earn money from said show they're right. He made his bed - and now he must lie in it.

I'm a firm believer in the consequences of free speech, so you're rather barking up the wrong tree there.

But for some reason you want to shelter someone from any consequences of their speech because....?

A&E is welcome express themselves as well. Suspending a man from their reality show because they disagree with his viewpoints isn't an expression of free speech, it's censorship. Then again, A&E hasn't been the most tolerant with this family to begin with, so it's not really a surprise.

And I don't think we're too far away from government criminalizing comments like Phil's, either. It's already started with new hate crime laws.

It is expression. Expression of how extreme their distaste is for his positions and viewpoints. It's identical to when that security guy for the Philadelphia Eagles complained to the press about how awfully the team was run and then got fired. It's not censorship - because they're not censors. Censorship is government laws forbidding certain topics or certain speech. This is simply an employer exercise its right to expression to show the world how much they disagree with the expression of an employee.
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