Wives and Husbands


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Apr 15, 2002
Marital Status
Hmm...ouch. So you're married to a minister? My dad is a minister. His view was that he was called to be a minister and therefore needed to devote as much time to that ministry as possilbe. Unfortunately for us that meant dad wasn't home most of the time. That was pretty stinky.

I personally disagree with that. Ya see, if God called a man to be a minister and expected him to devote all of his time to that purpose he should maybe think about not getting married. Having married he needs to understand that he has chosen to divide his time between two things, ministry and family. Like all other careers he needs to spend the approiate time being a minister and the approiate time being a husband/father. That can be hard for a minister. (My brother is a minister too and a busy one.)

There aren't many I know of that don't stay super busy. If he's younger or new to ministry and the problem is that he gets preachy at home he may just need a little time to grow out of it.

Does any of that make sense or have I just gone and babbled?
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Apr 14, 2002
Marital Status
Paul does say that marriage makes you torn between the ministry and your marriage. I don't think it's right to neglect your family. If you've chosen to have a family, then it is your responsibility to be a part of it and take care of it.
I think a lot of ministers treat their families like pets. They had children when they should have bought a CHihuahua.

On the other hand, if you marry a minister, you have to realize that you are going to be a juggled priority. It's the nature of the beast.
I don't think people give this issue enough thought when they jump into a marriage like this.
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24th March 2003 at 01:59 PM hollygirl said this in Post #3

Hmm...ouch. So you're married to a minister? My dad is a minister. His view was that he was called to be a minister and therefore needed to devote as much time to that ministry as possilbe. Unfortunately for us that meant dad wasn't home most of the time. That was pretty stinky.

There aren't many I know of that don't stay super busy. If he's younger or new to ministry and the problem is that he gets preachy at home he may just need a little time to grow out of it.

Does any of that make sense or have I just gone and babbled?

Thanks! hollygirl these statements do make sense.  My husband was called into the ministry after seven years of marriage.  I must say with prayer it's possible he will outgrow being preachy at home.

I also agree many young people need to consider their gift in the ministry before marrying,  because whatever you were called to do, must be done.   I also agree this goes for Pastors-Ministers too.
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