The sufficiency of God

High Fidelity

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Feb 9, 2014
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I think one of the biggest realisations I've come to over the past year is that I've spent a lot of time, money and energy chasing things that were essentially material or vain substitutes for what only God can provide. The appearance of success, even success for the sake of success, displays of wealth, it's all so silly and it holds no meaningful benefit in the long-term.

Recently I've felt like one by one the different paths I've travelled down in vain have converged and are heading towards Christ, so it's a really positive experience, and the reality that the sufficiency of God is something I always had is really comforting.

It's very easy to focus on and lament what we don't have, so it's been a welcome reminder to focus on what we do have.


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Dec 20, 2020
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You will never be successful. There's always someone better. You'll be forgotten immidiately. You are but a whisper to the people of this world. But the Lord's truths & his promises for you stand eternal.
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High Fidelity

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Feb 9, 2014
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You will never be successful. There's always someone better. You'll be forgotten immidiately. You are but a whisper to the people of this world. But the Lord's truths & his promises for you stand eternal.
Have you considered motivational speaking?

I’m kidding.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
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God wants to have a deeper relationship with each of His individual children. I think something that is often lost on us is that we can actually pray and ask God for an increased love or desire for Him and things of Him. I remember early on when The Lord brought me back to Him this was something that was pressed upon me personally and He has answered it so much. Even at times where I would find my focus slipping towards distractions and external noise, praying for an increased focus on Him has been a prayer that He has continually answered and I believe continually will. Our lives are in, for and with Him forever and He will never say no to a request of growing closer to Him in a loving and living relationship.

If you find yourself desiring more of your Heavenly Father but feel like you're having a hard time, ask Him to help you. Ask to grow closer to Him and that He would open your eyes to Himself more. Ask Him that you would grow closer to Him in a living and breathing relationship, one that is alive and active every single day. You needn't even be having a hard time to ask Him for help, in fact even if everything is going well you can never have enough of Him. He only makes everything better :).

"He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’" -Acts 17:26-28

God bless you all :heart:.
I agree with everything you said, God really does contain everything the human soul seeks after. I believe that sin is a perversion of the good desires that God has given us that were made specifically so we could have a relationship with Him. Even our relationships with others are reflections of the full relationship we are to primarily have with Him. I actually just made this post and read this thread after. I think maybe it would have been better to post it here as it's in line with the OP so I figured I would just quote it instead.

God bless :heart:.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
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I think one of the biggest realisations I've come to over the past year is that I've spent a lot of time, money and energy chasing things that were essentially material or vain substitutes for what only God can provide. The appearance of success, even success for the sake of success, displays of wealth, it's all so silly and it holds no meaningful benefit in the long-term.

Recently I've felt like one by one the different paths I've travelled down in vain have converged and are heading towards Christ, so it's a really positive experience, and the reality that the sufficiency of God is something I always had is really comforting.

It's very easy to focus on and lament what we don't have, so it's been a welcome reminder to focus on what we do have.
I really like this thread. What you wrote reminds me of the parable of the pearl of great price.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
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You will never be successful. There's always someone better. You'll be forgotten immidiately. You are but a whisper to the people of this world. But the Lord's truths & his promises for you stand eternal.
I understand the point you are making. I don't disagree. I would add though that many people do experience success in this life and have many friendships, relationships, etc. It's actually quite easy to experience these things if you are willing to devote your life to the pursuit of temporal happiness. I think the point that @High Fidelity is making is that none of these pursuits bring a person true peace or happiness. That the only thing that brings real joy is Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
United States
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The appearance of success, even success for the sake of success, displays of wealth, it's all so silly and it holds no meaningful benefit in the long-term.

My experience is that it comes from society, particularly a certain older age group. We're supposed to have certain things accomplished at certain times in life and if we don't, we're failures.
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