Random Thoughts On My Current Story (Part 2)

This blog entry is about some random (but perhaps interesting) thoughts I had about the story I'm currently writing, Kirby and the Rod of Darkness. You can find Part 1 here.


^Cover image of the main characters, made by me.

Good Lines

Here are a few lines from the story that could teach a lesson (which I, admittedly, struggle with myself and could certainly learn from).

"But I also tell myself that if I focus too much on the past, where will it get me? So whenever I'm feeling down, I try to count my blessings ... Think about what you're thankful for."

It can be difficult to avoid thinking too much about the past. You can't change it, but you probably wish you'd made a different decision or acted differently or a certain event hadn't happened, etc., etc. Counting your blessings may be the last thing you want to do when life gets you down. Sometimes you might feel you have nothing to be thankful for. I've been there more times than I can count.

Something to consider is that even if it looks like everything went wrong at some point in the past, you never know what might have happened if things had gone the way you wanted. Maybe something even worse would have happened! God has plans for us, even if we don't understand them right now.

"Some people look at what's on the outside. They believe whatever you did in the past must be what you do today. They don't understand how people can change. But we look at what's in the heart, and we see the good qualities you have inside."

Do you look at what's on the outside or what's in the heart? Do you give others the chance to change? Okay, so I have probably failed at this particular lesson. It can be VERY hard to forgive people when they hurt us. It can be difficult to see the good in others rather than focusing on the bad. It may not be easy to avoid looking only at someone's past without regards to his/her current qualities.

God sees what's in the heart, and He is ready to forgive your past sins. When you've done wrong, ask for His forgiveness and do your best to change.

"There are lots of great gifts out there, but friendship is one of the best gifts you can give."

Be Careful...

Not totally related to my story, but something I have unfortunately noticed in various fanbases is the way people treat some characters:
  • Assumptions are made about characters despite having no evidence (and are usually incorrect).
  • "Once a bad guy, always a bad guy." If someone started out as a villain but clearly changed later on, some will believe he/she still is and will always be a villain.
  • If a character does one thing fans don't like, said character will be hated forever even if he/she changes or apologizes
  • If people find a character annoying, they want him/her to die!
I know they're only fictional characters but still, what does that say about how you treat others in real life? Will your thoughts on fictional characters eventually carry over to real people? If someone isn't perfect will you always see him/her as bad and hate him/her forever? Do you believe anyone who annoys you deserves to die? Be careful about how you treat others, even if they're fictional.

A Few More Random Fun Facts
  • Most of the events in chapter 1 were random ideas I thought up while trying to go to sleep one night and I thought of the following events later on. I began writing the story in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, which is an unusual time for me.
  • I originally considered making the story more humorous than it is but ended up using my typical level of humor instead.
  • The story contains chapters about holidays, which is something I haven't done in quite a while! So far there are Halloween and Christmas chapters; I plan on making ones for Valentine's Day and Easter as long as I'm still interested by then.
  • The main characters wear different outfits in the Christmas chapter; having my favorite characters dress up for Christmas is a tradition I've had for the past 13 years. Below is a drawing based on said chapter.

That concludes my random thoughts for now. If I think of any more, maybe I'll add them later.
About author
Multifavs is a lifelong Catholic who enjoys drawing, writing, music, sewing, needlepoint, and gaming. She loves to make wholesome content and hopes to serve the Lord through her talents.

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